general information

الأربعاء، 31 أغسطس 2016

Outer space
Outer space, or simply space, is the space between the celestial bodies, including Earth. [1] It is not completely empty, but consists of a relative vacuum consisting of a low density of particles (particles): Mostly plasma of hydrogen and helium, as well as radiation electromagnetic, magnetic fields, (and neutrons. recently proved notes it contains matter and dark energy as well). Baseline temperature, set by the radiation balance due to the Big Bang, is 2.7 Kelvin (k) [2]. Plasma with very low density (less than a hydrogen atom and one in the cube) and high temperature meter (millions of degrees Alklvin) in the space between galaxies is calculated in most of the issue of ordinary Albarioneh in outer space; has intensified local concentrations to the Stars and galaxies. Occupies the space between the galaxies larger than the universe, and even galaxies and stellar systems mostly be void and planets occupy nearly empty space.
There is not a certain extent determines the beginning of outer space, but in general it has been the adoption of the fact Kármán line at an altitude of 100 km (62 miles) above sea level as the beginning of outer space in order to record atmospheric measurements, treaties and conventions relating to space. It has been established the general framework of international space law through the Outer Space Treaty, which passed through the United Nations body in 1967. The agreement prohibits any state claim to sovereignty over space, and allow all countries to explore freedom of space. As in 1979 it has placed the Moon Agreement, which made the surfaces of planetary and satellite orbits around it under the authority of the international community. Where they were to add other items to the convention on the peaceful use of outer space, prepared by the United Nations, however did not prohibit the deployment of weapons in space, which, including live missile tests anti-satellite.
Humans began to discover the physical space during the twentieth century through trips balloons rise, followed by the launch of individual missiles at multiple stages. Yuri Akkakaran Union Alsoviaool was discovered by the Earth's orbit in 1961 and since then has reached vehicles unmanned missions to all known planets in the solar system. Bcesp and the high cost of access to space, did not exceed the limits of manned moon. In 2012, Voyager 1 became the first man-made vehicle reaches interstellar field.
It requires access to the lowest Earth orbit to the speed of up to 28,100 km / h (17,500 mph), which is much faster than any conventional vehicle. Outer Space is also a challenge suitable environment for the discovery of human beings because of the vacuum double and radiation hazards. And zero gravity detrimental effect on human physiology leading to muscle atrophy and osteoporosis. We have limited space manned round the moon and low earth, the solar system and the Gower trips uninhabited; and the rest of outer space remains inaccessible to humans except for waging uses the telescope.

