general information

الأربعاء، 31 أغسطس 2016

North America

ab Americo inventore ... quasi Americi terram sive Americam (from Americus discoverer ... as if it were the land of Americus, thus America). [3] has been named the Americas that name by German cartographer Martin Waldseemüller and Matthias Rangman [English] [ 2] and that the proportion of the Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci. Vespucci considered is the one who discovered South America and so between 1497 and 1502, the first European to point out that America were not the East Indies, but different territory not previously known by Europeans. 1507 designed Vdezmiller map of the world, has put the word "America" ​​on the South American continent, in the middle of what is now Brazil. He explained that the justification for the name in the book Introduction to Cartography (Cosmographiae Introductio),
For Waldseemuller, no one objected to naming the land after the discovery. It has been used the Latin name for Vespucci (Americus Vespucci), but in the feminine form of "United States", like Balqartin "Europe" and "Asia".
Later, when added to other cartographers North America, caused to the original name as well. In 1538, Gerard Mercator use the American name for each Western Hemisphere on his maps. [4]
There is some debate in the agreement was the use of the title for naming discoveries and excludes the kings and hence the derivation of the name "Amerigo Vespucci" could be a problem. [5] Ricardo suggested Palma [English] (1949) to derive the name of Americo Mountains "Amerrique" in Central America, Vespucci was the first to discover South America and Americo Mountains in Central America, connecting the discoveries of Christopher Columbus' discoveries.
Asked Alfred Hood theory in 1908, in which the naming continents were after the merchant Welshman, who named Richard America [English] from Bristol, which was financed John Cabot's voyage of exploration from England to Newfoundland in 1497. offers the belief that the name America for sailors Spanish on the old name the Gothic Amrik 'Amairick'. The belief is that the last name is taken from the language of the indigenous Americans.


Geological history
North America is considered the source of much of what he knows of people around the geological time periods. [6] The geographic region that has become at the present time the United States more than any other country, talk to sources the diversity of different dinosaurs. [6] According to the world of paleontology and ancient neighborhoods Peter Dodson [in English ] the main reason for this is the layers of earth, climate, geography, human resources, and history. [6] in the central-era hit plateaus and hills of erosion in many arid regions on the continent. [6] the highlight of the late Jurassic is that the dinosaur-bearing quoted fossil deposits in North America, which accounted for sedimentary rocks Morrison started in the western United States. [7]

Scientists are several theories as to the origins of the first inhabitants (Indians Stone Age) in North America. When Native Americans in North America, many myths of creation, which they contend Kano present on the ground since its inception.
The indigenous people of North America before contact with the Europeans are divided into several different political systems, from a few families to large empires small groups. Kano has lived in several cultural areas, which correspond to geographical and biological areas and give a good indication of the way of life or the dominance of the main people who live there (such as bison hunters in the Indian plains region [English], or farmers in Central America). It can also be classified as indigenous languages ​​(eg languages ​​Alothabescan [English] or languages ​​Alootoozatak). And people who have the same language always Aizharcn same physical culture, even if it is always Cano allies.

