general information

الأربعاء، 31 أغسطس 2016


Assad animal mammal species of cats and one of the four big cats belonging to the genus Tiger (Latin: Panthera), which is the second-largest cats in the world after the tiger, where more than large than males weigh 250 kilos (550 lbs). [3] live most of the black wild the remaining day in sub-Saharan Africa, are still a small population and one endangered species live in Asia state of Gujarat in northwest India. It was home to black very widely in the past, where it was found in North Africa, the Middle East and West Asia, where the extinct only a few centuries ago. Until the beginning of the modern era (Holocene, about 10,000 years ago), black was considered the most prevalent Baadalansan large land mammal, where she was found in most parts of Africa, many parts of Eurasia from Western Europe all the way to India, and in the Americas, from the Yukon until Peru.
Long black life varies depending on their sex, Valbawat that live in a safe protected, such as the Kruger National Park areas have up to between 12 and 14 years old, under any circumstances exceeded the risks and hardships of life of the Cubs, while the male does not exceed 8 years of her life only rarely. [4] However, there are documents showing that some of the lionesses she lived until the age of 20 years in the wild. Black inhabit savanna and herbal land normally, but they may be present in the shrubland and forest in some cases. Largely considered black social animals compared to other members of the family cats, and called the family group of black "clique" in Arabic, which is composed of females are linked through kinship (sisters, mothers, aunts, grandmothers ...), number of kids, and a few males seriously. Hunt females group together often, where prey overall grand Alhaferjat, they may resort to Tqmam if she had the chance. Assad is a predator or a major superstructure (not pounce any living being another), and some sort key or Imadaa (animal species that underpin the existence of the rest of the species on the balance of its existence with it in a certain) ecosystem. Despite the fact that the black man is not considered a natural prey it has often avoided, but it is known for some of them it has become ate humans in specific cases.
Black is classified as endangered species degree minimum, where the unit increased their numbers decline from 30 to 50% in Africa during the past two decades; [5] and is hoping the remaining populations outside protected areas and national parks is very weak. Although the cause of this decline is not so much a concept, but the habitat loss and conflict with humans are considered the most exciting reasons to worry. Was kept in black in menageries since the days of the Romanian Empire, as it was from the late eighteenth century, and still is, the main species that people seek to display in zoos across the world. Cooperate a lot of zoos around the world are currently black breeding endangered Asian cross-subject program Tzaujmktv.
Can distinguish the male from the female lion super easily by considering, the former has a mane (hair around the neck) while the mane of a lioness. The head of the male lion is one of the most common animal symbols in human civilization, where he appeared in several literary compositions, sculptures, drawings, flags, and in contemporary literature and films. In some cases, using the image above, even if the asset to be female show, because the male mane distinctive distinguish between this kind of cats and other big ones.
However, it was shown lioness also described in the early writings of human and graphics, where it is considered valor fishing itself, and often portrayed in the fight as a mother collected the recipes tenderness on her cubs and the ability to overthrow the enemy of higher volume. The most Allbaat fishing clique, where cooperate with each precise and complex style of constipation Pferasthe. Development of each specific lioness hunting skills to play a role assigned by the technology used by the fishing Zmrtha, usually plays the same role during most of the fishing operations. It emerged description lionesses hunt in one group for thousands of years, with the oldest dating these descriptions to drawings and sculptures found in the cavernous Lasso and Chauvet in France, which dates back to the late Stone Age.
Subsequent humans have observed these habits and qualities in Allbaat, Vsourt civilizations that were found in the same areas where black Qtntha more aggressive gods of war, in addition to their fighters, the image of a lioness, where they were dubbed male rulers "Son of a lioness." Examples derived from the oldest recordings started Egyptian gods Sekhmet, Baht, Tefnut, and Mschent, has Abdalnobien ancient apedemak man or with a lion's face. Likely that there was a similar gods have all of them in Libya. The other Egyptian gods is very complicated and takes a variety of appearances, as a woman with a lioness or lioness take certain situations.
He described many of the big cats that appear in ancient sculptures and drawings as Tiger, but upon checking in those pictures shows that they are in no boat was owned lock Manalhar on its tail. This trait characteristic of black among the big cats of all, and when the cat in the picture has this trait does not possess a mane, this shows that it is certainly lioness despite what analysts say his contemporaries. The presence of stipple on the body of the cats in the fee does not confirm that they (LTTE), as the Cubs have the Rqta rosy shape too, so it is when trying to determine cats Representative in pictures or sculptures type must always make sure the tail, there was a lock of hair etc and did not have the animal mane be drawing to a lioness, though this trait did not exist, it would be a tiger.

Black Lion in the Arab and collected and a lion, a lion, a recession and a female oxidation and said a lioness and lioness. For the lion many of the names in the Arabic language [6] -qal Ibn Khalawayh: lion five hundred name and Cefh- increased by Ali Bin Jassim Bin Jaafar linguistic hundred and thirty a name it is best known: Osama and the Alps and survivors and Aljkdb tiller and Hydra and Aldoas and Alribal exhale and seven hard and Aldhargam and Aldagm and Taithar and Anbs and Algdhanfr and Lafravsh and Alksorh and Khms Layth and Incarnate and Almthab and Alhermas roses and Ahazzbr, frequent names indicate the honor is named. We Knah Abu heroes and Abu Hummus Abu Alokhiav and Abu saffron and Abu cub and Abu Abbas and Abu al-Harith. The seven lions, which means the owner of the force's name. [7]
Derives the lion's name in most European languages ​​from the Latin name "Liu - leo"; [8] and "the Lyon-λέων, Greek. [9] It is also possible to have the names of the lion European Oriental from the word" to AVI, לָבִיא "Hebrew roots, [10 ] Loro ancient Egyptian. [11] Assad was one of the types of the numerous cats that gave the animal world Swede Carl Linnaeus name sex Felis initially (Felis leo) in his book of the eighteenth "ecosystem" century (Latin: Systema Naturae) before they are classified more accurately and give the sex of the Tigers "Panthera - پancira" name. [12] assumed that the name of the current sex-Assad is derived from the Greek "Pan, pan" (meaning all) and "thier, ther" (meaning monster), but this may not be only a widespread belief among the public and has no definitive proof. The strongest possibility for the origin of the word is that they Panthera with East Asian roots, meaning "the yellowish animal," or "whitish-Saffar." [13]

Classification and evolution of the genre

Current black evolved in Africa during the period between one million and 800,000 years ago that spread across the overall polar region (the region that includes most of Asia except the south-east of the continent and India, as well as Europe and the far north of Africa, North) America. [17] Assad appeared in Europe for the first time since 700,000 years in Asrnia region of Italy, known extinct subspecies of black as the fossil lion (Panthera leo fossilis). It is this strain descended subsequent Lion Caves (caves strain, Panthera leo spelaea), which appeared about 300,000 years ago. During the early Pleistocene spread black across North and South America, where he developed into a US-Assad [18] (American subspecies, Panthera leo atrox) Black extinct from northern Eurasia and America when the last ice Nhihalasr, about 10,000 years ago; [19] It is likely that her disappearance happened after the extinction of animals Pleistocene mega-which were dependent on them for food. [20] the oldest fossils of animal-like lion found in a position to assume the Tanzania-old about the estimated 3.5 million years old; some scholars who say that this fossil is due for a real lion, not his ancestor . But these fossils are not well preserved and what can be said in this case that they belong to puss-like black. The oldest fossils documented and it certainly belonged to a lion in Africa is estimated at two million a year less than the previous year-old. [15] The earliest cats to Assad are three other types of big cats belonging to the genus Tiger: tiger, jaguar and leopard. Morphological and genetic studies have shown that the tiger was the first to split from the common ancestor of these four cats, and since 1.9 million years old jaguar was separated from the remaining group, which contained ancestors of the lion and tiger contemporaries. And then split each of the tiger and the lion from each other since about a million to 1.25 million years ago. [16]

