general information

الأربعاء، 31 أغسطس 2016

The first appearance of the tanks in the early twentieth century, during the First World War, where the British army tanks provided Marc -1, so as to break the rigidity of the front in the trench warfare against the Germans. Thus, the evolution of the role of the tank as a weapon to achieve penetration, and then take advantage of it to develop and penetrate to attack the enemy in Alamq.aldbabh are armored combat vehicle, designed to engage the enemy and direct support firepower. The main armament consists of a tank with a cannon of large caliber weapons and some support, which includes a number of secondary coaxial machine guns and machine guns. Believes the heavy armor of tanks high degree of protection, at the same time, the chains enable them to cross the rugged land relatively high speeds.
Rarely tanks solo work, but fall in armored formations in the Combined Arms forces. Supported by infantry, artillery and others. In the absence of this support tanks become vulnerable to anti-tank weapons, anti-tank mines, artillery, Asamtaat offensive or close air support aircraft.
The tanks of the media very costly in terms of operation. They need a great deal of technical support and maintenance. It still represents a key element in the arsenals of most armies in the world. The tank has gradually extracted the center stage of the cavalry, and has developed as a technology and as combat tactics over several generations and through over almost a century.

The name
In Germany, fired on the tank Panzer name (in German: Panzer), which literally means "shield," which is an acronym for "Panzerkampfwagen" which means "vehicle armored fighting", in Italy called "Caro Ormatu" (Italian: Carro armato) any "armored vehicle" and in France, "Char de Kombat" (in French: Char de combat) any "vehicle combat" in the Arab countries learn as the "tank" any legged Dibba sense of treading on Hantha name back to the old machine was taken to strike and demolish strongholds. [1 ] when the tank appeared for the first time in the arena of the first world war called the British tank name (in English: tank) means the tank or tank and the goal of the British from this name to keep the project tank industry secret, most countries in the world have adopted this label including the Soviet Union (in Russian : Танк).

World War I: primitive tanks
It was the first successful participation of a crowd of tanks in the Battle of Cambrai in November 20, 1917, and had a crucial role in the battle of "Amiens", when Allied forces managed to penetrate the German sites with the support of armor. On the German side is not producing only a limited number of tanks er 7, which did not exceed 20 tanks until the end of Aharb.sgel first use of a tank in battles with the participation of two tanks of the model Marc -1 British-made in fighting during the battle of "Fleurs Korceli" (part of the Battle of the Somme ) on September 15, 1916, and developed the French tank 1, and used it for the first time in the April 16 1917.omn here armies began actively trying to find a means to resolve this node, and had been assigned to a secret project the British Navy to develop the tank and train crews on the grounds ships from the wild, and oversaw the first Lord of the Odmiralah "Winston Churchill," the committee mainland ships, came the first fruits of these efforts in September 1915, making the first successful model of the British tank "Little Willie." To maintain the secrecy of these new vehicles quoted as water tanks, here it is pulled by the name in English and officially since December of the same Am.bad provide machine guns machine industry, has become the human cost through very high wars, resorted all the army during the First World War to dig trenches, and promotion Ktvih lines of barbed wire and fortifications. And for a period it was not for it to grow and gain ground, however, to carry out attacks Jbhoah and formations huge infantry soldiers in the form of human waves, hoping to enable the part, even if a few of them to cross the no man's land and the interval between the trenches friendly and those hostile to engage the enemy in Tlahmih battles, and that was done under heavy barrage of machine-gun fire and mortar shells and heavy artillery.
It was the first confrontation between the tanks of the two sides on April 24, 1918, in the "Villers Britoniuks" When Tjabht three-Marc -4 British tanks with three German model of Resorted Germans for many of the measures to reduce the impact of armor allies, and they have dug trenches petition, and found an offer of some influential ammunition, as baptized to provoke some obstacles letterhead, to be able to target the belly of the tank for observation fragility Tdraah front light weapons, but it was not enough to change the course of the war . New rankings as they appeared, the tank was "male" arms cannons medium and relatively heavy, while the tank "female" provides a large number of light machine guns in order to protect the first and face the enemy infantry as a key task to them. These tanks primitive suffered from numerous problems, not speed in excess of 13 km / h at the most, as was its reliability is generally low for the large number of mechanical and technical repair systems, and as an example Suffice it to say that it is out of 150 tanks Marc -1 massed in the Battle of the Somme, it was only able only nine of the tanks in the starting phase of the attack, as a result of mechanical problems.