In the year 350 BC, the Greek philosopher Aristotle put a proposal that nature abhors a vacuum, and this principle has become known as the "horror of the void" (Latin: Horror vacu). This concept is built on the argument ontology in the fifth century BC by the Greek philosopher Parmenides, who denied the possibility of a vacuum in nature. [3] On the basis of the idea that a vacuum can not exist, they believed in the West, and on a large scale for many centuries that space does not can be empty. [4] At the end of the seventeenth century, the French philosopher Rene Descartes said that space should be filled with whole. [5]
There were several schools of thought in China's ancient focused on the nature of the sky, some of which carry an understanding similar to the modern concept, in the second century AD, said astronomer Zhang Heng that space is infinite and extended and was succeeded by a specific mechanism with the sun and around the stars, and said the remainder of the books Hsuan Yeh school that sky is not finished parties, and they empty and devoid of material Similarly, the sun and the moon and the rest shared with groups of stars float in the vacuum of space and movement still exist in. [6]
Italian world "Galileo Galilei" realized that the air mass, therefore, is also subject to gravity. And it has proved in the year 1640 AD that emerging force preclude be void. However, the device could void the industry was producing at the hands of his disciple "Aavangesatta Torchillla" In the year 1643 AD. This experiment produced the first mercury barometer, which the latest scientific sensation in Europe. Argued French mathematician "Blaise Pascal" that if the column of mercury backed by air, it is obvious that the shorter column in the higher elevations where the atmospheric pressure is less [7]. And in 1648 re-Nusseibeh "Florin Pierer 'experience on the Mount" BDO Dom "in the center of France found that the length of the column was shorter by three inches. This decrease was explained at atmospheric pressure even more by raising a half-filled balloon to the top of the mountain experience, where the balloon was gradually inflated higher and devote himself from the air whenever fell. [8]
In the Horn of the fifteenth century, the world of German theology Nikolaos Kozanos I suppose that the universe lacks the center and circumference. And it has been believed that the universe - despite being limited - can not be considered limited due to the lack of boundaries contain [10]. And this has led these ideas on assumptions such as the hypothesis dimension of the infinity of space to the Italian philosopher Giordano Bruno in the sixteenth century; the expansion in the science of cosmic astronomy on the centrality of the sun Copernican to the concept of the universe is finite filled with a substance called ether, and the material does not resist the movement of bodies heavenly [11]. And the English philosopher William Gilbert had reached a similar conclusion in which alleged that the reason behind the possibility of our vision for the star is only because it is surrounded by light as the impact or vacuum [12]. Introduced this concept was raised by the Greek philosophers ancients, including Aristotle, who conceived the ether as a medium in which moving through the celestial bodies [13]. In 1650 the German scientist, "Otto von Goereg" Made first pneumatic pump: a device capable of refutation of the principle of fear of the empty space. And Otto had observed and truthful, is that the Earth's atmosphere surrounded by Kalakecrh, and less intensively with the gradual rise; what led him to the conclusion that between the Earth and the moon vacuum. [9]
Under the concept of the universe is full of glittery as the impact popular among some scientists to the early twentieth century. This was considered the ether necessary for the transmission of light through space. [14] The Albert A. Michelson and Edward Morley in 1887 by conducting an experiment is one of the most important experiments in physics field, as it is one of the first strong evidence of opposition to the theory of ether; which includes the movement of the earth through the middle (raised) with the consideration of the change in the speed of light coming from the sun, depending on the direction of movement of the earth. It was not easy, as there was an error in this theory led to reversible to another theory emerged after a "theory of relativity" to Albert Einstein, which states that the speed of light in a vacuum is the number of a specific non-volatile and completely independent of the observer motion or frame Ref. [13] [15]
The English astronomer "Thomas Diggs' first professional supported the theory of the" infinite universe "and in the year 1576 AD [16]. But the measure is known universe remained until the year 1838 where he managed the German astronomer "Friedrich Bissell" Implementation of the first measurement of a successful operation by measuring the distance to a nearby star. Where the subject of harsh star "hen 61" and comparing measured at the time the present value of the position differs by only 0.31 arc seconds. This corresponds to more than 10 light years away [17]. Select American astronomer "Edwin Hubble" dimension of the galaxy "Andromeda" in 1923, using modern technology Aki_fha "Henrietta to Yuet" requires measuring the brightness of the variable Agayfawi in that galaxy [18]. This resulted in the conclusion that the galaxy "Andromeda" and all galaxies outside the Milky Way galaxy and away from a lot.
First degree as outer space temperature is a world of Swiss physicist Charles Édouard Guillaume and so in 1896. It is estimated the degree of cosmic temperature between 5 and 6 Calvin and guess that the background radiation of the star. In 1926, the world's Englishman Arthur Eddington similar accounts to reach the conclusion that the temperature of the universe is 3.18o. In 1933, the German Erik Regnir world based on total energy cosmic radiation to measure up to the conclusion that the temperature of the universe is 2.8 Kelvin. [19]
Concept depends talk of outer space on the theory of science known as the "Big Bang" put forward by the world of Belgian physicist Georges Lemaitre in 1931 cosmology [20]. This theory says visual Bonalkon grew strongly compressed material, and is undergoing continuous stretch. Article remainder of the start of expansion underwent an internal collapse attractive resulted in Stars and galaxies and other astronomical objects, leaving a great void is known today outer space [19]. Since the speed of light is limited, restricting the size of this theory direct the visible universe; which keeps the door open for debate whether the universe is limited or unlimited.
Outer Space The term first appeared in 1842 in the poem "virgin Moscow," the English poet Aimilan Ms. Stuart-Wortley [21], and as a term used in astronomy by Alexander von Humboldt in 1845. And spread the term after the writings of HG Wells in 1901. But the shorter term, a space, it is the oldest and demonstrates the outer sphere of the globe, which was used by John Milton in his book "lost ground" in 1667. [22]

