general information: about tiger

الأربعاء، 31 أغسطس 2016

about tiger

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The tiger is one of the members of the family cats and the smallest of the four big cats belonging to the genus Tigers (Latin: Panthera); where is all of the tiger, lion and jaguar larger than size. Tigers spread today mainly almost in sub-Saharan Africa, and some areas in South and East Asia, where such populations were fragmented in Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, and South of the Arabian Peninsula, having had her home in the former includes all the extended states of the Korean peninsula to South Africa, any areas of East Asia, South, Central, Middle East, Turkey, and all over Africa. The reason is behind the decline in the number of tigers is fast to hunting and habitat loss as a result of urbanization frequent in habitats with high population density about mostly. Tiger is classified by the International Union for Conservation of Nature as close to extinction due to the above-mentioned risks, but it is nevertheless still more numerous than other types of cats belonging to the genus Tiger, all of which face even greater than those faced by tigers risks. [2 ]
Tiger has a relatively short lists, as well as a long body and a huge skull, which resembles the jaguar dramatically in terms of external appearance, but smaller and less full. Tiger speckled Brqt fur rosy figure lacks the central point in the middle that appears when the jaguar, and some of the tigers born when he is carrying a gene caused him Luna dark, these tigers are either completely or very dark black, but it remains possible to see Rqtha when you stand in the sunlight, The share of both the Tigers and the Jaguars this gene, known as gloomy animals such as the "black Tigers" (in English: black panthers).
The success of this type and spread in various parts of the ancient world to the habits of opportunism in the fishing and ability to adapt to different types of climates and housing, as well as for his ability to navigate to a distance of 58 kilometers (36 miles) per hour. [3] feed the tigers on what kind of animals that you can get ahold of it, where the size of the prey of the size ranges beetles to red zebrafish. Favorite residences ranging when these animals from the rainforest to the desert areas. Tiger plays a similar environmentally role for the role played by the Panthers in the Americas.

Derived the name "tiger" in the Arabic language, the word "Namar" and "tiger" in the sense markers, animal Alonmr animal is spotted or which carries the marks on his body, [4] The Tigers are the only cats with Tiger defined by the Arabs before Islam and thus before the conquests that made them meet other types mottled and striped in Persia, India and North Africa.

Fahd is not even a tiger
I called a lot of people today on these animals the name "Fahd" in Arabic, and this is due to the mixing that took place between the Arab and Persian medieval public and make confuse the tiger and leopard and cheetah, word "paper" actually mean "tiger" in Farsi, but "tiger" in Arabic it is a recipe calling the animal "Alonmr" any of a tiger or tags, [4] and the Arabs did not know an animal "Onmr" only speckled tiger who had been living in all parts of the Arabian Peninsula and the Levant, and the tiger did not know the Arabs only when opening Iraq and Iran, and then Aguetpsoa Persian name of the inhabitants of that country. During the golden age of Islam without scientists Persians name of these animals in the local language, and so did the Arab scientists, although the tiger animal "Onmr" any with signs on his body, but they used the Persian his name so as not to get murmurs among the animals, [5] The general of people and we continued the launch of the word "tiger" on these animals to refer to the body, and this confusion between the animals continued until today. For Fahd, has also lived in the Arabian Peninsula and the Levant, known by the Arabs this name since ancient times, and named it also the name of "tiger hunter" Since it is also an animal Onmr was domesticated and used for fishing, [6] and because of mixing already happening between the tiger and the tiger continued a lot of people launched a tiger's name on the tigers, Fahd on tigers, and Fahd fisherman on the Panthers, this continued for a long time after the decay of Arab-Islamic civilization and become established for many people because of the emergence of scientists, writers and translators Arabs to correct this matter during the reign of the Ottoman Empire, ie nearly 400 years.
It was believed in ancient times that the tiger hybrid animal between a lion and black tiger (Panther = Panther) shows this is evident today in the Latin names for the animal-derived from the Greek word vehicle: λέων "Leon" (Lion) and πάρδος "Bardos" (tiger stated) He later said that the tigers name in most of the European languages ​​is derived from the Sanskrit word is पृदाकु "Birdako" (a snake, paper, tiger Black). [7] [8] the word "Panther" is still used today to describe the different types of big cats; in North America it meant the Panthers, and in the South American jaguar, while in the rest of the world it is another Latin name for the tiger. In the Arabic language multiple local names for the tiger, such as "Qdhar" released by the local population in Dhofar, Oman. [9]
Use the animal world Swede Carl Linnaeus name sex Felis initially to describe the tiger in his book of the eighteenth system naturally century (Latin: Systema Naturae) before they are classified more accurately given genus name tigers. [10] derived the name of the current sex of the tiger, Panthera pardus, from a Latin word with Greek roots and is: πάνθηρ "Panther, pánthēr". There is a belief in the public that the Latin name for these animals a compound of the words παν "Pan" (all), and θηρ "thier" (monster), but experts believe that with the roots of Indo-Iranian word meaning "animal yellowish" or "whitish-yolk" ; in Sanskrit, the origin of this word, which was used in the Greek language and changed to the word with time, is पाण्डर "Bandara," which in turn is derived from पुण्डरीक "Bhundarica" ​​(paper, and a lot of other meanings). [7] [11] [12] the similarity of the names of the European tiger each other or completely identical, as in the case of the German and English named "Leopard", and the Italian "Leopardo", and the Dutch "luipaard" which literally means "crook" or "infiltrator."