Between the wars: evolution
It underwent tanks for a long series of developments and changes, especially during the thirties of the last century, and it was the most advanced of those British, where the United Kingdom focused on the creation of a superior armored forces, and has a large number of field exercises, to test and improve their tactics, while the United States did not add a lot to this era because of their preference for the cavalry who had exhausted most of the few budget allocations originally allocated to the armor. So was the case for Germany and France, which bore the brunt of the deadbeat's economy after the war, except for the first full arsenal of armor destroyed under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles.
Thus tanks were divided into three categories with the British Army. It is light tanks, which ranged weights in the ten-ton limit, and has a mild arm usually is not effective only against those used in reconnaissance roles. The heavy tanks, reaching weights of more than 60 tons, and enjoyed a large proportion of the shielding, the speed of calculation, where the mission was to secure the initial penetration of the lines of the enemy and that the attribution of infantry and artillery within the Combined Arms Forces, to rush after queues medium tanks to penetrate, which takes into account in its design give it a high-mobility capabilities and how long the work to enable them to cross long distances towards the rear anti-destruction of its supplies and the centers of his lines.
These were the first steps toward the crystallization of the concept of blitzkrieg, almost the evolution of this concept in several states, but "Hans Jodrian" the commander of the German armored forces is the first to put those theories in a practical framework, and around to the tremendous success the fields of application, which greatly influenced the theory closer indirect British military historian and theorist

World War II: the German Blitzkrieg.
In addition to Albanzer -2 and -3 Albanzer down to the style Panzer -4 weighing 25 tons, and the cannon caliber 75 mm, and thickness of shielding up to 80 mm and formed Albanzer -4 Imad arming the German armored units during the years Aharb.dechlt Germany in World War II tanks limited ability in general, were not to match their Western counterparts, it was the most German tanks from the model Panzer 1 and prepared for training purposes did not increase and weighing 5.4 tons, and its arming of a key author of the guns of 7.62 mm caliber, and armoring reached thickness 13 mm at most.
Yet what progress has those tanks participated with great success in the invasion of Poland, and showed what can be achieved by following a tank blitzkrieg tactics, came the campaign against France and the low lands the results pointed to it.
German army, avoid doing Jbhoa attack on the French "Maginot" line of defense, which extends along the border between the two countries, we have this line of dense series of forts concrete impregnable, and in front of him spread the trenches petition and inhibitions vertical anti-tank missiles, as well as barbed wire and mines, not to mention the vast amount of automatic and heavy guns. Instead of thinking about to incur unnecessary losses and in accordance with the plans of the two generals, "von Manstein" and "Hans Gooderaan" German army resorted to cross the forests "Alarddens" looked at her allies as a natural inhibitor of intensity that. I made those convoys of tanks achieving deep penetration distances of almost 300 km, wrapped on the French and British troops ringed in several enclaves and cut off from their supply lines and centers of their leaders and in transport. Tanks benefited from the high mobility in Thiqiq victory in record time, and this time outweigh the good Germans Petktakathm, not superior designs.
While these campaigns have laid the foundations of the tactics of fighting with shields, the World War II led to the shift also the quality of the engineering design of the tank one hand, and what was the requirement that stage, it has provided the vast majority of German tanks, British, American, and Soviet with wireless radio, though at different levels of efficiency, to improve this field communications and allow for flexible command and control, steering armored units and ensure coordination with them and among them. Suspension systems also evolved, Fastbdlt Springs conventional shock absorber means the latest Kqillan who, in addition to the system, "Christy" comment, became able tanks access to a relatively off-road high speeds, and move more comfortably over rugged territory, without endangering crews violent vibrations lead to injury.
In terms of armament and armor has grown steadily during the war years, and a new generation of tanks superior, and perhaps the most prominent tank "KV 0.1" Soviet, weighing 45 tons, armed with a powerful cannon of 76.2 mm caliber, it is worth mentioning reference to the incident ambush "Krasnoajafardisek (Gachina)" near the city of "Leningrad", on August 14, 1941, when he intercepted a small force of five tanks "KV 0.1" led by Lieutenant "Kolobanov" Vanguards band eighth German armored vehicle, and during the clash lasted for half an hour was It destroyed 43 German tanks, were mostly from the model Panzer armed -2 ​​cannon of 20 mm, as well as a small number of model Panzer -3 cannon caliber 37 mm, are no match for those of the Soviet, I have counted the number of LT 135 rounds hit his tank did not work any of them in impenetrable.
Designs German tanks newer such as the "Panther" weighing came 44.8-ton cannon caliber 75 mm, reaching armor thickness of 120 mm, followed by Altaagr -1 and "Tiger -2" which exceeded the weight of 69 tons, reaching a thickness Tdraaha 180 mm at the front , and was arming the famous caliber 88 mm cannon, and popped the tank T -34 Soviet and which formed a milestone in the design of the armor where engineers Soviets on the oblique armor focused, increasing the effectiveness of protection significantly, without increasing the weight and sacrificing capabilities kinetic, Vtemtat at high speed, a strong arm, was the most successful of the tanks of the era.