Benjamin West 005.jpgEarly Americans who fled across the ground floor corridor was inhabited Bering Strait in northeastern Siberia to the continent since 10 thousand years before the decline of the last ice age. And Astotnoha for thousands of years before Europeans Astamarham after the discovery of the New World in the 15th century AD. This corridor and was then connects northwestern North America, northeastern Asia.
The first inhabitants could harness natural resources and adapted to climate and the land on which they live. Over thousands of years, they have set up their own cultures and civilization in northeast Africa. Fastamiloa timber forests in the construction of their homes and making their boats (canoes) and their machines of wood. In the southwestern desert had planted corn and built a two-story homes of brick or dried in the sun.
He appeared in North America copper civilization and culture of mainland fishermen and the sea, particularly around the Great Lakes in Canada and the United States of America. They were made of copper Besnon their machines isnaads hot or cold. But they did not know how his brother nor how poured in molds as had been followed in the ancient world since the year 1500 BC. and at the North Pole, they used to hunt animals and go fishing.
Among the hundreds of groups that have lived the American settlers, each had its own tribal, political and model clothes, foods, language, arts and models of musical and philosophical beliefs and religious own group. It was their cultural attributes Chih what is in the other world Mojtat Akaddbm including attachment to the land where they live.
Astamarham what the Europeans in the 15th century, they faced great challenges. But some of them cohabited with them and exchanged trades with them and adopted their technologies. But the Europeans took over their land and were Ebedounam in Canada and America. and these tribes were called Onendajo, Mohak and Shiroky. And all of them were so-called American Indians, or Indians. In Canada, they were usually called the people Oborginal (aboriginal people). When Christopher Columbus arrived in 1492 their land, their number was estimated at between 40 to 90 million. When the Spaniards came and found 50 Indian tribe in the West, including the people of Pueblo (Pueblo) and Comanche (Comanche) and Peyman (Piman) and Lehman (Yuman), and they have been diverse languages. The Europeans brought with them diseases of biological Kaljdra war, plague, measles, cholera, typhoid, diphtheria, whooping cough, malaria and other epidemics that were harvested Alosalbeyen population.
Divided civilization of North America and northern Mexico to the civilizations of southeast and northeast, southwest and California, the Great Basin. The North American population believe they are part of the spiritual and natural worlds. The festivals associated with the harvest seasons and agriculture. They were practicing colored drawing on the sand using natural colored powders. The Pueblo tribes made their wives polished of silt and colored geometric decoration pottery. The famous Indian southwestern making baskets. The Indians of California, famous for making artifacts of stone and animal horns and shells, wood and ceramics. They weave their clothes of herbs and tree bark and plant roots and stems of the jungle. They made a few pots. It was brutal buffalo was important for the Indians. Because they were making for the quality of tents, saddles, whips, blood, clothing and boats. They were making of his bones and arrows gunpoint, spears, daggers and combs and sewing needles. The making of horns and trumpets and cups Hawwafarh glue. It did Astonoi brutal buffalo as primitive man did in Asia and Africa because it is available. They were their catch arrows and tracking the effects of his herds when grazing in pastures or close to sources of water to drink them. This Alkievh mastered science and tracing. They knew the name of the tribe of the impact and counting the number of its members and direct them especially Badagarthm them. To this they were setting the shortest way to catch them and quickest way to track them down and catch them and take revenge from them. The residents of the cities of Eisselmon raids shepherds, they were burn and destroy it. The Indians are turning Alabah of the American north to the south, where the kingdoms of the Mayan and Toltec, to destroy it and burning it. They were fluent in hit-and-run in the fighting.
The Indian tribal customs and Tphalidha Chih what was prevalent in the pastoral nomadic tribes in the rest of the ancient world. These norms were verbal. It was Astjer tribe Ojarth even though it was promised to her and left it to him anyway. Children or women were not killed during the fighting, and fighting at night. He was the first man in North America live in caves during the Stone Age. The Azachrvha are images of animals. The honing stone to making Hrabh and polished by Skakinh and arrows. The pottery was made with his own hands. Featured North American civilization Popolo woven cotton and established houses of several rooms, including the underground chamber of the practiced religious rituals. And built statues of marble and copper Albult and decades of shells. It was made out of pottery clay mixture with vegetable fiber pots decorated with geometric designs around the edges. The cities were built in eastern North America, where they trade. The adoption of the villages and all the simple village was made up of two houses or five wooden houses and circular. The Qtralbat 30 feet. They buried their dead in a hole under a small hill. The graves decorated. The clothing of skins or animal hair or fibers from plants. It was adorned with feathers, beads and copper sheets in a geometric shape. It was her temples hill with him and was around the villages. There appeared civilization Edna (800q.m. -700q.m.) in the valley of the Mississippi River and the civilization of Hopewell (400q.m. - 400 m.) On the eastern side of it in southeastern North America. Both civilizations were identical. And Southwest USA Almottagdh saw civilization baskets makers (100q.m. -100 m.). The houses at the time of one room of Tabn and the remnants of trees. They had been living caves or buried their dead out. They live on hunting deer, squirrels, rabbits or wild dogs. They were Imeskunha hands or nets, they make bags and sandals from plant fibers. Then after a year 700q.m. They built houses of stones and weave cotton. Copper civilization and culture of mainland fishermen and the sea also appeared especially around the major lakes in Canada and the United States of America. They were Besnon copper isnaads their machines, hot or cold. But they did not know how his brother nor how poured in molds as had been followed in the ancient world since the year 1500 BC. On the left Allenoa River Indians Koreans monuments dating from the year 3500 BC. And 250.m. Which it is about knives, bone tissue and thick cotton. And near Lake Amuka I found scrapers and hammers of stone and carved wood. They do not know the copper smelting Oosbh. This was the goldsmiths copper ways of making knives and blades of spears. They were Besnon Alhleghan of shells and wear their precious stones. In general, American civilization were not going fast pace or growing as they were in the rest of the ancient world civilizations, where he witnessed the historic Great. The Indians living in the forests of Canada gathering and fishing. It was their special features and maintain their own culture and languages ​​system and was derived from the Mayan civilization. [8]