                                            Classification and evolution of the genre]

Suggested Chinese Worlds "U" and "Zhang" in 2005, that the tiger more closely related to tiger snow from the rest of the big cats, so they went to the final status within the sex of tigers as is "P. uncia" making a number belonging to this genus five. [ 16] the scientific studies accepted and recognized, such as "mammals world," there is still put snow leopard in a special genus him alone under the scientific name "Uncia uncia", but this is not fixed, [17] where some scientists who studies Others recognized, in favor of the development of the snow leopard within the genus tigers, but they say that these animals closer to the tiger from the rest of the cats. [18] believed that Tiger split from the common ancestor of big felines at a later date on the defection of the tiger and snow leopard, and earlier on the jaguar and the lion . [14] The older studies assume that Tiger is closely related lion and jaguar, and until 2001 it was believed that these animals are separated from the rest of her relatives in conjunction with black, according to the analysis of ancient genes own chemical secretions when cats. [19]
It believed to be the first puss can be classified as a sex Tigers appeared in Asia, and then migrated the ancestors of the leopard and other cats descended from him to Africa. [14] The estimated age of the oldest fossils found and return to the ancestors of the tiger, estimated at two million to 3.5 million years old, this is similar samples of the Pleistocene Jaguars primitive. Tiger is assumed that the current development in Africa about 825,000 to 470,000 years ago, and then spread across Asia since around 300,000 to 170,000 years ago. [20]

Current strains
Indian dynasty (Indian tiger, P. pardus fusca), spread in India, southeast Nepal, northern Bangladesh, and some parts of Indonesian Backstan.alslalh (Tiger Indonesian, P. pardus delacouri), spread in mainland India Chinah.kan scientists classify nearly 27 species of tigers, the number of these breeds has increased since the days of Linnaeus in the eighteenth century up to the time of the British zoologist Reginald Pocock during the early twentieth century. In 1996 he some scientists to review the classification and reduce the number dynasties to 8 only, according to DNA tests, [21] nor the latter classification is still currently used,. [22] [23] but in 2001, some researchers suggested that the Arabian leopard put (P. pardus nimr) within the Persian leopard strain and not to be considered an independent breed, but this has not been taken seriously until now. The researchers say that the number of the current strains may be based on a miscalculation, because of the limited classification, which has been the African Tiger, and therefore there may be a number of African breeds. The breeds currently recognized are: [20]
Japanese strain (North China tiger, P. pardus japonensis), are found in China.
Sri Lankan dynasty (Sri Lankan leopard, P. pardus kotiya), are found in Sri Lanka. Moderately threatened, including 40 people with families only. [24]
Strain Javanese (Javanese tiger, leopard Java, P. pardus melas), located in the island of Java.
East dynasty (Northern amur leopard or tiger, P. pardus orientalis), spread in the Russian Far East, northern China, and Korea. One of the largest breeds, the longest tiger fur and most Aktnaza, threatened with a maximum degree, it remained nearly 50 animals in the wild [25] and about 120 in captivity.
Strain Alnmrah (Tiger African, P. pardus pardus), spread in Africa.
Strain Farsi (Persian leopard, tiger Iranian, P. pardus saxicolor), spread in the southwest Asaa.ohd larger breeds, if not the largest, threatened moderately, from 130 animals in captivity.
Strain Alnmra (Arabian leopard, P. pardus nimr), deployed in the Arabian Peninsula. Threatened with a maximum degree, it remained nearly 100 wildlife only, and about twenty families.