After the war: territorial disputes and test fields.
Published shields evil tank during the summer 1982 Lebanon War, before you come second Gulf War, to show how important it is to provide advanced night vision systems, except for the correction and management of fire systems, where managed the British and American tanks of monitoring and targeting Iraqi tanks at night from far distances almost 5,000 meters sometimes, without the opportunity the last tack to do the same, due to the lack of parity between the systems Altghanih.jait levels of the Suez crisis in 1956, followed by the war in June 1967, to devote the role of the tank in the battles, but the war in October 1973, formed the shock designers tanks and profoundly influenced the evolution of each of the two camps, have reversed progress of anti-armor weapons disastrous results on the path of the tanks, where both the Egyptian and Syrian armies deploy large numbers of anti-tank weapons, and phones by pedestrians, from rocket-propelled grenades, such as the "R. BG 0.7 "or a new guided missile wired model" Aa.ta 0.3 Sager, "Israeli armor had inflicted heavy losses exceeded the 400 tanks in the first three days of the war, the Israelis then resorted to the deployment of new US missiles from B-GMC -71 Jintao, and the same way they were able to destroy large numbers of tanks, especially on 14 October 1973 during the development of the Egyptian attack, amounted to about 264 tanks, Kmalk was the case in the battle, "Kafr weaver" in the highlands of the former Soviet Algaulin.oasl their approach in the phase that followed the end of World war Vsammwa tanks along the lines of the T -34, were the tanks T -54 and T -55 a development last of those mentioned above, maintained at the design of low-structure, the high amount of kinetic capabilities, as shields adopted slanted, and armed the broad cannon deployment model, "de -10 T "of 100 mm caliber and exceeded what was produced of which 86 thousand tanks, entered service with the Soviet army, and the forces of the Warsaw Pact countries, as well as a large number of States that have adopted the Eastern bloc sources. Offset in the West, British Dbabatalsenturion, and "M -48" US and "Leopard -1" German cannons of 105 mm, but it was heavier than the Eastern counterparts. Then replaced those tanks last generation represented by tanks "T-62" armed Soviet cannon caliber 115 mm, and a tank "M60 Patton," the American, British and Chevcan, prior to arrival of the tanks such as T-64, T-72, "T-80" in the east, in the west tanks such as the Challenger 1 British it appeared, "Leopard -2" German, "Leclerc" French, and "M1 Abrams" America, ranged shots defender this generation between 120 and 125 mm, and accompanied by new regulations and Electronics more development, and efforts were made to give the tanks and night fighting capabilities, and means goalscoring backed period that followed the end of world war II, the world has known many armed military conflicts, and in the light of what is known as the cold war, there were several regional wars formed the fields of good test of the Department of widely of weapons, especially the tank, starting the Korean war, through the Vietnam war, and the war of the Soviet - Afghan, right down to the successive Gulf wars. Tanks also participated in all the Arab - Israeli wars since 1948, and perhaps the Middle East theater of the most prominent areas of the test tank, if not the most important at all until the present time.

