general information

الأربعاء، 31 أغسطس 2016


The term Alatyna Agricultura Agri from Latin ager floor (any field), and cultura meaning "plowing" the sense of "tilling the soil or land for agriculture," .alzraah or farming is the process of producing food, feed, fiber and other goods through the formal education of plants and animals. The word comes from the cultivation of "planting" Love planted a seed, and tilled the land for planting any configure it to sow love. Old cultivation meant "the science of cultivation of land," but only the word cultivation now covers As previously mentioned all essential for the production of food, feed and fiber activities, including in it all the required techniques for breeding and processing of livestock and poultry.
As previously mentioned, the cultivation mean agronomy. The history of agriculture is closely linked to human history, and agricultural developments were very important factors in social change, and this includes a specialization in human activity.
Forty-two per cent of the workers in the world working in the field of agriculture, making agriculture more common functions without exception !.


The twentieth century witnessed enormous changes in agricultural practices, especially in the field of agricultural chemistry. Agrochemical applications include chemical fertilizers, chemical insecticides (see pest control), chemical fungicides, soil structure, analysis of agricultural products, food and needs of farm animals. The beginning of the Western world, the revolution Alkhaddraqamt publish a lot of these changes to the farms around the world, the success rates of modern Mokhtlvh.alzraah extends beyond the limits of conventional methods for the production of human food and animal feed. Other agricultural commodities produced include cut flowers, ornamental plants and plant nurseries, timber, fertilizers, leather used in leather products industry, industrial chemicals (starch, sugar, ethanol, alcohols, plastics), fiber (cotton, wool, hemp, flax), fuels (methane from biomass, biofuels) and drugs legal and illegal (bio-pharmaceuticals, tobacco, opium, cocaine, cannabis). On the other end of the spectrum there are intensive commercial agriculture, which include industrial agriculture. These include the large agriculture fields and the numbers of animals, large resource inputs (pesticides, fertilizers, etc ...), and a high level of mechanization. These are general operations trying to maximize financial income from crops and livestock and Aldoajn.alzraah refers to a wide range of agricultural production work, covering a large spectrum of work measurements (land area, production output, etc ...), and the direction of trade practices. On the edge of the spectrum, there Eleishi farmer who grows a small area of ​​land inputs limited resources, and produce food enough for him and his family only.
Of recent changes in agriculture: agriculture without soil, plant breeding, hybridization, genetic therapy, better management of soil nutrients, and improved combat weeds. I have produced for us genetic engineering crop plants that have the attributes outweigh naturally present, Kalhaslat largest and disease resistance. Modified seeds germinate faster, so we can develop in an extended growth area. Genetic engineering of plants controversial topic, especially in the case of plants resistant to herbicides.
The agronomists to develop plans for irrigation, drainage, health maintenance and engineering, and it is a very important in the usually dry and that need continuous irrigation areas, and also in large farms.
Packing, processing, and marketing of agricultural products are activities closely linked to science. Methods of fast freezing and drying has expanded the market for farm products (see Food preservation; meat packing industry).
Animals, including horses, mules, oxen, camels, alpacas, pains, and dogs, often these animals used in plowing the fields, harvest crops and transport farm products to Alosoaq.tabaia animal concerned with education and development of the animal for meat or for taking animal products ( like milk, eggs, or wool) on an ongoing basis. Mechanization has a great increase in the efficiency and productivity of the farms in the Gharb.tairat, helicopters, trucks and tractors are used in agriculture are all in the west to sow seeds and spraying to combat insects and diseases.


Ancient origins
Primitive man was living on the collection and capture, fishing and when the rains stop and the plants began to dry out and become a forest of ancient Egyptian deserts fell to the Nile Valley and begun to stabilize and began farming here on the banks of the Nile

middle Ages
During the Middle Ages, the Muslim farmers in North Africa and the Near East to the development and dissemination of agricultural technology, including irrigation systems based on the principles of hydraulic and Alheidroustatek, the use of machines such as canals, and water lifting machines, dams, and reservoirs.
The Muslims have guidebooks agricultural but applied where I am (which must be modified to suit other areas), and they were the cause of the widespread availability of crops such as sugar cane, rice, citrus fruits, apricots, cotton, artichokes, saffron, Muslims also had to bring in almonds, figs, and sub-tropical crops such as bananas to Spain.

European Renaissance to the present era
The invention has helped crop rotation system during the Middle Ages, and import plow invented by the Chinese, to improve agricultural efficiency by a significant amount.

Agricultural production sections

Plant Production

Crop Improvement
The domestication of plants to increase yields, improve resistance to disease, the likelihood of drought, facilitating harvest and improve the taste and nutritional value and many other features. The impact of the flour and education franchise over the centuries a huge crop plants features. The plant breeders using greenhouses and many other techniques to obtain the largest possible number of generations per year in order to speed up the process to make the improvements.

Animal Production
The breeders of animals in the past to take advantage of them as currency physical constant and a huge factor of production, and also in the present era Kmalk and also use them in the acquisition if the animals were free of defects or she beautiful in physique and facial expressions and details, and call it "Almzaien."

gricultural Crops

World production of major crops in 2004
There are certain crops in certain regions of growth around the world. In millions of metric tons, according to FAO estimates. Such as cereal crops including wheat, barley and corn.

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