Previous dynasties
Strains of the day within the African strain [21]
Strain Alnmranih (Barbary leopard, P. pardus panthera).
Cape of Good Hope strain (tiger Cape of Good Hope, P. pardus melanotica).
Central African strain (Central African tiger, P. pardus shortridgei).
Strain the Congo (Congo tiger, P. pardus ituriensis).
Strain Swahili (tiger East Africa, P. pardus suahelica).
Eritrean descent (Tiger Eritrean, P. pardus antinorii).
Somali descent (Tiger Somali, P. pardus nanopardus).
Ugandan strain (Tiger Ugandan, P. pardus chui).
West African strain (tiger West Africa, P. pardus reichinowi).
Strain Alnamrawih (Tiger forest cover West Africa, P. pardus leopardus).
Zanzibar strain (Zanzibar leopard, P. pardus adersi).
Strains of the day within the Persian dynasty [21]
Anatolian dynasty (Anatolian tiger, P. pardus tulliana).
Baluchistan strain (Tiger Balochistan, P. pardus sindica).
Caucasian race (Caucasian leopard, P. pardus ciscaucasica).
Central Persia strain (tiger Fares Central, P. pardus dathei).
Sinai strain (tiger Sinai, P. pardus jarvisi).
Strains of the day within the Indian strain [21]
Strain Kashmiri (Kashmiri Tiger, P. pardus millardi).
Strain Nepali (Nepalese tiger, P. pardus pernigra).


Hybridization with other felines

It hybrids known as the Tigers, too, output, known as the Tiger-Asadi, a hybrid between a tiger male and lioness, and the first of these well-known hybrids from India, where the animals Kolhapur Park marry types in 1910, after the animal deaths donated the park for his life and his skull to the British Museum of Natural History.] 27] it is a black program Alnmrah of the garden Cochin Hanshin, in the city of Nishinomiya, Japan months in the world. in the contract Alkhmsinatman the twentieth century was a lot of zoos displays black hybrids and tigers to increase the visitors rate, and this can significantly spread in the world's gardens, including Japan, chose the park aforementioned display new hybrids of their own, so she marries a tiger named "Canio" the lioness called "Sonuko." Black Alnmrah be larger than leopards and possess the bodies that chunky black Kojdzisad short lists as lists Tiger, in addition to stipple structure (not black Krqt her father) and tails ends lock of hair. Emerged male Japanese Hybrids simple to seem, in length of 20 cm, when I got to the stage of puberty, have proven they are all sterile. [28] as well as some claim for hybridization between the Tigers and Jaguars [29] and the Port. [30] have been hybridized tiger in captivity with some types big cats from the lines of the Panthers, black, jaguar, and tiger. Among the most famous animal hybrids known Balcnamr or Alcolmr, a product of Panther and Tiger, they have been breeding these animals three times in the late nineties of the nineteenth century and early twentieth century by the German animal dealer Carl Hagenbeck, in the garden of his animals in Hamburg. Only a few came from these animals to adulthood, including animal bought the Berlin Zoo in 1898, and was the product of Female Tiger and Panther said, also has owned the park another animal got from Hagenbeck Similarly, it was a tiger male and a female cougar, as was also the case for to Zoo Hamburg, which got a tiger father Panthers and his mother Namira Indian. [26] generates Alcnamr midget whether the product Panthers male tiger, or tiger and a female cougar, where old documents reported that individuals that survived to adulthood and reached half the size of her parents only. These hybrids has a long body as the body of the Panthers (relative to the size and the length of its sides, but still shorter than both parents), but their lists shorter, while the color describing different, where some of the documents stating that sandy, Asmara, or yellowish gray, with a stipple structure, chestnut, or very pale. [26]