The overall design
Tanks evolved much from what it was since its inception in the early twentieth century, but when the comparison between the tanks over the past century decades, we see that the weights, armor thickness, and sizes of guns, have increased dramatically until the end of World War II, and on the contrary, we find no much has changed in terms of these areas since the post-war period until the present day. It was the development of contemporary tanks more qualitatively than quantitatively. And remained three main factors the level of paperwork tank control, namely motorcycle capacity, motor capacity, protection, and where it is very difficult, access to Kamal provide combined these elements, it has continued budget among them the process and focus on what suits them military doctrines adopted by those manufactured tank countries with different circumstances and strategies.
Cursed firearms capability, ensure adequate fire intensity for tank armor to face the enemy, and includes the ability to monitor and track and target the enemy. The protection include the ability of the tanks to avoid detection and monitoring hostile, and the ability to survive in the face of enemy fire to avoid destruction, while the motor is divided into kinetic tactical, such as the ability to cross the rugged land, and pass the vertical and horizontal water barriers, and the kinetics of the strategy include the ability armor for transport through land and sea transport The air around arenas remote processes.
I found multiple classes of tanks throughout its history, but remain contemporary tanks are divided into two basic categories, the main battle tanks and the category of light tanks. Main battle tanks ranging weights between 45 and 70 tons, while the light is even lower weights about 30 tons, and specialty units, armored reconnaissance and popped many designs of the tank, including multiple towers tanks, which did not last beyond the Second World War, and the other without towers. It should be noted that there are always types of specialized tanks, Kdbabat driving a tank dedicated to the commanders of the factions or Saraya armored, and be equipped with communications and command and control systems are more appropriate for the leaders, and there are tanks sweeping processed Bmdahl mines or front shovels to open corridors through the minefields, as There are tanks erector for bridges, tanks flame thrower and others.

The ability of firearms
Motorcycle ability of the tank, is determined by the extent to which the tank to monitor, target, and destroy multiple targets and fast enough on the battlefield, you must have an arm capable of target destruction, and ammunition fit the nature of each potential target in addition to the systems of scoring and management of appropriate fire to the battlefields of modern.

Most of the guns of tanks since the beginning of the last century and to Sabienyate, Sptanat threaded adopted, but it has dropped significantly with the proliferation of smooth-barreled guns. Mahlzenh barrel secured to the shell spin on its axis in flight toward the goal which gives it greater stability in the track as a direct result of the movement spindle, and contributes to extend the range of shooting. The barrel smooth it is the technology most widely used and are almost the only one in production at the moment, it has solved rapidly on most Soviet tanks, which entered operational service during the period of the seventies, such as the tank "T-64" and the tank "T-72" strong Bmdfha model " 2A 0.46 M "before solutions are also on the western tanks Kmadf" Rinmtal -120 "user on a tank" M1 Abrams "America. The barrel Smooth keep clean shell in terms of aerobic dynamism during the transit of barreled, making it easier for more access to very high speed nozzle of more than 1700 m / s in several modern Tsamam.aldbabat with big guns caliber Kedzleih major, is the defender of the 120-millimeter standard for tanks Bank, while the defender of the caliber of 125 mm are approved East-tank. Since the end of World War II until today has not grown shots defender tanks often many technical considerations, the increase in the size of the main gun necessarily require the largest of the tower space allocated to the mechanism of the gun, which means a weakening of the strength of armor Introduction tower, which adversely affect the protection of the tank level, except for it will increase the power of recoil when firing, which is another factor affecting the stability of the tank and its ability to fire during the engagement movement.
And a secondary tank arm, the arm rests, it is the usual presence of medium machine guns of 7.62 mm caliber Krchahat pivotal beside the main gun used against enemy infantry, or carriages light lamination and other soft targets, when the use of the main weapon is a waste of power. As well as tank arming a secondary anti-aircraft often have an automatic gun of 12.7 mm see clearly above the skylight tank commander on the various Eastern and Western tanks on both rounds, as it is possible to provide the tanks and other weapons Kqazvat flame or rocket-propelled grenades Alalah.madaf modern tanks several technical features, it provides often with an insulating layer thermally, for example, may rain lead or the accumulation of snow on the upper part of the barrel to a drop in temperature faster than the lower section, or the wind might lead one hand what a similar result, what causes the curvature Maikarowih in barrel in turn affect negatively on the path of missiles and significantly distant ranges accuracy. And containing the cylinder-barrel discharge gas, a CD and a function to expel the gases generated from the burning of driving shipments of shells outside and away from the crew.

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