Scientists have classified 12 contemporary breed of black, the largest of Assad's barbaric cotton North Africa. [21] The most important differences through which to distinguish the strain on the other is the home, mane shape, size, and density deployment. However, the ease of discrimination these strains in this way, which highlighted a large number of them showed when resorting to differences between members of the same strain, made her controversial and wrong probably; it also was based on the observations of the black captive in zoos of unknown origin, which are perhaps He has the physical specifications "amazing, but abnormal." [22] zoologists recognized today with eight strains of lion only, [19] [23] However, one of them (lion Cape of good Hope, Panthera leo melanochaita) may be a workbook, an error, a it is an independent breed. [23] even the remaining seven strains may be improperly classified each of which is a strain; diversity of mitochondria with contemporary black is very small, which means that all major strains inhabiting Jnobasahra can be collected within one breed, to be divided into two groups. major is probably: no one west of the Syrian notch Africa, and the second to the east. Black is considered in the Tsavo area in eastern Kenya are genetically more closely to black Transvaal in South Africa, a series of black Obirdar in western Kenya. [24] [25]

Contemporary strains
Scientists recognized today by eight contemporary strains of a lion:
There were a number of other breeds of a lion in prehistoric times: the extinct species of Asian strain (P. l. Persica), known as the Asian lion, the Persian-Assad, Assad's Indian, or South Asian lion. This strain has spread in the past across many parts of Asia, from Turkey, across the Levant and Mesopotamia, the Arabian Peninsula, all the way to Pakistan, India and even Bangladesh. But they became extinct in all these areas slowly due to living in a big honking and daytime activity, which made it caught going more than hunting leopards and tigers. Nearly 300 of them now live lion near, and in the non-forest in India, [26] and there is a project to re-enter it to other protected in the same country.
Berber dynasty (P. l. Leo), known Barbary lion or a lion atlas, which is extinct in the wild due to intensive fishing, which came to him, but it is likely that there are individuals remaining in captivity. This strain was one of the largest lion strains that were not the largest, where there were reports of the arrival of the length of some of the male to between 3 and 3.5 meters (10 - 11.5 feet) and weighing more than 200 kg (440 lbs). It extended the home of this strain across North Africa from Morocco to Egypt. Last killed Barbary Lion Barre in 1922 in Morocco. [27]
Senegalese strain (P. l. Senegalensis), known Senegalese Lion or Lion of West Africa, are found in West Africa, from Senegal until Nigeria.
Northeast Congo breed (P. l. Azandica), known as the lion of northeast Congo, located in the north-eastern part of the Congo.
Nubian dynasty (P. l. Nubica), known as the lion of East Africa or the Maasai lion, found in East Africa, from Ethiopia and Kenya, all the way to Tanzania and Mozambique.
Katanga breed (P. l. Bleyenberghi), known as South-West Africa lion or a lion Katanga, located in southwest Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Angola, Katanga (DRC), Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Kruger breed (P. l. Krugeri), known as the lion of Africa or Southeast Transvaal lion, found in the Transvaal region of southeastern Africa, including the Kruger National Park.
Cape of Good Hope breed (P. l. Melanochaita), known as the lion of Cape of Good Hope, extinct in the wild around 1860. Genetic studies have recently shown that these black may not be an independent breed, and arguably, most likely, maximum populations Kruger cotton strain to the south. [23]

Questionable about them strains [Source edit] strain fossil (P. l. Fossilis), known fossil lion or a lion European caves early to middle Pleistocene. This black flourished about 500,000 years ago; has been found Mstgesadtha in Germany and Italy.
Strain caves (P. l. Spelaea), known as the lion caves, a lion European caves, caves Eurasian lion, or lion European caves to late closest modern era. Found in Oorasiavi period between 300,000 and 10,000 years old. [19] The shape of these unknown animals because of cave paintings that date back to the old Stone Age, as well as ivory carvings and pottery, [29] which show that it was her protruding ears, tails ends Bouksal hair, lines physical pale-like stripes tiger (most likely), also featured some male at least mane primitive light around their necks. [30] by contrast graphic shows the hunt for the black, and therefore those illustrated perhaps for Baat hunt for Zmrtha using the same methods used by contemporary relatives, not a male in the drawing at the most.
Strain Eastern Siberia (P. l. Vereshchagini), known as the lion of the East Siberian or Lion Caves Bernjia, was found in Yakutia (Russia) and the Yukon in Canada. Analyzes conducted on these black skull and lower Ovkakea showed it is the largest of the Black European caves and smaller than the US clearly, in terms of measurement ratios. [19] [31]
Strain gonorrhoeae (P. l. Sinhaleyus), known as the Sri Lankan Lion or Lion Ceylon, appear to be extinct about 39,000 years ago. Known through the years just found them in a site near the town of Koroata, and based on their analysis announced Mkchwhma Dr. Paul Daraniagala this strain in 1939. [32]
European strain (P. l. Europaea), known as the European Assad, which is probably the same Asian subspecies (Panthera leo persica), strain caves (Panthera leo spelea); therefore, developed independently a race is still uncertain. European black extinct nearly a year 100 AD because of persecution by humans and overused intensive menageries rinks wrestling and games. This strain inhabited the Balkans, the Italian Peninsula, the South of France, and the Iberian Peninsula. One of the favorite prey of the Romans, the Greeks, and Almekdonin.
Young breed (P. l. Youngi), known as Lion Caves northeast China's modern era closest, flourished about 350,000 years ago. [33] The relationship of these animal strains Assad contemporary still vague, so potentially they are a separate species itself carries the scientific name panthera youngi.
Strain spotted (P. l. Maculatus), known Palmarose lion or trout. It believes that these animals pose a strain of a lion, but potentially it was a couple of black fur retained her childhood trout instead of losing naturally. Albeit Almzuri real strain, not only to members of a different color, it has become extinct since 1931. On the other possibilities to determine what these animals, it is a natural hybrid between a lion and a tiger which is known as the lion Nimri. [34]

Hybridization with large cats
Knows that the hybridization of black was not long ago with other types of large cats, especially tigers, in the animal own and the public gardens but this is no longer an encouraging day for the preservation of the pure breeds, but still some zoos owners in China are doing this matter . Reproduce black usually with tigers in captivity (of the strains of the Siberian and Bengal mostly) to produce black Alberah, and tigers stamens. [35] have also been breeding black with tigers in captivity for the production of black Alnmrah, [36] and with Jaguar to produce a black Allegorah. Some of the scientists assumed that Almarose is the product of hybridization naturally of a lion and a tiger in the wild, and there is also a Metis to black with felines hybrid itself, it has been hybridized Lion said in a often with lioness Berah, however Female hybrid between a lion and jaguar and leopard (lioness Uygur Nmrah).
Physical description [edit source] The tiger Asadi and less famous, a product of the righteousness of male and lioness [38], and as the tiger but not called hormone encourages growth while calling lioness hormone Eekpha, these animals are often small in size as weighing up to 150 kilos (350 lbs.) only, that is, they are smaller than the black by about 20%, and as black Alberah they possess qualities common characteristics of both parents, and be male ones Aqimh.alosd Albera is the product of a lion male and his righteousness [37] which grows to become larger than both parents, and was due to biological reasons as the lion Ataleghrmona urge to grow while calling lioness hormone inhibits the growth leads to the birth of the cub a similar size to the size of his parents, but that the hormone does not possess Alberh leading to the growth of hybrid cub is more than the size of his parents. Black Alberah possess several common characteristics and the characteristics of both parents where the sandy color like a lion and planned Kalber, these sterile males and animals, while females often be able to reproduce. Male owns approximately 50% in order to grow her mane, but that even under any circumstances grown them, the size will be half the size of the real lion's mane, the total length of these animals between 10 and 12 feet (3 - 3.7 meters) in habit and can weigh between 800 and 1000 or more pounds (360-450 kg).
Assad is the only cats who sexually difference prominent visible so clearly shows: that male and female Bhaitha differ from each other is very clear. Type The sex of each specific role to play within the junta, for example Vallbah, a huntress in the family group, lacks the dense mane male onerous that might impede their ability to camouflage when you are trying to sneak around their prey, as it may cause a rise in the degree of her body temperature when the chase. Color ranges of the male mane of blond to black, usually Adkin color whenever progress in animal Alsn.alosd longest cats all counting (at the shoulder), the second heaviest members of the platoon after the tiger. Assad has decoding powerful and lists, and tusks of a single length of which 8 centimeters (3.1 inches), enabling it to hold huge Boutraid superiority in size. [39] ranges black color from bright to the batsman of the yolk, reddish yellow, or brown tempting dark. Be lower section of the body of the upper fainter Altogether, also be a tuft of hair on a black tail. Cubs generate Brqt rosy structure over the entire body, similar to Brqt Tiger, and despite the fact that these Alrqt disappear upon the arrival of al-Assad to reach the stage, they retain interconnected lackluster ones on their lists and the lower part of her body, especially when the lionesses. The ancient Egyptians portrayed their gods with lioness form Brqth one shift on their shoulders.
Ranges along the head and the body, between 170 and 250 centimeters (5 feet 7 inches and 0.8 feet two inches) among males, and between 140 and 175 centimeters (4 feet, 7 inches, 5 feet 9 inches) in females; a shoulder height above about 123 centimeters (4 feet) The female and 107 centimeters (3 feet, 6 inches). Up the lion's tail length to between 90 and 105 centimeters (two feet and 11 inches 0.3 feet, 5 inches), while the tail of a lioness length of between 70 and 100 centimeters (two feet and 4 inches 0.3 feet 3 inches). [3] was the longest black measured days male black