Physical description

Predator Agile Voyeur movement, although it is smaller than other species belonging to the genus tigers, it is still able to kill the game superiority in size by far thanks to the large skull which contains muscles very strong decoding. [31] it is the body of a long-Tiger for puss, short lists compared to the size of his body, [32], which ranges in length with the head between 125 and 165 centimeters (35 to 75 inches), while the length of the tail is between 60 and 110 centimeters (24 to 43 inches). The height of these animals between 45 to 80 centimeters (18-31 inches), and the males are larger than females by about 30%, [33] where the first weigh between 37 to 91 kilograms (82 to 200 pounds), while the second weight ranges between 28 and 60 kilograms (62 and 132 lbs). There are larger tigers in areas lacking rival of large carnivores of the ilk Alosodoalbbor x
One tiger from several felines mottled, so easily confused with other types of similar Kfahad and the jaguar, and the best way to distinguish between these animals is by Alrqt in their fur, Valenmr has Rqta rosy shape while the cheetah has simple spots, and the similarity of stipple tiger those Ballegor, but the central point of the latter in every fleck of his spots, unlike the tiger. Also, Valenmr larger and more powerful than the long leopard skinny lists, but the smallest little jaguar in size, and in addition to that, the tiger's tail nearly the length of half a body length or more, while the jaguar's tail much of his body shorter, and has Tiger distinctive white spot on the bottom of its tail the female used to communicate with her puppies when they move around in the grass, and non-existent at this spot leopard and jaguar. In addition, the lack Tigers of rings which are located on the tail end of cheetah in addition to the black lines that look as tears descend from the eyes of leopard to the corners of his mouth, and the Panthers being the largest of the tigers much quickly and does not climb trees, but when they are due only while longer Tigers climber skilled, as the recent nocturnal activity often while the Panthers daytime activity. Help black tiger unregulated stipple the disguised central Gavhwalohjar herbs, which are circular in East Africa, and tend to be square in South Africa. [32]

Colorimetric patterns
There chromatic style for the Tigers very well known, a Alosf pattern, caused by gene controlling Tdhr gene bearing the color rusty and replaced. [34] These are called animals black tigers (also called this name on a black jaguar), which resides in the forests and rainy mountainous areas.
The black tigers is less prevalent in Africa, since the blasting does not constitute or give her any advantage over their prey or competitor, where they can not Taatmoh among the grass when fishing in the dry savanna, or when trying to avoid larger predators larger Kalillaa spotted and black. Estimates show that the number of black tigers are very few in Africa, where it can only be a coincidence tiger Dark One in 80 or 100 tiger trout, but in the dense forests Heights Abyssinia, is the Black Tiger is more familiar from all over Africa General; where one out of five Tigers may be black Allon.tanthr black tigers, particularly in Peninsular Malaysia, where preliminary reports indicate that about half of the tigers there Sfa, but the study is based on Alfajah cameras in 2007 in Taman Negara National Park, the Tigers have shown that there are all black in color . [35] believed that the dark color helps the tiger camouflage in the rainforest, although the benefits is not entirely known yet. Genetic research has shown that there are four parallel developments of the blasting at the cats, which is assumed that there is a particular benefit is aggregated from being black, [34] On the other assumptions of the issue that the color is not only adapted Old skin enduring continued until today; can gene that causes blasting also affect the immune system of these animals. [35]
Show one of the documents from the black leopards and tigers snow, the special world of British animal, Reginald Innes Pocock, a picture of a tiger skin from southern India; possessed this animal big black stains, the similarity of the pattern skin jaguar and leopard blemished, make up each frame is located in the middle of a number of spots. Appeared in another picture also a skins Tiger Pocock South India, skin is very dark pigment and stipple monolith to the extent that Tiger seems Mbrakeca or slightly golden or Alocefr.temtlk color scheme Tigers also a pattern color-known style "fake Alosf" where Alrqt monolith near some of the more than usual, which covers the background color of their fur and give her a semi-black colors, Valenmr Alosf fake remains retains turquoise rusty spots, but the intensity makes it looks bleak. In some individuals this dark black color runs along the flanks and ribs, and indicates that this natural-color animals only a few lines of the striking architecture to the Golden that appear in some parts of the body. Be Alrqt that appeared on the flanks or ribs, and did not merge with the color black, and a small separate, and do not constitute shifts. This is the face of the Tigers and the lower part of her body pied and paler than the rest of the body, as when normal spotted leopards. People often symbolizes, and incorrectly, to the Tigers Ambassaa counterfeit as "Black Tigers". [36]
The British Museum of Natural History, in 1936, introduced the fur is very rare tiger Somalis, this was a fur decorated with intricate patterns of spiral lines, smudges, lines curved and curly, so this tiger is entirely different in outward appearance from the normal tigers, and soon in the form of king Panthers, and was therefore called the study of hidden animals specialists aware of the "king of the Tigers." Flagged for six dark Tigers fake, between 1885 and 1934 in the districts of Albany and Grahamstown, South Africa, experts have stated that this indicates a shift in the local population of tigers as a result of the emergence of a mutation has, and the kings of the Tigers, it has been reported others are in Malabar southeastern India, but it is believed that the recreational fishing have spent on these populations spend most other color patterns of tigers are not known only by drawings and stuffed specimens from museums, as in the case of white tigers and Almehghae. There were a few very rare where stipple contacted some black tigers to each other, making it a bleak black Rqtha do not appear in the sunlight as opposed to the normal black tigers situations.