Evolution and Status
Star reserves and the planets and moons Bglafha air by the force of gravity. There are no limits clear and specific to the covers of the air and the various layers; and less than the density of the atmosphere and gradually as we move away from the surface of the particle Artfna (planet, moon, star) and even vanish completely non-existent and equal environment surrounding [27]. The atmosphere of the planet pressure drops until it reaches about 3.2 × 102 Pa at an altitude of 100 km (62 miles) from the Earth's surface [28], compared to 100 kPa for the definition of the World Federation of Applied Chemistry Pure pressure to Joey Model. For altitudes exceeding this level, the gas pressure becomes a little of value is compared with the radiation pressure of the sun and the kinetic pressure of solar storms. Thermal wrapper in this space a lot of variation in the amount of pressure, temperature, composition; and these measurements vary widely because of the weather change in outer space. [29] considered outer space closest natural example of a vacuum absolute (free from everything, even from the air); since there is no friction, allowing stars and the planets and moons rotate freely in their orbits. But, even the deep void between galaxies are not devoid of material, where each containing cubic meters on some of the hydrogen atoms [23]. For comparison, every cubic meter of air that we breathe contains at approximately 1025 molecule [24]. Meager density of matter in outer space allows the electromagnetic radiation that go a very long distances without being dispersed, the estimated mean free path of a photon in the space between the galaxies to 1023 km or 10 billion light-years [25]. In spite of this, Valangrad, ie the absorption and scattering of photons by dust and gas, is one of the most important factors teaches private astronomy galaxies and between galaxies [26] .albaih [edit]
Temperature is determined on the ground through the motor activity of the atmosphere surrounding them. But you can not measure the temperature in a vacuum in this way. So it is determined temperature by measuring the radiation. The visible universe is full photons generated from the Big Bang, which is known as "background radiation Almicrawfah cosmic (It may be that in return a large number Manalniotronat so-called" background neutrino cosmic "). The degree black body back to radiation heat is currently equal to 3 Kelvin (-270˚mioah; -454˚fihrnhit). [30] may contain some of the outer space regions of high activity particles with a temperature higher than the background radiation heat Almicrawfah cosmic heat, such as the sun's corona, which temperature range which is between 1.2 and 2.6 million Kelvin [31].
With the exception of the protective atmosphere and magnetic field, there are few obstacles to pass through the space of the vital subatomic particles, which are known as cosmic rays. These particle energies ranging from 106 eV and 1020 eV almost cosmic rays with very high energy. [32] The flow of cosmic radiation summit at the level of 109 MeV about, and which consists of 87% protons and 12% helium nuclei, and 1% heavier nuclei. At higher levels of energy, the flow of electrons, almost, by just 1% of protons [33]. Cosmic radiation can damage electronic components and is a threat to the health of passengers space. [34] For some of the astronauts, such as Don Pettit, Vllvdhae metal fire smell is like the smell of arc welding [35]
Despite the harsh conditions of the space environment, many Alehiay forms that can live in space for long periods has found. Venbataat Allishn studied by the European Space Research Station (Bioban) I was able to stand up for ten days in outer space Zzlk in 2007. [36] As B.or Orabidos Thalaana, tobacco has been able to germinate after putting them in space for a year and a half. [37] thesis comprehensive Altbdhir assume that the space rocks that travel may be carried live organisms from other planets to planets out to fit to the evolution of life in the solar system environment. There is also great potential in the movement of life between the Earth and Mars and Venus. [38]