The lion's mane, unique among cats, characterize this kind for any type or another type of animals. It makes one seem larger, which secures him a factor a cause of fear in the same of the face; and this lion help during the fight or confront other black, or when his conflict with the main competition for the black in Africa, a spotted hyenas. [44] related to the presence of mane or not well the color and size of several factors: the health of genetic factors, sexual maturity, climate, and the proportion of the production of testosterone; The rule is that whenever the mane darker and denser as Assad was in good health. In sexual selection process when the black, prefer Allbaat males with Allbdat dense Aldkinh on those who have faded and light Allbdat. [45] Research in Tanzania showed that the length mane stating how male allied victory with each other to fight against other males, the larger the longer reported this that male or male allies won most of the battles fought, and vice versa, as the mane protects the neck of the male of the injury and whenever he had suffered heavily on the region whenever the loss more than his hair, so the thinning hair of a lion is a sign of losing a number of disputes. Males may own Dakny hair life genital longer, and may increase the survival rate Ochaabalhm alive, even though they are suffering from the heat during the hottest year periods. [46] In the factions controlled by an alliance of two males or three, potentially courted lionesses to the male or males with Allbdat more dense than other males. [45
African lion at the Pittsburgh Zoo Park in Russia, noted for Bdth dense and dark due to the snow and cold weather.
Has a lot of Allbaat ruffle at the neck can be seen under any circumstances sit in certain situations. In some cases, this appears in the ancient art graphics and Alnhotat in particular, where he interprets the whole, an error, as a black male. Akoshkh differs from shorter mane that on the lower jaw and rarely can be seen, while the mane extends above the ears to the male, and is often dependent on the outer peripheral line entirely.
Cave drawings show a lion European caves extinct animals useless mane exclusively, or very simple to Leptis Magna, making some scientists assume that it was light or no mane one way or another, [30] but it is likely to be black painted females hunt for Zmrtha-since it appear in the group chasing their prey-so these fees can not be relied upon to judge the black caves that they possessed a mane or did not have. However, the drawings suggests that this strain of extinct was resorting to the same social organization and hunting strategies used by contemporary black.

White Black
It was seen by members of the black white Transvaal (krugeri, Panthera leo krugeri) in and around the Kruger National Park and protected game Tmbafaty own neighbors sometimes, but that black is more familiar in captivity, where educators married her selective deliberately. The reason is behind owning this coat animals creamy color to it possesses gene controlling Tdhr gene bearing yellowish highlights instead. [50] claims that white Black grew up in some of the camps in South Africa for use in canned hunting operations (fishing inside the fenced area can not animal escape them) where he pays some fishermen sums of money in exchange for retaining the commemoration of the unique fishing as head or lion skin white. [51] The white lion is not a separate strain, just a unique shape with a genetic condition known in white or non-color, [22] which makes the color of his skin lackluster dramatically, more than even the white tiger; similar to the situation with Aldaknyh case, which is generated by the black tigers. Not be regarded as black white Mehghae, as it has Obbaga unusual color in the eyes and skin, whereas albino animals do not possess this leading to his birth through the eyes and nose and pink.
The existence of black white was not stressing until the late twentieth century. Vlmiat previous years, it was thought that the story of their existence and all that came about from the news and information not only fabricated myths revolve in South Africa, where he was said to be white Alohab animal represents the good in all creatures.
It received the first reports to see these animals in the early twentieth century, and continued intermittently rare flowers for about fifty years old, that were found on the belly of the white cubs in the game Tmbafaty own protectorate in 1975. [52]
Behavior and biological properties
Black is moving most of its time and is resting where spend about 20 hours of daylight and is inert. [53] despite the fact that these animals may be active at any time of the day, but the peak of its activity will become after dusk, where he majored time to mingle with each other, the same decay and Tngot. As active intermittently through the night till dawn, ie in the period in which they are often moving them for hunting. Go black for nearly two hours in the day, a walk, and about 50 minutes a feed. [54]

Social organization
Black carnivores predators show two forms of social organization. Some of them resident, lives in a family group called the clique, [55] consisting clique usually about five or six of the boat are linked by kinship, in addition to their cubs of both sexes, and one male or two males they are called the Alliance of male expression, and who mate with all the females adult (although there are some very large cliques that their number up to 30). The number of males in the coalition up to two more often, but it may increase up to 4 and at least once again with the passage of time. Cubs expel male Zmrtha maternal when they reach adulthood.
Called the region inhabited by black Haouz clique or Hoz junta, while called Lion area Almerthal home or territory. [55] male remaining amount, which seized the group of females on the borders of Haouz most of her time to defend it against other males, where tours and a wide daily through it and sprinkle urine on trees and shrubs to leave the smell as a warning to any male intruder presence in the region. Is still the reason for the evolution of the social behavior of Baat-and the uniqueness of it among all the other types of cats-the subject of much debate among scientists, and it appears that the increase in the proportion of success in fishing is the single most important factor and the most obvious, which make them resort to the method of collective living, but this becomes less of uncertain when studied up close: Valshehad coordinator increases the success rate in predation, but also ensures that the individuals that did not go out to fish will not consume the same calories ratio per capita as do the rest of the black, which means that the group will not have to hunt again until a few days, but some of those individuals may be left to guard the Cubs that would otherwise remain alone for a long time exposing them to the risk of other predators, or play a role in breeding. The health and safety of lionesses Huntress most important foundations for the survival clique, so those Allbaat be the first to come forward to eat (in no male) did not exist. Other benefits assumed by scientists: the selection of kin (ie that Assad may prefer to share their food with the lion close to him instead of a lion weird), the young protect, maintain Haouz, ensuring everyone has access to the same against hunger, injury, meaning that each member of the clique can be assured that it will have food always, and care any way injured because the rest of the clique you need in all of the above. [27] the other is called the migration Black behavior, where some of them do not settle in a particular area, but will continue to travel great distances, either alone or pairs, between the period and the other. [55] trace bachelorette male kinship with this behavior overall, which may be expelled from the maternal Zmrtha; notes that Black has changed the pattern of her life turning to migratory and resident versa. Pass all males in this stage, some of which may not be bypassed by any way did not succeed to control the new group, while the female, the transformation of the pattern of the migration more difficult by the male, Fbhal expelled Female from Zmrtha will not be able to join other group easily, as all factions consist of females animate most of kin rejects attempts by any other female from a different group to join them.
Defends both males and females from the junta against any other extraneous black. Some black itself is leading the attack against intruders constantly, while others lagging at the back always. [57] Black tend to possess specific roles in the clique, then Almtlkoh may provide other useful services for groups such as protecting cubs or repel the attack from the back. [58] It assumptions interview that there is the benefit of Assad, who is leading the attack on the intruders, and highlights is the rank of lionesses within the junta, leading Vallboh is the highest rank. [59] the same applies to the male dominant clique, as they defend against exotic males so that they Conversely mating with females and maintain their descendants. Females belonging to social unity stable not bear inside clique any female stranger; [60] is not the number of members of the Group of Allbaat changed only with the birth or death of the boat Jadidat, [61] although some females may leave her family and become migratory. [62] The male adolescence on the other hand, will depart clique when sexually mature, ie, between the ages of two and three years. [62] The Allbaat most of the hunting group, being smaller, faster, and more agile than males, not hampered by the large mane dense obvious visible, which cause a rise degree in body temperature during the chase. Act black as a hunting organization so that they can sneak around their prey and hold it successfully, and in no males was close by, they dominate the prey immediately what that stuck out lionesses and being singled out, and likely that the male cubs in her food than females involved, but it does not share any of them any way they I catch that may prey on their own. Black feed on smaller prey in the killing site, so the Chiadat are shared by all; but if the big prey, they are towed to Hoz clique. Black share with each other more when refraining large Pferash, [56] despite the fact that members of the junta then behave aggressively towards each other because all of them trying to get the maximum amount of food.