Reproduction and life cycle
The female lays her stomach in a hole, a cave, a vacuum between the boulders, hollow tree, or among dense bushes, young and open their eyes after 10 days of its birth. It tends furs puppies to be longer than your name and your tigers that amount, and the Ohabha longer dark gray and color more than adults called on individuals, and the spots less visible to the eye. Puppies begin to catch up with her mother when she went fishing when they reach about 3 months. Puppy is able to defend himself and takes his affairs probably when he reaches one year of age, but all the young remain with her mother for a period ranging between 18 and 24 months. [46] knows about the Tigers that they may live up to 21 years in captivity. [47] Tiger has been chasing the male female that attracts attention, and any way this was not a dominant male may enter into conflict with the dominant male in the female Hoz to have the right to mating, so that the female herself has been battling a little above in some cases before they wipe him having intercourse. Tigers mating season varies depending on the region inhabited, they breed throughout the year in Africa and most of Asia, while in Manchuria and Siberia, it may fixed mated runs from January through February season. Last estrus for about 46 days, and be the female sexually receptive to between 6 and 7 days. [44] last pregnancy between 90 and 105-day period, [33] female lays beyond Batna number of puppies ranges where between 2 and 4. Typically, [45] However, the mortality rate is high among young people, as a whole does not live more than a puppy and one or two after the lactation period.