The impact on human bodies
As a result of the decompression is fast, the blood oxygen vacuum in the lungs to offset the low pressure partial. Once the arrival of non-oxygenated blood to the brain, the human, and even animals, lose consciousness within seconds and then dies after a few minutes as a result of the lack of connecting oxygen to the brain [41] blood starts and bodily fluids boil when the pressure drop of less than 6.3 kg Pascal, this condition is called scientifically Baltvqa [42]. The steam produced for this case to double the size of the body and slow down the blood circulation, but the pores of blood vessels and their ability to dilate Amanaanh of rupture. Vascular's ability to contain pressure slow down the process of bubbles, which keeps some blood liquid. [43] can be contained and swelling Altvqa through dedicated to space flight suit. Astronauts wearing these allowances (known as the crew suit for protection from spikes) which is a flexible clothes equipped to ease the external pressure and protect the body from Altvqa even level 2 kPa [44]. In outer space and at an altitude of 8 km (5 miles) need to start Suit to supply the body with oxygen to breathe and prevent the loss of fluids, while Suit become necessary at an altitude of about 20 km (12 mi) in order to prevent Altvqa [45]. Most of these allowances are used about 30-39 kPa of pure oxygen, just as on Earth. This pressure is high enough to prevent Altvqa occurrence, but blood evaporation can cause nausea, down the rapid pressure and air embolism (presence of bubbles of gas in the blood hinder its). [46] sudden exposure to low pressure can, such as that occurs during decompression rapidly , cause pressure pneumonia (lungs explosion) due to the large difference in pressure inside the chest and outside [39]. Even if the air ducts of the victim is fully open, the air flow may be slower through the trachea that prevents the explosion [40]. Decompression can quickly set off a sinus and ear drum, in addition to the injury of bruises and blood leak in the soft tissue, may cause shock increase in oxygen consumption, which will lead to hypoxia [39].
Because the purpose of procreation rights designed to live within the Earth's gravity, it is revealed that exposure to weightlessness may adversely affect his health. Beginning suffered more than 50% of the astronauts of motion sickness which causes nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headaches, lethargy and malaise. These symptoms vary the duration of one person to another, but they usually last from one day to three days, then the body gets used to the new environment and all symptoms disappear. Exposure to weightlessness for long periods leads to muscle atrophy and deterioration of skeletal or osteoporosis in astronauts. And it can minimize these symptoms through exercise regimen of exercise. [47] of the impacts or other symptoms: re-distribution or fluid retention in the body, slowing down the heart and vascular system, decrease the production of red blood cells, balance disorders and Davaljhaz immune. The other symptoms are less visible: the loss of body mass, nasal congestion, sleep disturbance and swollen face. [48]
Is a radiation risk to human health, especially when increasing periods of exposure to various sources of radiation, such as radiation with a high-energy or cosmic rays ionic where it may cause fatigue, nausea and vomiting, as it destroys the immune system and alter the level of white blood cells, as in space travel for a long time. I am traveling the symptoms of space for longer than necessary to increase the risk of cancer as well as damage to the eyes and the nervous system, lungs and gastrointestinal tract. [49] the body may pass in a return trip to Mars for three years to the nuclei of high-energy, causing damage Ionic cells. Fortunately, most of those molecules weaken the walls of the spacecraft consisting of aluminum, as well as containers of water can be reduced and other barriers. But the effect of cosmic rays on the shield of the spacecraft produces additional rays can adversely affect the crew. So there will be a need for more research to assess radiation risks and determine the necessary precautionary measures. [50]