Diet and hunting
Black game of large mammals consists Altogether, a preference for Llano show, red zebra, impala, African buffalo, pigs verrucosum in Africa and nilgai, wild boar, and many Onoaaloaail in India, as they hunt other types of prey in the habitat former spilling across Eurasia like wild horses, European bison, cheaper, red deer and even moose. Currently hunt black and many other types of animals, based on availability, and that includes mainly Alhaferjat whose weight ranges between 50 and 300 kg (110-660 lbs) of ilk Alemramra (source code), Alcl, Maha South Africa (Aljmsbokh), and Alalnd (Bug). [3] In some cases, may hold the smaller species such as deer Thompson and Fawn glove (Alqoues), there are some black who subsists almost exclusively on a specific type of prey, such as lions inhabiting near the Namib desert Coast, which prey on seals fur intensely. [69] You may Lions hunt in groups that hold most of the animals that are offset types, including health even, but they rarely attack very large prey such as male buffalo, or male giraffes adult because of the possibility of being infected seriously injured in such a battle, which It may kill her or Iqadha.alosud powerful animals usually hunt in an organized group and choose one specific prey. But he did not know about their stamina - weigh the heart of a lioness, for example, accounts for only 0.57% of the total body weight (and male approximately 0.45%), while almost the heart of the hyena weight of 1% of total body weight, [63] and therefore it though lionesses able to reach the speed of 59 kilometers per hour [64] (40 mph), they can not maintain that speed for a short time, [65] so it should be close enough prey before attacking. Exploiting black any factor that would reduce the likelihood of vision by the prey; where most fishing operations near a good source of hiding high Kaloashab or hills, or during the night. [66] sneaks black towards the victim until they become almost close to 30 meters (98 ft.), and the Allbaat usually inform the herd in many ways, and come close enough to pick up the earliest members of the herd. The attack was quick and short; as they tend to hold the victim through a quick rush towards it and then jumping on them from behind. Kill prey by strangulation, [67] causing her Aagafara brain or heart attack due to oxygen by the interruption. Can kill a lion is also prey by snapping its jaws on her mouth [68] (causing her suffocation too), while small prey has been killed by a single blow from the palm-Assad. [3]
It increases the collective fishing boat from the ratio of the probability refraining Boutradh, especially as they hunt in open spaces, which can be seen from the stalk of a vast; and increases this fishing method is also the possibility of refraining from the ratio of one large prey. They can also teamwork black defend their prey better against other large predators such as hyenas, which easily infers site scavenging by eagles Alhaimh see it in the open savanna. The Allbaat most of the hunting group, and in the fishing typically, occupies all the lioness preferred her site within the group, either sneak around prey on the "wing" group, and then attack them, or apply for a short distance in the middle of the group and then attacking prey fugitive from other Allbaat. [81 ] intensive statistics collected by a number of studies that are usually black mammals that feed on weight ranges between 190 and 550 kilograms shown (420-1210 pounds). Tops the wildebeest list of game-Assad favorites (which constitutes half of what almost predation black in Alseringta East Africa), followed by zebra, [70] usually exclude most hippos adult single century, elephants, deer and small size, Impala, and other antelope graceful. However, giraffes, buffalos are among the prey familiar in some areas, as in the Kruger National Park, where the hunt black Alzraiv regularly, [71] and Park Manyara which constitute the African buffalo in which about 62% of the black diet, [72] because of the abundance of numbers. May also prey clique in some rare cases, adult hippos, The Unicorns adult are usually avoided. It prey that feed the black in no swine verrucosum availability, although the weight of at least 190 kg (420 lbs), [73] and in some areas is concerned with these cats to catch a specific type of prey; as is the case in the River Saffua Botswana, where feed elephants intensely. [74] the guides in the area reported that Black paid extreme hunger to attack Aldgavl at the beginning, and then moved to the elephants adolescence, and sometimes hold very Pfilh under cover of darkness, in the period in which the view of elephants weak . [75] prey Black cattle domesticated Similarly, in India constitute the cows and buffalo domesticated important part of her diet, [76] and is considered capable of killing other predators of the ilk tigers, leopards, hyenas, wild dogs, but it (unlike most cats other) are rarely preyed on her rival after the killing. Also Tqmm Black Jeff animals that died naturally or kill a predator other reasons, it remains mindful of the Eagles Alhaimh in the air, as they indicate the presence of dead or animal undisputed. [77] Taatkhm black themselves when subsisting where one could eat them 30 kg (66 lbs. ) of meat in one sitting; [78] and that he is unable to eat whole prey will be resting for a few hours before to come back to eat, and in the hot days junta may resort to the shadows to digest their food, and leave a male and one or two guard. [79] need lioness amounting to 5 kilograms (11 pounds) of meat per day, while the male needs to 7 kilograms (15.4 pounds). [80]

Reproduction and life cycle [Source edit] not involved black males dominant faction in the fishing Usually, only when the prey is too large, such as a giraffe or buffalo. The Bachelorette males that have not controlled their own clique after shall be compelled to catch herself, has been seeing black males and documenting a hunt in a group. Cubs show the behavior of offside for the first time when at the age of 3 months, but does not participate in the actual fishing only when at about one year of age, and begin to fish effectively when the convergence of its second year. [82]
Most Allbaat have spawned and gave birth before they reach four years of age, [83] and black have no specific season for mating, they may be at any time of the year, and longer multiple Freak females. [84] Assad has mentioned, as the rest of the cats, thorns background trend on his penis, and come into contact with these thorns walls of the female's womb when the male directed which may urges ovulation. [85] the female may mate with more than one male when in its capricious; [86] during the mating period, which may last for a few days, Etjama couple to between 20 to 50 times per day has Ehmla subsisting even throughout this period. Black breed well in captivity.
The mother does not return to socialize and their cubs with the rest of the junta, but while the Cubs between 6 to 8 weeks, [89] However, it is sometimes clique definition of younger siblings at an earlier time, especially that was another female had given birth at the same time almost. Vallbaat belonging to the same clique synchronize its genitals with each other often to cooperate on raising young children and breastfeeding (Once beyond the Cubs initial isolation stage with her mother), who is breastfeeding turn of any female or all of the female breast-feeding within the junta without any discrimination or preference. In addition to the synchronization of births leads to better protect them, they will this all be the same size and thus its survival chances are equal. The condition, gave birth to a lioness Batna from the Cubs after a few months on the other lioness, the big Cubs dominate those small, being the larger ones, during the period of subsisting-As a result of this, the starvation is a cause commonplace among small cubs more than older brothers Sna.abulg Average gestation period of about 110 days, [84] then put the female cub Batna consists of one to four in a secluded hideaway (it may be dense Ojama, Gabhqsb, cave, or other safe locations) away from the rest of the clique in the habit. Mother caught during this period that the young which are weak on their own, but they remain close to bushes or burrow which Bothm it. [87] generate Cubs blind-not bloom mind even after a week of birth, weighing between 1.2 and 2.1 kg (2.6- 4.6 pounds), does not have any on or strength, where you start crawling after a day or two of birth, and walk before they reach three weeks. [88] movement lioness her cubs to a new burrow several times a month, where he carried one by one from the back her neck, in order to prevent the smell Avahh in one location which may lead to attract the attention of predators that might kill them or penalized. [87]
Cubs lacked boldness when it is defined the rest of the members of the junta for the first time, do not behave in the same manner with which Taatsrvh with her mother, but they soon begin to indulge in life clique, begins to play with each other, or try it with one adult individuals. Lioness be the Cubs more bearable for the Cubs another lioness from those that are not young to have, while carrying male cubs varies-in some cases, be a male patient and allow the Cubs to play his tail or Bdth, and sometimes roars out or beat her to move away from it. [92] exposed the Cubs to a number of risks during the period of her life first, in addition to starve to death, there is a risk of predation by other predators of the ilk jackals, hyenas, leopards, eagles fighting, snakes, and even buffalo condition, picked up the smell of the Cubs, where he is heading when it to the location you smelt it smell, which hide the kids and do whatever they can to crush and destroy it, while some members of the herd chasing lioness and away from the place.

