general information

الأربعاء، 31 أغسطس 2016

About aircraft
Aircraft can be classified according to various criteria such as the type of leverage, payment system, use ... Ak.bed aircraft electronically remote-controlled planes and called remote control, and the majority are controlled by the crew members was composed of four old people and commander assistant navigator and a mechanical engineer and with the technological advances have been dispensed with navigator and engineer mechanical limited the team in control of the commander and two Tairhali Almsaad.tairh [1] or volatile [1] is the air vehicle is heavier than air and is a means of air transport. Fly either dhow or one engine or several engines, can fly in the air depending on Alrfalmtoldh force on the wings, or by the power of the air intake.

Aviation history
Due aviation history for several centuries ago but the eighteenth century is considered the beginning of the first successful flight and safe trip and has by air balloon and in the period of the First World War to the second and beyond technological development happened led to the emergence of payment aircraft engines and development continues to this day.
And it can be divided into aviation history into five periods:
• aviation pioneers: from the beginning of the first tests, and even in 1934.
• war Alaalmihalooly: from 1914 to 1918.
• aviation between the two world wars: From 1918 and 1939.
• World War II: from 1939 to 1945.
• Post-War: also called the era of jet aircraft, from 1945 to the present day.
Lifting ways (fly)
• lighter-than-air balloons:
Called small airways balloons Bvoynes sky and due to the third century BC and is considered the second type of aircraft that have been successful after kites. And it called the term ship air balloon midwife to control and be a fixed-wing and working Bmahrk.o par weight of the volume of air displaced by the balloon with a total balloon weight gas weight in which it resides + Fixed parts of the airship components weight + any cargo on board the balloon of this type of aircraft must be used and the means to pay for air or gas in the opposite direction of motion to get the momentum to enable them to move and fly _tbaka Law Newton Aii_. • heavier than air aircraft
And divide the movement of aircraft to two parts:
• forward motion resulting from the engine thrust.
• rise up as a result of the design of the wings _alta be fixed Aadh_, and called the lift antenna (aerodynamic lift) and be fixed in most aircraft, except hovercraft (Helicopters) used rotary blades are working on the use of engine power to fly.
Most of the planes need to go a certain distance at a certain speed in order to achieve the necessary pressure on the teams wings for takeoff, but there are some warplanes flying vertically through the use of energy gases emerging from the engine and direct them to the bottom and you get a reaction to the highest position to rise, and is called this way powered lift An example is the Harrier Jump jet aircraft as in the following video clip.
Vertical take-off

Definition of the wing and the way it works:
Wing is a horizontal surface level in the form of a space-proportioned clip, so that flight, you must be air speed higher largest wing from the bottom where the generated low-pressure area higher wing and a high-pressure area below and so the plane as a result of pressure on the wings teams occur (aerodynamic lift) .
• fixed-wing aircraft
Fixed plane depends wings on speed to create pressure teams on the wings that can fly, Kite is the first same-wing aircraft and rely on wind confrontation her speed in creating pressure Alleha.oachterat teams in China since my mobile 500 BC, and was used in the experiments and research before the presence of simulation systems.
• Number of suites: with a single surface or two surfaces Monoplane biplane (two pairs of wings over some) Portal is the Wright brothers first succeeded in inventing a plane is heavier than air fixed with fixed-wing Mahrk.oma first plane is heavier than air can be controlled in flight the plane was sailing and it succeeded one designed by the English architect George Cayley in aviation in 1853.
And next to generate momentum ways to distinguish the characteristics of fixed-wing aircraft wingspan and most important:
• pillars wing
• the surface of the wing and the aerodynamic characteristics
• the position of the horizontal stabilizer
• angle Dirdl
Used helicopter rotary blades to generate the necessary lifting force, where necessary differential pressure is achieved as a result of the lifting of feathers rotation and moved to the air.
• Helicopters: administered by the rotor blades rotating column of air engine whereupon pay down leverage to generate. And the plane is moving forward here by tilting rotary feathers in front of the air goes down paid back generating momentum plane is moving forward.
This type differs from the helicopter to the rotary blades are not connected to the rotor shaft of the engine. • Autogyros:
When the plane is moving forward air feathers corresponds to the same speed of the plane and make it spin at a certain speed and then achieved the necessary pressure on the feathers teams rise to the highest plane.
• Cyclogyros: This is a kind of newer aircraft, and the wings spin on a horizontal axis generating both leverage and momentum and take off and land vertically happen and still under development and is Alachtbar.vedio illustrates boot Autogyro
This video explains the idea of ​​the work of the Cyclogyros
The scientific basis for the aircraft industry
Used in the aircraft industry newer types of technology reached by the science at all was in the field of mixing associated with the outer structure of the plane or metal science Alaketromekanikihalmtalqh overflight and landing the plane in the system. The body outside the plane is made of an alloy of steel and aluminum an alloy gives the steel strength of aluminum and lightness, the fuselage is made up of sheets of this alloy is connected to each other through links wedge quad or hexagonal rows Kalmstkhaddmh in building a steam boiler which gives the links is a lot of tension The durability of the biggest pressure. Usually it prevents the engineers and workers in the aerostructures industry to use pencils because they contain carbon, which in turn reacts with aluminum, forming holes and gaps in the fuselage has many entered the metals recently in the making of a private aircraft structures that we're talking about planes that enter the structures of many amendments to soak structures Alradaratwaltkhva waves and carrying rocket-propelled grenades.
The engines in the plane depends principle of jet propulsion in horizontal planes usually it consists of several huge fans lined up behind each other problem with the engine that runs on substance Alkerosenallmstqh of oil. In the helicopter it depends on the four blades that circulate air and pull downward, bringing the body turn towards the top, either provided by the front and rear so that is awry rotary blades in both directions.
Newton's laws
Navier-Stokes equations
Coanda phenomenon
Bernoulli Law
Aircraft components
Aircraft wings.
the tail.
Hydraulic systems.
Navigation systems.
Communications systems.
Fuel Systems.
Aircraft engines.
Aircraft wheels.
Connected Science
Aircraft are very complex machines that intervene in the manufacture of many of the Science, Engineering Sciences Flom Alaketromekanak intervention, for example, the navigation system in the plane or what is known as Avionic which also includes radars of all kinds while entering thermal dynamic science in the study of the ocean influence on the plane and the impact of the plane in its surroundings and issues related to Order and fuel etc. The Syriacs are considered by science to the specifics of the plane in the air flow. In the current era plane it is becoming a product of more of these sciences. Knowledge of aerodynamics and mathematics and science of meteorology is a basic science in the plane fly successfully and the safety of the process.

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