the border

The International Federation of Airline Select "Kármán line" at an altitude of 100 km (62 miles) as a definition for a temporary cut-off of aeronautics and astronautics. This line is used depending on the "Theodore von Karman" accounts, which showed that when the height of 100 km almost need the vehicle to walk greater than orbital speed so quickly establish air raise sufficient strength from the atmosphere in order to support themselves and remain on the rise [51] There is no limit a clear break between the Earth's atmosphere and space. Whenever Artfna up the atmosphere gradually less intense. There are several standard classifications to limit the interval where
The United States has identified the people who fly on after more than 50 miles (80 km) as "astronauts"
And also used the control room for the mission, NASA altitude 76 miles (122 km) Kmadkhalhm Earth's atmosphere, "the so-called centrist entrance" which determines almost borderline which becomes him weather-resistant concrete (depending on the worker ejection of the vehicle); which makes shuttles shift from driving using clashes to maneuver using aerodynamic surfaces. [52]
In 2009, scientists at the University of Kjeraa presented a detailed report on the machine called "thermal imaging ions above," a machine to measure the direction and speed of Aloonat. This machine allowed them access to the borders of 118 km above the Earth's surface. The border in the space midpoint of the gradual transition over tens of kilometers (with the wind relatively mild from the Earth's atmosphere) to the more powerful flows and the violence of the charged particles in space, which can reach a top speed of well over 268 m / s (approx. 600 mph).

Legal Status
Treaty states that: outer space is available for all countries to explore and not a purpose monopoly on international sovereignty, as it prohibits the development of nuclear weapons in outer space. Submitted the treaty United Nations General Assembly in 1963 and signed by the US space agency in 1967, the US space agency made up of the United States and the United Kingdom. By January 1 2008, 98 countries have ratified the treaty and signed by other countries as well. [53] The Outer Space Treaty provides a framework for international space law. It covers the legal use of outer space by the nation-states. It includes outer space Moon and Other Celestial Bodies definition.

Ground volume of space known as magnetic compressed in the direction of the sun by the solar wind pressure, giving an ideal distance is under the sun ten times the diameter of the Earth from the middle of the planet. After all, it can be the tail extends outward for more than 100 to 200 diameter from Earth. [66] As for the moon is passing through almost ground space guilt of four days of each month, at a time when the surface is usually protected from the solar wind . [67], we find that the ground space is outer space region near Earth. The space includes a ground atmosphere and magnetic cover the upper region. [63] Van Allen radiation belt is located inside the ground space. The outer limits of terrestrial space they magnetosphere, which is the interface between the magnetosphere of the planet and solar wind. The internal borders are ionosphere. [64] Just as the physical properties and the situation near the ground space near influenced by the status of the sun and space weather, the ground-space domain is linked to solar physics (solar physics is a private sun study and its impact on the planets of the solar system). [65]
The ground space peopled electrically charged particles in areas with very low density, so the movement under the control of the scope of magnetic ground. Which form the plasma (the fourth state of matter) and you can compromise a turbulent storm caused by solar wind from the payment of electric currents into the Earth's upper atmosphere that. During this Algiumgnatisah storm, there are no two areas of ground space Amadtrepettan a lot and are radiation and the ionosphere belts areas. As a result; these storms increase the active electrons flows that can cause permanent malfunction satellite electronics, and may also lead to disable the wired and wireless communication technology LG IPS. It can also pose a danger to astronauts if they are on a low-Earth orbit, and also form the polar Hafqa could be seen near the magnetic pole. [68]
Although it falls within the definition of outer space, we find that the density of the atmosphere in the first few hundred kilometers above the Kármán line is still sufficient to form a weatherproof resistance and considering the satellites [60]. However, this region contains material left over from previous launchers and whether or not staffed This material pose a potential danger to the spacecraft. Some of these satellite residues may be due to the intervention in the Earth's atmosphere on a regular basis. [69]

Mistaken space to the moon
Referred to as the area between the Earth's atmosphere and the moon's orbit space mistaken moon (in English: cislunar), including points Alanjranjih. [70]