the health
Evidence shows that most of the black, despite the absence of predators her, violently die because of conflict with humans or other black, [97] This is true of the male ones in particular, are likely to come into contact with violently more than females with male competition. being a fundamental guardian of the clique. In spite of that male black may reach age 15 or 16 years in the wilderness under any circumstances not Atah out any mention of another, the most do not live more than 10 years, which is why the average life-Assad be less than the private Ballboh that in the wild significantly. Individuals of both sexes to Asaba seriously injured or even killed when fighting Zmrtin Ohawwazha intersect with each other.
Most black infected a number of types of ticks, which is sweeping the ears, neck, inguinal (groin). [98] [99] also have been isolated several great samples of tapeworms belonging to the genus Taenia from the intestines of a lot of black, where they had Himtha a still after larvae, when Aguetataat the antelope rich with meat. [100] hit the black in the nozzle Ngurnguru epidemic transferred Horse-fly (Stomoxys calcitrans) in 1962; which led to the emergence of nude on her body bloody spots, also hit by severe wasting as a result of the disease, Black has tried to avoid bites flies through climbing trees or resort to burrows hyenas, but to no avail; Vnfq many of them or migrated to other regions resulting in a lower number of the population from 70 to only 15 people, [101] was the epidemic returned recently and the outbreak of the year 2001 but it did not kill only six black. [102] be black exposed, in particular families, a number of viruses such as distemper or fever cats (CDV), a virus lack of immunity cats (FIV), and inflammation of the fascia cats [22] (FIP). Distemper is transmitted to the black through friction with domesticated dogs and other carnivores; In 1994, an outbreak of this disease in Alseringta National Park, resulting in the emergence of a nervous agree that when black symptoms Mthelalanaqbadat, and during that time many black died of pneumonia, and stroke. [103] the virus is the lack of immunity cats, like virus, the same human immunity, although it does not affect the black is virtual, it is considered a cause for concern, according to what he sees conservatives on these animals, because of its impact devastating for cats domesticated, and invite them to conduct checks continuously for black captive to see its influence them more accurately. This virus dramatically appears when a lot of wild populations, so that it is endemic in some of them, but it is almost absent from the Asian black and those inhabiting Namibia

Black has an exhibition and a wide range of facial expressions and physical conditions used by the optical communication. [109] The list of vocal expressions also great; The difference in intensity and degree, rather than issuing them different signals, it seems essential to communicate. The list sounds Assad: snarling, purring, hiss, cough, cri du chat, bloating, Roar. Black tends to roar a very special way, where you start with some long deep Roar, who followed him to a shorter series. Roaring black at night often; where sound travels then at a distance of 8 kilometers (5.0 miles), and is used to announce the presence of the animal at the site where languish any within Hauza, in other words, it is considered as a warning to the lions and other predators. [110] is the roar of the lion Top degree among all types of big cats Alokhry.ttwasal black with each other during the rest period by a number of behaviors, where the expressive movements are very sophisticated. The friction head mass and licking the most peaceful greetings concrete, [104] and can be compared Palmsaish in primates. [105] shows that the scrub head to the head or snout on the front, in addition to the neck and face on a lion another-is a form of greeting, [106] including that usually it appears after a return individuals to mingle with the rest of the junta after it missed long, or after a fight or confrontation. Males tend to friction and other males, while females and cubs rub against other females. [107] gets collective licking often in tandem with head rubbing; it often appears to be mutual and that an individual who licks fun shown through this process. Licking black heads, some more often and necks, and it appears they are doing it for private benefit, since the lion can not lick these areas alone, and he does it to other members of the junta received his service. [108]

Relationship with other predators

As stated in a hadith Islamic word for Lions roar, narrated Tabarani and Abu Mansour Daily, and Hafiz Mundhiri, for Abdul Rahman bin Sakhr Aldosa known as Abu Huraira, a Ohdsahabh the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad bin Abdullah, he said: "Do you know what Assad says roar? ", they said:" Allah and His Messenger know best, "he said:" he says God does not Tzltunai on one of the people known. "
The black relationship Balillaa spotted in areas that are shared by both types is unique in its complexity and intensity, all of them considered a predator overprint fed on the same prey that feeds upon the other type, and therefore direct competition to each other, and as a result of this, the black and hyenas often fight and steal prey each . Despite the common perception among people is that the hyenas are considered garbage taking advantage of the opportunities, take advantage of the success of black-fishing to feed on the remains of Zbaihaa, the opposite is often true, Aftaam hyenas consists mostly of the game did not fly on their own, while the form carrion large portion of black food and the last condition, alerted to the successful operation of hyenas hunting Vstqom expulsion and grab prey. In the nozzle Ngurnguru Tanzania, for example, the population of hyenas outnumber all in black, resulting in making a large proportion of the diet consists of cats hunting hyenas residue. Includes the conflict between the two species, despite all that, more than just fighting the sources of food, they are also fighting on the border of Ohawwazha Unlike most other animals, any animal is usually that teaches boundaries of its territory to other individuals of the same species and sex prevents enter the rivalry on the same sources of food and females (in no males), nor cares various other species that shared Hauza, but this does not apply to black and hyenas; each of which knows the limits of his area to prevent other type of entry as it does with other individuals of the children of sex. Considered male black very hostile toward hyenas, and has seen a hunt and kill them without feeding them, and in return, the hyenas predators key to the Cubs, and the disturbance Allbaat and harassment at the fishing site, [111] [112] but they avoid male health adult does not come into contact with it Whatever happened.
Black dominated the smaller cats, such as leopards and tigers, in areas shared with them, as their prey and rob them and kill their cubs and even individuals amounting to them under any circumstances had the chance. Up the possibility of loss ratio cheetah prey black for the benefit or other predators to 50%, [113] as is the last reason a key behind the high rate of deaths from the Panthers in the first Osabiaha, where the percentage of money spent them due to predation in this period to 90%. Black Panthers avoid competition over caught at different times of the day where the larger cousin usually rest, and also by hiding her puppies in the plant bass heavy. Tigers resorted to the same methods as well, but it has an advantage over the Black Panthers on the one hand it is able to survive through the subsisting on small prey exclusively like wild rabbits, birds, and even beetles. Also, Valenmr, unlike the leopard, capable of climbing trees and used to stash the virus and Taraidh away from the black of reach, but the lionesses be able sometimes to climb the tree and bring carrion. [114] is dominated by black African wild dogs Similarly, it does not simply taking their prey, but also prey on pups and adult individuals of them also (though rarely of them as you can catch the last of those). [115]
Nile crocodile is considered the only predator, the human side, capable of killing adult lion. Loses both parties prey or carrion that feed on them in favor of the other party if it is smaller in size. Black knows about it is able to kill crocodiles were in no curfew on the land, [116] and vice versa, Valtmachrist kill any lion enters waterways inhabited, and the proof of that is sometimes found in the claws of some black crocodile stomach. [117]

Proliferation and musk
Extinct Black of Palestine and Lebanon by the Middle Ages, and most of Asia in the eighteenth century after the arrival of modern firearms. In the period between the late nineteenth century and Ooailalqrn twentieth it was black had disappeared entirely North Africa and the Middle of the last lion Aloost.nfq in Turkey and the far north of India during the late nineteenth century [122] [123], The Last Show of a lion in Iran neighborhood was in 1941 between Shiraz and Jahrom province of Fars in 1944 and found the corpse for another lioness on the banks of the Karun in Khuzestan province [124], however, that although there are no documented reports from Iran can be invoked in this matter. [78] live Asian strain today inside in the surrounding forest is located in the north-western Indian Gujarat state region, [26] and is home to the forest with an area of ​​1,412 km² (558 square miles), about 300 Asda increased their numbers slowly. [125] black presence in Africa land with scattered acacia trees that herbal savanna resort to a shadow in the daytime periods the hottest; [118] in India Fmsknha a mixture of savannah forests and dry forests scrub trees dry deciduous as well. [119] since a relatively short period of time was a black housing includes the southern part of Eurasia, a region stretching from Greece even India, most of Africa, except for a big rain forest and desert middle section. Herodotus said that black was familiar in Greece about the year 480 BC; they attacked the convoy of the beauty of the Persian king Xerxes I during the invasion of the country. Aristotle says that Black has become rare in Greece by the year 300 BC. By the year 100 AD had become extinct altogether. [120] small population of Asian black Fayalqoukaz continued presence until the tenth century, this region is the last place in Europe where the black is ground existed. [121]
The black is the most common large land mammal after the man until the late modern era closest (Pleistocene, about 10,000 years), where they are found in most parts of Africa since, many parts of Eurasia from Western Europe and even India, and across the Bering bridge leading to the Americas, from Yukon until Peru. [126] were some sections of this habitat inhabited breeds became extinct animals today in the counter.