Began in the late 18th century and early 19th century, many independence movements throughout North America. It declared the 13 British colonies on the Atlantic coast north of Independence in 1776, the new United States, Spain and grew up an area that stretches from the southern United States in the modern era to Central America, and declared its independence in 1810 to become the first Mexican empire. In 1823 General Captaincy of Guatemala, which was part of the Mexican empire, became the first independent country in Central America, and change its name officially to the United Provinces in America Allosty.and the arrival of Europeans to the "new world", spread diseases largely built Native Americans, mainly because of the entry of diseases of the Europeans. [12] indigenous peoples found their culture changed drastically. I went several linguistic groups in this way, political and cultural affiliations of these groups as well as changed.


The ancient Americans or Native Americans (in English: Native Americans) or American Indians (in English: American Indians, Amerindians, Amerinds) or Redskins (in English: Red Indians) are the names of calling indigenous people of the Americas by Christopher Columbus era also calling strains that descended from them. They also called First Nations in Canada (in English: First Nations). First named Indians because Christopher Columbus mistakenly thought he reached the East Indies when he discovered the New World, and then later named the Indians and Amerindians discriminate them from Asian Indians.
North America is the largest agglomeration has its ethnic diversity of different nationalities. Continent containing the equivalent of 63.4% of the population is white, 12.6% of the population of dark complexion, 16.3% of the Latin next race from South America, and 4.8 percent of the population of East Asian origin. 5.8% of the population of North America is sexual Msnvi the diversity of nationalities and different.

To prevalent in North America is the language is English, Spanish and French. And the Anglo-American term used to refer to the Americas in English: two-speaking Canada (where English and French are the official languages), and the United States, but also sometimes Belize and parts of the Caribbean. Latin America refers to the other Americas regions where Romance languages ​​derived from Latin, Spanish and Portuguese (but the French do not usually included speaking countries) predominate: the other republics of Central America (but not always Belize), part of the Caribbean (not Dutch and English regions or French-speaking ), Mexico and most of South America (with the exception of Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana (FR), and the Falkland Islands (UK)). French language has historically played an important role in North America and now retains a distinctive presence in some areas. Canada is officially bi language. French is the official language of the province of Quebec, where 95% of the people speak as either the first or second language, and it is involved with the English language in the province of New Brunswick. And also include the Province of Ontario (the official language is English, but there are an estimated 600,000 French-speaking Ontario), and the province of Manitoba and the West Indies French and St. Pierre and Miquelon, as well as an American mandate from the state of Louisiana, where French is also an official language. Haiti on the basis of the historical link but all of Haitians speak Creole and French. Similarly, the French speaking and the French Antilles Islands Creole in Saint Lucia and the Commonwealth of Dominica along with English.

Economic sectors
Canada is the United States are the most affluent and the most advanced countries in the continent, followed by Mexico, and the industrialized countries of new [9]. The Central and Caribbean countries at different levels of economic and human development. For example, Caribbean small states (the islands), such as Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, Antigua and Barbuda has the highest domestic product (GDP) (PPP) per capita of the population of Mexico because of the small spaces of these countries, Panama and Costa Rica has the highest human development index and gross domestic product from the rest of the Central America. [10]
Canada, Mexico and the United States has a large and multi-faceted economic systems. The United States has the largest economy in North America, and around the world. [11] In 2011, the United States has an estimated per capita GDP (PPP) of $ 47.200, the most advanced and the economy from a technological standpoint in North America . [11] the United States is a service sector 76.7% of the GDP in the country (estimated in 2010), and 22.2% of the industry and agriculture of 1.2%. ^ A b c "The United States and the economy. The US Central Intelligence Agency. Implemented in June 2011. Canada's economic and similar trends to those of the United States, with significant growth in the mining and service sectors and manufacturing industries. [12] and an estimated GDP of Canada (PPP) in 39 , $ 400 in 2010. [45] Canada's services sector accounts for 78% of GDP in the country (estimated in 2010), industry with 20% and agriculture comprises 2%. [45] Mexico and a GDP (PPP) of $ 15.113 per capita as of 2010 is the world's largest economy 11th in the world. [46] being the industrialized countries recently, [22] Mexico both modern and old industrial and agricultural facilities and processes reserves. [47] the main sources of income is oil , and exports of industrial and manufactured goods, electronics, heavy industry, automotive, construction, food, banking, and financial services. [48]