The space between the planets

Volume of space between the planets is almost a complete vacuum, and a free path sized astronomical unit and one in the orbital distance of the Earth on average. With this, this space is not completely free, where it's a little full of cosmic radioactivity, which includes the nucleus of ionized and various objects without atomic atom. There are also gas, plasma, dust, small meteors, and many types of organic molecules discovered to date by spectroscopy radio. [74] space between the planets, is actually the space between the sun and the planets of the solar system, this medium planets dominate this region, that stretches to the edge of the cover of the Joy of the sun (in English: HELIOPAUSE), where the effect of the galactic magnetic field of the environment starts to control the flow of solar atoms. Is recognized as the interplanetary space by the solar wind, which is a continuous stream of charged particles emanating from the sun, and that atmosphere is too weak so-called originate (the heliosphere) that reaches the impact of billions of kilometers in Alvdhae.otkdr intensity physical for this wind b 5-10 protons / cm 3, and moving at a speed estimated at 350-400 km / s (approximately 780000-890000) miles per hour. [71] vary the distance and the strength of the heliopause depending on the activity level of the solar wind. [72] According to the discoveries in 1995 of planets outside our solar system to possess the other stars of the means of its own media because of what is going on between the planets. [73]
Interplanetary space on the magnetic field generated by the sun contains. [71] There is also a magnetic envelope which generate by Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, and the Earth, and which owns all own magnetic fields. Which shaped by the solar wind to form around a tear, with a long tail stretch out behind the planet. These magnetic fields can phishing particles from the solar wind and other sources, leading to the belts of magnetic particles are like the Van Allen radiation belt. Exposed planets that do not have magnetic fields Kamartia to the gradual erosion of the atmosphere by the solar wind. [75]

Interstellar space
The number of molecules in interstellar space called the dust particles can be very accurate for up to 0.1 micrometers. [77] and the number of molecules detected by radio astronomy continues to increase at a rate of four varieties each year. Vast areas consisting of high-density materials, known molecular Balsahabat, chemical reaction, including the creation of varieties of multi-atomic nucleus, which caused shock biomaterials allow. This is done because of the penetrating cosmic radiation of high-energy ionizing hydrogen cold and with helium to produce, for example, three hydrogen cation. Thus, separated for helium ionized to produce ionized carbon, which leads to interactions of material Kemiaih animation. [78] interstellar space is the physical space within the galaxy that is not occupied by the star or planetary systems. It occupies the central place in the interstellar interstellar space. The average density of matter in this region about 106 particle / m, these vary from the low end is approximately equal to 104-105 in the areas of material scattered up to 108-1010 in the dark nebula. It can be as high density regions of star formation to 1012-1014jsam / m3. (For comparison, Earth is the density of the atmosphere up to 1025 molecule per cubic meter [76]). About 70% of the mass of hydrogen atoms consist only. This is enriching helium atoms as well as small quantities of heavier atoms formed during stellar nucleosynthesis. These could atoms flushed into the interstellar medium by stellar winds or when advanced stars begin removing the external packaging as occurs during the formation of planetary nebula. The explosion of the supernova planetary Ultra will generate a wave of shock dilated, which consists of ejected material in addition to the galactic cosmic rays.
The local interstellar medium is a field occupies an area of ​​100 parsec from the sun, which benefited from its proximity and its interaction with the solar system. This volume corresponds to the area in the local Tdaylfaqaah space, which is characterized by a severe shortage of intensity, and they contain a cool pull. It forms the cavities in the Gemini constellation of the Milky Way galaxy's arm with a partial dense clouds surrounded along the border, such as those found in the Taurus and Ophiuchus towers. (The actual distance of the border, ranging from the cavity between 60 to 250 parsec This volume contains about 104-105 star and gas interstellar that balances the stars surrounding the centers of those stars, with varying size of each area depending on local density of the average interstellar. Local bubble containing dozens warm interstellar clouds with temperatures up to 7000 Calvin and radii of 0.5 to 5 parsec. [79]
When the stars moving at high speeds strange enough, to generate Ndjema bow shock it can also collide Balehiz Aalpinb. For decades, scientists assumed that the sun has a bow shock. But in 2012, data from the Explorer limits of stars and travelers Vwegar program that shock the sun arc does not exist showed. Instead, these authors confirm that the bow wave is less than the speed of sound, and determine the beginning of the solar wind flow to the interstellar region. [80] [81] that the bow shock is the third border of the cover Star Center, after a devastating shock, stellar and the atmosphere (called also the edge of the heliosphere of the solar system). [81]