Current population and conservation status
Most black lives in eastern and southern Africa, the populations declining numbers rapidly, where it is estimated that the rate of this decline ranged from 30 to 50% over the past two decades. [5] One current estimates African black population showed that between 16,500 and 47,000 ASDA ground existed between 2002 and 2004, [127] [128] after their numbers reached about 100,000 individuals in the early nineties of the twentieth century, and nearly 400,000 probably in the fifties. The reason for the decline in numbers is still not known even today, it may not be beyond repair even, [5] but it is a conflict with humans and habitat loss highlighted the risks to this now kind. [129] [130] The current populations are often geographically isolated from each other, which may lead to internal reproduction, and thus a lack of genetic diversity, so the lion, as a form, is classified by the International Union for conservation of nature as endangered animals degree minimum (Exhibition in the future to extinction under any circumstances have not taken necessary for propagation) procedures, while Asian subspecies are considered threatened with extinction maximum degree (possibly extinct in the future under any circumstances have not bred). Is the black population in West Africa isolated from those in Central Africa, where there is little friction individuals capable of breeding with each other or do not come into contact at all. The number of adult individuals in Western Africa through two independent studies to be between 850 and 1,160 lion (2004/2002), there is disagreement about the largest single population in that area size: Some numbers are estimated between 100 and 400 Lion in Singo Arlaa environmental system in Burkina Faso . [5]
Request to maintain the African and Asian black establishment and maintenance of many of the national parks and sanctuaries prey; it is the most famous Etosha National Park in Namibia, Alsrringta National Park in Tanzania, and Kruger National Park in South Africa. Outside these areas, conflicts lead between humans and black because of the recent predation of livestock to kill those predators more often. [131] is the Gir Forest National Park in western India, the only Asian habitat, which is still the black no natural condition ground, has been statistically shown took place in April in 2006, the current population with a population of 359 lions. In addition to the list of reasons that threaten the black in Africa build a more human dwellings in the areas of wildlife leading to the disappearance of prey, forcing black to livestock fishing, which entered conflict with pastoralists and those responsible for the preservation of all wild animals. [132] The Indian government launched a program known to re-enter the Asian black program, which aims to create a new, independent population of black in Balbor Kono Reserve in Madhya Pradesh, [133] and is this absolutely necessary in order to keep the population healthy and diverse Asian genetically, which means increasing the possibility of the survival of this endangered subspecies in the future.
After the discovery of the decline in the numbers of black Africa, a number of competent preserve the black harmonious enterprise systems in an attempt to stop the decline drastically. Assad is a secured types Vijth survival of the species, which is a breeding program and increasing the chances of some animal species to survive launched by zoos and aquatic exhibits American Union. Work began this program in 1982 in an attempt to black propagation of endangered Asian, but he commented after discovering that all the Asian black in American zoos are not genetically pure, having hybridized with a black African. He began working African black program in 1993, focusing on increasing the number of African strains the south especially, despite the fact that there is difficulty in determining the extent of genetic diversity among black captive, because most of the individuals of the assets of an unknown, which makes genetic diversity maintenance difficult. [ 22] that the People, which was black barbarism are in zoos can be utilized that some black scattered in different zoos may be descended directly from the original captive population. Individuals include candidate 12 Asda in Port park MPN wildlife in Kent, England, descended all of the animals were the property of the king of Morocco, [134] There are also 11 ASDA else in animals Addis Park Ababa, are believed to be of Berber origin, descended from the black was owned by Emperor Haile Selassie. Wild Link International Foundation launched in collaboration with Ooksfordamishruaa internationally University called "Barbary Lion Project" (in English: Barbary Lion Project) aims to captive black set with the correct Berber origin and propagation and then re-introduced to the park nationalist Atlas Mountains in Morocco. [135]

The black man eaters
Although the black does not hunt humans often, some of them (usually male) appear to be seeking to humans as prey; and high-profile cases of eaters rights issue eaters humans in Tsavo, where he killed 28 workers in the construction of an iron Kenya line - Uganda over 9 months in 1898 while they constructed a bridge over the Tsavo River, as well as the issue of eating humans in Mfuwe in 1991, when six people were killed in the valley of Waungua River, Zambia. [136] wrote each of the two hunters who killed the black in each of the two cases of books detailing the pattern prey on those animals, and after checking in the two stories shows that the two cases are alike in many ways: Lions in both incidents were males are larger than the normal size for any lion, as they were useless mane and suffer from tooth decay as it seems. All researchers refuse to physical illness theory, including the issue of dental caries, it is the motivation behind these predators attack on the people, the analysis, which took place on the teeth and AFCAC showed eaters humans in museums that, although the cavities may be the reason behind some of these events, however, the decrease in natural prey in areas Astsalehha humans is probably the leading cause behind the black target to humans. [137] some scientists, said during the analyzed samples of black Tsavo and eaters General humans that wounded or sick animals may be more prone to catching the man, but this behavior not "otherwise normal, not even necessarily an anomaly"; the available sufficient Aguenaat of black, such as easy access to the cattle or the possibility of subsisting on the human body, they will feed on humans when the opportunity arises. The authors report that the predator Btradh this relationship emerged largely also between other types of cats belonging to the genus tiger and other non-human primates through time, as Azer fossil record. [138]
Has been studied mile Black devouring human systematic, US scientists and Tanzanians and stating that human predation in rural areas of Tanzania increased significantly from 1990 to 2005, has been attacking the 563 villagers, at least, and charges a lot of them through this period-and this number exceeds the number of victims of the "Tsavo "those who killed nearly century much since. These incidents occurred near Selous National Park in Rufiji District and in Lindi province near the Mozambican border. The prevalence of human beings and the expansion of their settlement in the forest land one of the causes of these attacks, the scientists also say that the wildlife conservation policy must also emphasize more to mitigate these incidents, because in this case did not do nothing but contribute to high mortality rate of the population. Some cases have been documented in the Wendy's where the black constipated human beings from the center of some of the larger villages. [139]
Some estimate that more than 200 Tanzanians are killed each year at the hands of black, crocodiles, elephants, hippos, and snakes, black is considered responsible for the deaths of these 70 people, also said that these numbers could almost double those mentioned in reality. Some people believe a little conservative on wildlife conservation efforts that the West should take into account these statistics is not only morally related to human life, but also to maintain the success of the black on the long-term effort. [139] According to writer Robert R.. Faramb in his eaters of human beings in the Garden of Eden that Mozambican refugees often crossing the Kruger National Park during the night to enter South Africa Vthagmehm black and sometimes feed them; told officials in the park that human predation is a major problem in those parts of the country. Faramb is believed that thousands of refugees were killed in the park during the decades that followed the closure of its borders because of the apartheid regime, prompting Bmozembiqian to cross it at night, even about the century before the closure of the border, was Mozembgiwn walking through the park during the day without suffer significant harm. [140 ]
Lion eat for a person at the hands of scouts game in southern Tanzania in April 2004 killed, and believes he has killed and nourish'd on at least 35 people in a series of incidents covered several villages in the coastal area of ​​Delta Rufiji. [141] [142] commented Dr. Rolf d. Trampling, coordinator of GTZ wildlife program, that prey on Assad to humans was due to having a large abscess under a Odharash who was Mteixra in several areas, and added that "This lion was suffering pain severely probably, especially when he chewed." [143] GTZ is the German Agency for development and cooperation, which has been working with the Tanzanian government in the field of wildlife conservation for nearly two decades. As in other cases, this was a huge lion, mane lacks, and has a problem with his teeth.