Agriculture is very important in Central America and the Caribbean. In western Canada, in the provinces of Saskatchewan and Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, and sow wheat and various other major agricultural products. The United States also has a number of important US with agricultural production, especially in the center of Mexico continental United States and produces many tropical fruits and vegetables as well as livestock.
Continent of the major continents in agricultural production and larger crops are corn, wheat, barley and rice in the United States, where spreads corn cultivation in the plains and the extended western North Carolina to Rocky Heights and Highland either Canada shall be deemed to wheat cultivation of the most important crops in the country, where spreads in the south of the country and in the east, and Mexico is famous for the production of legumes and cereals, for the cultivation of fruits yields a continent of millions of tons of fruit citrus, grapes and apples, olives and other fruits added to the dates in Florda and banana in America Allosth and especially in Costa Rica and the islands of Hawaii and on the whole Featuring the continent to increase agricultural yield of the land of any increase in the amount of production in the ground due to follow modern methods in agriculture such as fertilizers Chemical and improve grain and talk and other modern means of production and irrigation as for livestock shall be deemed to cows, pigs, sheep needles continent products as it occupies about 95% livestock except for the fish that are caught and the continent is known for much of the fisheries and the large number of fishing.

North America and the manufacturing sector has developed has increased. In the beginning was the European countries and major industrial powers. At the beginning of the 1950s, the United States was the top manufacturing strength, with Canada and Mexico are also substantial progress.
Industries of all kinds has seen significant growth after World War II, after the decline in both Oorپa and Alsoڤata Union, Japan and the largest industrial sectors development is the mic and the automotive industry, and filter and oil products manufacturing in addition to canning and iron and steel industry and ships and other heavy industry, where the continent is at the forefront of the continents after Oorپa in industrial development and as for the United States of America Let the most industrially advanced countries.

the service
In Canada and the United States and the Caribbean, and the service is to provide employment opportunities and a large percentage of total employment. Many people working in retail stores and other places. In Canada, more than 70% work in the service sector, and a similar proportion in the United States.

Investment banking services
The United States leads North America in the field of investment banking. Canada and Mexico, and El Salvador's growing in this sector, small and economic powers such as Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica and Panama also grow slowly in this sector.

Tourism is very important for the economies of the Caribbean, as they contain many of the beaches, enjoying the warm climate. Ice skating in Canada and the United States is also important. Tourism in national parks and natural attractions, such as Mount Rushmore and the Grand Canyon in the United States, and Niagara Falls and Moraine Lake in Canada, and contribute to the economy in these areas.


The continent is divided into three different areas. In the north there are three relatively large countries in terms of population and area, and they are:
Canada: It owns several islands including Vancouver Island and the Queen Charlotte in the west, and in the Middle Prince Edward Island and the island of Newfoundland and Cape Breton Island, in the North Baffin and Ellesmere Islands and Victoria.
The population of Canada more than 34.5 million people in assets were: most of the population of the British and French assets (about 80%); the rest of the population, belong to other assets such as the Germans, who represent about 5% of the population and Indians about 1.8 % of the population and the rest of other nationalities.
Mexico has a population of more than 100 million people and owns several islands including Rfilagijido Islands.
United States: It consists of 48 states plus connected to Alaska. The state of Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean is not located on the continent of North America.
Several countries in the south are located in an area called Central America, where:
Costa Rica
El Salvador
In the south-east of the continent several islands in the Caribbean it is located, including:
Antigua and Barbuda
dominican republic
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Trinidad and Tobago

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