Intergalactic space

Current estimates indicate that the average energy density in the universe, equivalent to 5.9 proton per cubic meter, including dark energy and dark matter and ordinary door Albarione, or atoms. Valdhirat constitute only 4.6% of the total energy density, or else the intensity of one proton per four cubic meters viz. [84] However, the density of the universe is not strictly defined They range from a relatively high density of galaxies, including the very high structures density inside galaxies, such as planets, stars and black holes, to the state of the spacious voids containing density much less so, at least in terms of the visual material. [85], the space between the galaxies is the physical space between galaxies are called the wide spaces between galaxy clusters spaces. Surrounded rarefied plasma between galaxies [82], which are organized into Khaitan structures of galaxies. [83] called this article intergalactic space and density equivalent to between two-fifths times and two hundred twice the density of the universe perimeter. [84] It consists of hydrogen ions, ie a plasma composed of A similar number of proton electron. When the falling of gases in the space of galaxies out of nowhere area perimeter, hotter o between 105 to 107 Kelvin, [85] which is high that the collision of two atoms with each possess enough energy paid electron decode interdependence and remnants of the nucleus of an atom of hydrogen, making it ionized. Computer simulations show that half of the material in the universe with the status warm warmth rarefied. [84] [86]

Explorations and Applications
Space has been discovered through the greater part of human history through remote monitoring; beginning with the naked eye and then using a telescope. Before the era of missile technology solutions, it was far reached the human being from outer space by balloons. In 1935, the American Blimp "Explorer 2" was a rise of 22 km (14 mi) [87]. This figure was significantly exceeded in 1942 when the Germans launched a rocket which hit -4 rising 80 km (50 miles). In the year 1957 was the launch of the satellite Sputnik 1 by the Russian missile R-7, which was able to turn around the Earth at an altitude of 215-939 km (134-583 miles). [51] This was followed by the first space flight for humans in 1961, when he was sent Yuri Gagarin into orbit around the Earth on board the vehicle Vostok 1. The first was able to Earth's orbit exceeded Frank Borman and Jim Lovell and William Anders was in 1968 aboard Apollo 8, which achieved orbit lunar [88] and was able to get away from the Earth is approximately 377,349 kilometers (234,474 miles) [89]. Crystal Clear app kdict.png detailed articles: sounding space space colonization
The "Luna 1," the first Soviet spacecraft reached escape velocity, and that was during a trip near the moon in the year 1959 [90]. In 1961, it became "Venera 1," the first planetary probe; and discovered the existence of the solar wind and was able to fly near the planet Venus, in spite of losing the ability to communicate before they reach Venus. And was the first successful planetary mission trip is the vehicle, "Mariner 2," which flew to Venus in the year 1962 [91]. Mariner 4 is the first vehicle passing Mars in 1964. Since that time, the unmanned spacecraft studied all the planets of the solar system successfully, in addition to the moons and many asteroids and comets. To this day, these compounds remains an essential tool for the exploration of outer space and Earth observation as well [92]. In August 2012, Voyager 1 became the first humanitarian industry leave the solar system and the intervention Alpinndjema space. [93]
The absence of air makes outer space (the moon) is ideal; for astronomy at all wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum. As it evidenced by the stunning images returned by the Hubble Space Telescope Observatory. Allowing inspect the lights back to 13.8 billion years ago - almost to the time of the Big Bang. With this not every site in an appropriate space for the development of the telescope observatory in it. Interplanetary dust located close to the radiation rays can send infrared cover the emission of faint sources like planets outside our solar system. Move Observatory for Infrared to a place outside the site the presence of dust will increase the effectiveness of the device [94] in a similar way, can a site like nozzle Daadalus shock at the far side of the moon that protects the radio telescope of overlapping radio frequencies that hamper observations made from Earth [95] and can deep vacuum in the space to create an attractive environment for some industrial processes, such as those that require ultra-clean surfaces. [96]
Deep vacuum of space makes it an attractive factor for many industries, particularly industries that require ultra-clean [97] such as electronic chips industry. But achieving this dream is still costly and non-productive because of. [98]

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