In captivity
Black spread widely in captivity, [145] which is part of the exotic animals that make up the center of people's attention in zoos since the late eighteenth century collection; Always include this group types of mega-vertebrates, which includes elephants, Unicorns, hippos, primates big, big and felines other; where zoos are scrambling to assemble the largest number of them as much as possible and displayed. [146] today there are more than 1,000 lion African and 100 Asiatic lion in zoos and parks wildlife around the world, despite the fact that the latter has become currently more selective in terms of the animals exposed. [147] Black considered to be representative or "Ambassador" for wildlife animals where kept for the purposes of tourism, education, and to maintain the kind. [148] can black to reach the age of 20 years in captivity; and a black durable , the male resident of the Zoo Honolulu, Hawaii and named "Apollo," who died at the age of 22 years old in August 2007, and the two sisters Almolodtan 1986 there Tzala alive. [149] take multiplication black programs in zoos into account the separation of the various black lines from each some so as not to mate and contamination of genes characteristic of each of them, and trying to mitigate the internal rate of intermarriage, which is more likely to occur when the separation of individuals belonging to different strains from each other. [150]
The Saraya reflect the extent of the power and wealth of the owner noble, and animals from the lines of the big cats, elephants used to represent the power of a, and always they have been urged to fight each other or domesticated animals. In addition, these places and menageries represent and show human control over nature. As a result of this, this defeat, "the masters of nature" at the hands of a cow in 1682 was cause for surprise by the bystanders, as Phil has escaped from the front of the rhinoceros to the mockery of the public offer. I took these offers disappearing bit by bit during the seventeenth century after the spread of menageries and allocated to the public, but to keep major Balsnoraat as pets leaving a continuous until the nineteenth century, when people began to consider it as acted very strange. [158] The Assyrian kings retain black and Aktroha in the gardens of their palaces since 850 BC, [120] It is said that Alexander the Great made his black tamed by clan Almalhei in northern India, [151] and during the reign of the Romanian Empire emperors retain black to participate games in arenas Amajaldh, and well-known emperors who they were ordering the mass murder of black for hundreds of sometimes: Lucius Cornelius Sulla, Pompey, and Julius Caesar. [152] in the East, was the Maharajas Arodon black Arbunha, it has stated Marco Polo Onqhoblaa Khan keeps Osudh inside the palace. [153] first appeared European zoos in the thirteenth century, where it was called Serail, and was only intended for the families of ownership and nobles, and continued this name called until the seventeenth century when he took a called exhibitions monsters that were regarded as an extension of the store wacky (the store was considered like an encyclopedia, as they gathered in which various purposes related to biology, chemistry, effects, etc ...). Spread these exhibitions of Aitaleaovrence during the Renaissance to the rest of Europe, [154] while in England it was not a tradition Serail widespread form in which it was on the mainland, but in spite of that he kept some black in the Tower of London Bsoeri founded by King John first through the thirteenth century, [155] [156], and was packed with probably the animals were present in the gallery earlier monsters founded by King Henry I in 1125 in his palace Boodstock near Oxford; where one of the historians reported that the number of black was there. [157]
Flourished wildlife trade in conjunction with the booming trade between the European colonies mother and countries in the nineteenth century, and the black are among the portables inexpensive familiar, even though it was being exchanged is greater than tigers rate prices, but it was less expensive than some of the other larger animals ones that are difficult to transport, such as giraffes, hippos, and the knockdown price significantly when compared to other animals are rare it must be obtained to attract the masses, such as the panda. [163] was seen to black, and the rest of the other animals, as goods, rather than natural creatures, flowing on always unbearable Ndabha, were exploited and hunted mercilessly, and incur heavy losses in their numbers when handling and transfer process. [164] resulted in the continuous black fishing to the image and the idea of ​​the black fisherman hero among people broadly to a large section of that century spread, [165] took advantage of Manichaeism famous anglers is that the animals are divided into "evil" and "valid" in order to add excitement to their adventures element and show themselves to be brave. This has led to uncertainty always big Balsnoraat as corrosive to humans, became a "fear of Mother Nature and a sense of satisfaction to overcome them." [166] was the black presence in the Tower of London is spotty, where he brings more of them only when you give a gift or demanded a royalty himself or his wife, as did King Henry VI wife Margaret. Records show that the animals were kept in extremely poor conditions in that place during the seventeenth century, in contrast to the conditions that they live in Florence during the same period. [159] open gallery monsters in the tower is open to the public in the eighteenth century; the price accessible is to collect three pennies half or make a dog or cat black to feed, [160] there was also an exhibition competitor else in Alstrand Street continued black display until the early nineteenth century. [161] closed the tower gallery finally by King William IV [160 ] all of which quoted the animals to the zoo to Ndnaleti opened on 27 April 1828. [162]

There were some cases in which people had the rearing lion, like a lioness Elsa, which has reared environmental activist, the late George Adamson and his wife Joy Adamson, and has developed a close relationship with them, and in particular with the latter. This lioness won fame in later after they have been documenting her life in a number of books and Aloflam.kan retains the black in the London Zoo in cramped cages crowded dirty as a result of the accumulation of feces and urine in addition to the remains of their food on the one hand, and the difficulty cleaned the other hand, where that was moved from one cage to another requires, and continued to do so to have been built Dar black larger with cages wider during the seventies of the nineteenth century. [167] undergone other changes on the black shows in the early twentieth century, when the dealer animals Carl Hagenbeck designed enclosures similarity dwelling natural Black, with concrete rocks, a vast area in which to roam, and a trench surrounded Balhzirh instead of rails, was the first of these exhibitions are designed to my garden animals Taronga and Melbourne in Australia, as well as for a few other parks in Europe. And although the design Hagenbeck has received praise and has become commonplace, but with bars exhibitions remained popular until the sixties of the twentieth century in many zoos. [168] resulted in the construction of hangars largest and closest form to the natural habitat of the black in the last decades of the twentieth century, using nets and glass is breakable to capture the show, instead of the trenches, to allow visitors to approach the animals more than ever, so that some of the exhibitions taking puts black den on high ground more than the way that he walks visitors like jungle cats / overlooking the lion exhibit in animals, Oklahoma city Park. [22] live black day in the big shows close in the form of the form of her home in the wilderness; and are resorting to contemporary guidelines recommended for the construction of exhibition to resemble the habitat as much as possible and believes its natural needs, such as the existence of dens scattered several areas, high places sunny and shady where lions can sit, and enough of the terrestrial vegetation, in addition to a source of water and enough space to roam where animals. [148]

Families and dressage
Black symbolizes tame reaction to the recent domestication for the purpose of entertainment, either for being part of the circus-based, or a special purpose, as in the case of two wizards Siegfried and Roy, who were Astinsa black tigers for the purpose of presentation in the magical offerings. Taming the term used also to express the act of domestication of other big cats such as tigers, leopards, and black mountains. I began to tame the black during the first half of the nineteenth century, and it was two astronauts first two in this French area Henri Martin and American Isaac Van Amburg, who Jala in a number of countries to display their skills, style, quoted by them a number of Almrodan subsequent. [171] led Van Amburg presented to Queen Victoria in 1838 when he was touring in the United Kingdom, and the Martin motion, pantomime drama called "black Mysore" (in French: Les lions de Mysore), Amburg has borrowed this idea from him later. Withheld these offers equestrian shows and circuses became the basis of the offers, but it did not draw the attention of people is completely up to the early twentieth century through cinema. Led show human excellence on the animal in this way to achieve the goal of a similar desired goal, which was aimed at him rinks wrestling monsters in previous centuries. [171] is likely to post a tame black, which is iconic today has been attributed for the first time for an American Clyde Beatty (1903-1965). [172] is a black families and fished from the noble sports (or sports vessels relative to the royal or noble blood), which includes urging them to fight other animals, the dogs in the habit. Records show that the sport existed in antiquity and continued until the seventeenth century until it was prevented in Vienna by the year 1800, and in England in 1825. [169] [170]

The representation of the lion in human culture
Return the oldest representation of a lion in the human civilization to about 32,000 years; it has been found carved ivory for a person with a lion in Voglhurd cave Alps in the south west of Germany, dubbed "Lion Man" in the beginning (in German: Löwenmensch) before the given name. " lady lion "(German: Löwenfrau), and attributed this sculpture to Aloorenyasah civilization (relative to Ooreniayk site, found the traces of that era). [19] It is the ancient representations of black also, fees cavernous such as those found in the cavernous Lasso and Chauvet in France, in the first he found a depiction of two lions mate as he was about 15,000 years ago, during the Paleolithic, while the second was found on a fee for black caves in 1994; has been estimated at approximately 32,000 years old, [29] although it is likely to be of the same era fees Lasso or from the nearest of which period of time. [176] take the lion icon for humanity for thousands of years, where he appeared as a symbol in many European cultures, Asian, African, and despite the exposure of humans to attack these animals and even predation in some cases, it has enjoyed a positive as more often than not, and was told it is strong and fierce but noble nonetheless. And descriptions and titles familiar to black in most civilizations, the title of "King of the Jungle" or "King of the Jungle," and "king of the beasts"; and therefore the lion's take it since ancient symbol of ownership and glory, [173] as well as for courage; and appeared in many of the tales of the narrator of the Greek Ozub, -century VI BC. [174] it is supposed to gain the lion's this reputation majestic interpretations even though he is not the largest carnivores or the most vicious, is that it is the largest predator known ancient civilizations that girl by subsequent civilizations foundations, such as the Egyptian civilization and the civilizations of the country what Mesopotamia and the Mediterranean, and despite the fact that some of these civilizations knew largest black predators, such as the tiger in Iran and Iraq, bear in Greece, but the lion's most influential remain self all of them because of his physical appearance (especially male). [175]
The glory of the ancient Egyptians lioness (Huntress fierce) and photographed the gods of war Bhaitha, and within the Egyptian gods represented the lion Authority: Sekhmet, Baht, Tefnut, Mschent, granted, Mvdt, and the Sphinx; [173] It is also these gods of their children themselves, such as Mahs, some gods Nubian, according to the testimony of the ancient Egyptians, Elahh Didoan. [177] [178]
Assad was a slogan of the tribe of Judah, and after that the kingdom was founded even taken the lion's slogan, too, has said al-Assad in the classroom before the last of Genesis when he was a prophet Jacob blesses his fourth son. [180] In Israel now, Assad appears as a symbol of the city of Jerusalem, where it highlights the flag as an emblem of the city and thorough examination of the gods represented the black body in many ancient civilizations shows that it did not represent only the body but also Bulbaat males. It shows appreciation and admiration shown by the coordinator during the hunting lionesses in raising mankind back to very old ages cooperation, including black gates that drawing or carving on the back of most forms Baat. It is famous mythical black, Alnemiana al-Assad, who was a symbol of ancient Greece and Rome, was seen as a symbol of a group of stars that make up the lion's tower, as was mentioned in mythology, where the Hercules kill him wear his skin impregnable to protect himself. [179]
Told Uncle Prophet of Islam, Muhammad bin Abdullah Hamza Bin Abdul Muttalib, who was known as a hunter of black: Lion of God, said "the nobility of the lion that was derived for Hamza Bin Abdul Muttalib," In Islam, there is a lion (predators in general) of the forbidden fruit animals, as mentioned in the Koran that eat the lion is also taboo, and use the word "seven" for suggesting these predators. A number of imams and Muslim theologians, such as Imam Shafi'i, Abu Hanifa, Ahmad and David, and the audience: "It is forbidden to eat the lion report narrated by Muslim in his Sahih that the Prophet, peace be upon him said: every wild animal with fangs Voklh haram", while others said such Imam Malik: "I hate to eat every wild animal with fangs nor denied" the lion symbol. Its prominent in both ancient and modern Babylonian civilizations, and knows the traditional lion Babylonian, and the decree carved on many archaeological walls, as the lion of Babylon Almara. It is said that in Pabltm throwing prophet Daniel mentioned in the Bible to the lions den and rescued him later. [181] allocated this symbolism later in Iraq to a tank Lion of Babylon during the reign of Saddam Hussein's regime, was quoted tank from one of the Russian modeling technique.
The Narasimha (man-Assad), according to the texts Alboranah Hindu incarnation or Avtar of Vishnu takes the form of a man half-lion, which is worshiped by those who have devoted themselves to him who believe that saved the child who dedicated himself to it, Brahlda, from his father, King devil evil "Heranaakeshibo" ; [182] Alvicno takes the form of a person, half lion and half the other people in the case of Narasimha, where he owns a section _khasra and inferiorly human and drew particular lion-like claws. [183] ​​Narasimha is worshiped as the "lion of God."
Put a lot of Asian and European Assad states flags of their countries and take him to a slogan, notably the national emblem of India. [186] In Jnubibh Indian subcontinent, is Assad Asian symbol of Sinhaleon, [187] the largest ethnic group in Sri Lanka; derived the name from the word Indo European Sinhala, which means "lion people" or "people with the blood of the lion." Assad Asian sword holder as a central highlights the Flag of Sri Lanka. [188] and other aspects of the lion representation name Vedic ancient Indian "Singh," which means lion dating back to about 2000 years ago in ancient India, which was originally called on members of the military class (Alrajpotyon) . After the birth of the exclusive fraternity in 1699 taking the Sikhs as "Singh," according to Rgbatallguru Ghorband Singh. There is now nearly 20 million Sikhs in the world use this title as he does Hindus Alrajpotyon. [184] [185]
Asian Assad falls within the list of familiar animals represented in the Chinese art, its image has been used for the first time during the era Ookhr Spring and Autumn (fifth or sixth century BC), and then became more prevalent during the reign of the Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD). when taking Alobatrhadon statues of black guard at the entrance of the imperial palaces as a form of protection. The first Chinese descriptions of black non-matching true to their descriptions because they were inhabiting China days; and after the introduction of Buddhist art in the country during the reign of the Tang Dynasty (after Asadsalmilada) century, taking the artists portray black wingless as in the past, has also become their bodies thicker and shorter, hair Bdtha kinky. [189] the lion dance is a form of traditional dance in Chinese civilization, which is where the dancers wear the uniform of a lion and the tradition of his movements while playing music mostly using machines gongs, drums, and disks Rattlesnake. These dances performed Ahtphalatros during the Chinese New Year, celebration of the moon in August, and other celebrations that are held in order to get good luck. [190]
Derived Singapore island its name from two words Almlarian Singha (Lion) and Pura (city), which descend in turn from the Tamil words-Sanskrit சிங்க Singha सिंह Simha and पुर புர Bora, the same Greek word πόλις Paul. [191] I give this name to the island, according to historical texts, in the fourteenth century by a Sumatran prince Malawi called "Sang Nila Utama", who got off the island after a thunderstorm and saw an animal stranger on the beach, he told him his prime minister as a lion (Asiatic lion). [192] recent studies of Singapore showed that the black did not reach to-day, so the animal that he saw the prince was probably Bera.
"Aslan" or "Arslan" (in Turkish: Aslan or Arslān) is a Turkish name and Mughal-Assad, has been used as a title for a number of rulers of the Seljuks and the Ottomans, including Alp Arslan and Ali Pasha, the governor of Ioannina (Lion of Ioannina), which is also the name of a Turkmen / Iranian and the title of some Druze families in Lebanon and Syria, who also carry the title of princes since the reign of the Ottoman Empire, including Prince Majid Arslan and Prince Talal Arslan.

The word "lion" takes off on many of the rulers warriors who Atsvo courage in the Middle Ages, such as Richard I of England, aka Richard the Lionheart, [173] Henry the Lion (German: Heinrich der Löwe), Duke of Saxony and Robert III, Duke Vnlanders aka "the lion Filanders" -ola still this title as the lion is the national icon of Flanders until the current era. It Alcherqan warriors who carried the title of "Lion" Hamza Bin Abdul Muttalib, who was said to him, "Lion of God" and the "Lion of Paradise" after his death, as well as Saladin, who called the number of referees crusaders "Lion of the East." Black frequently appears on national and patriotic slogans, either as an essential part of the same shield, or as a prop, but Allbaat increasingly scarcity of black in the slogans of countries. [193] The official language of the nobility, called boasting, using French words to describe images on armor logos accurately and such descriptions were showing whether black or other animals comic "wild", "rampant" (erect on its hind legs, extender for Omametin) or "deposit", "passant" (standing on the four lists, Rafe right hand), the the show as a squat was considered a deposit and vice versa. [194] uses a lion as an emblem for many of the sports teams, the national football teams in England, Scotland, and Singapore, to some of the famous clubs such as black Detroit (in English: Detroit lions) of the national Union American football, [195] [196] Chelsea and Aston Villa of the English Premier League, [197] as well as a group of smaller clubs around the world. Aston Villa puts a lion rampant emblem to him, as well as do Rangers and Dundee United of the Scottish Premier League.
Assad still appears in contemporary literature, from Aslan the Savior in fiction Lion, the Witch, and the Treasury, and all subsequent books in the Chronicles of Narnia series written by writer CNN. Feed.


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