Social structure and scope Haouz
The studies related to the scope Hoz Tigers, was and still tend to focus on Drashtlk dwelling animals in the protected areas, which means that the information Almsthsal them and on the scope Haouz may be distorted at the most; since the mid-eighties of the twentieth century, it was only 13% of the home of the actual tigers enters within the protected areas. [48] suggests scientists, Noel Jackson, through their study of the research to the global Union for conservation of nature, that Hoz tiger male ranging area of ​​between 30 and 78 square kilometers, while the female Hoz space ranging between 15 and 16 square kilometers only. [31 ] one of the research in a protected area in Kenya showed that the volume of Haouz when these similar animals as proposed by the researchers, and the difference in both sexes: males reached breeding territory an area of ​​32.8 square kilometers on average, and females 14 km². [49] in Nepal show that the size of the area controlled by the male the larger, reaching 48 square kilometers, while the female area turned out to be an area of, according to other research 0.17 square kilometers, and have found that female Hoz decreasing area for between five to seven square kilometers only when the breed puppies, and the difference in size Haouz according to the difference Gender appears to have been increasingly positive rate according to the increase in the total number of individuals. [50] However, it was observed clear changes in Ahwaz tigers space through the home the entire genre, in Namibia, for example, research has focused on the environmental role of spatial Tigers Qatnh agricultural land outside the areas shown protected, that Hoz per tiger area has always been more than 100 square kilometers, so that some of them exceeded the space Hauza 300 km²; the researchers who carried out these studies it is not registered any difference in the Haouz area, according to the different animal sex, and that they acknowledge that these study results, said contrary to the results of other researchers studies, [48] who almost all of whom agree that the male is always in control of a larger area of ​​the female area. Shows that the intersection between the various regions of the male very little or no up, but the intersection Hoz equality is very familiar; In-based wireless hoops in Ivory Coast, the study found that one of the females enter the area fully within the Hoz a male. [51]
Tigers animals confinement Individuals do not mingle with each other only in the mating period, Outside this period they rarely come into contact with each other. [51] have been documented heavy fighting between some of the tigers at the meet those requirements together, it appeared that two of the five tigers has studied over the years in one of the parks prey in South Africa, to a protective died, where were wounded, one in a fight with another male to take control of a sacrifice; before he grabs it, the researchers re-released after treatment, to kill then at the hands of another male after a few months. The second tiger was killed by another predator, believed to be spotted hyena most likely, and there was also a third tiger was seriously injured fighting Dmnoaa (inclusive of members of the bio-one type), but returned and healed them. [52]

Relationship kind to the environment around him

Proliferation and housing
A study from 1996 showed that the tigers more wild cats prevalent on the surface of the earth, [31] where it is primarily spread in certain areas in South Asia and most parts of Africa, particularly Eastern and Central Africa, [53] although the populations is dwelling for sub-Saharan Africa over the years have shown a decline in their numbers and become fragmented and isolated from each other today. Experts from the World Federation of benefit for Conservation of Nature that the number of this type is still "thriving in sub-Saharan Africa, even as it spreads in marginal housing" in areas that have disappeared, including other large felines, but the populations of North Africa may be extinct today probably. The information on the spread of these animals in Asia are not documented fully: Fjmehrat Southeast Asia and Central Asia small and fragmented; and tigers most Katana, the Northeast is considered endangered maximum degree; in the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, China, Vtad very familiar. [2]
Live tigers herbal land, forests, and forests scattered along the rivers mainly. These animals were studied in the open savannah Overall, these studies have yielded results which may be considered mere descriptions of the Tigers no more. Tigers are nocturnal animals, usually, only to retrace the Tigers in Western Africa through wireless hoops, and analysis of feces, showed that the rainforest daytime activity or Hfiqih Tigers probably. Studies have also shown that these tigers selective more for the type of prey, they also show seasonal variations in behavior patterns. [54] The tiger adaptable too, despite the fact that people are typically linked to Bambassana rainforest: In the Russian Far East, inhabit these animals temperate forests which temperatures drop during the winter up to -25 ° C. [20]

Environmental role
Tigers compete for food and Haouz with a large number of other predators of black ilk, tigers, spotted hyenas, wild dogs, because of the spread in a number of different housing states inhabited by a variety of predators. Most of these predators stealing sacrifices of tigers and prey on their young, and the longer the tiger and the lion solo capable of killing a tiger adult. [55] [56] adapted tigers to live side by side with these predators by going out fishing at different times of the day and avoid the areas that you visit relatives larger or other predators that live in groups. Hiding tiger cubs and their prey in the often trees to prevent the arrival of the other to predators, but this method does not always succeed, as the black climb trees and sometimes rob tigers prey, [57] and the tiger's might also climbs the tree and expels Tiger condition, he urged on this.
The scientists, Noel Jackson, to share food sources between tigers and lions or tigers, gets in areas where tiger shares his home with one of two types: [31] In such a zones, tend tigers to prey on smaller prey, weighing less than 75 kg while preying on relatives that is larger than this. One study suggests that the rainforest has tigers, the latter does not avoid the larger cats always by hunting at different times of the day. It appeared that the tigers and tigers coexist together when there is an abundance of prey and behavior hierarchically dominant appear on each other and one of them is trying to kill the other he had encountered any way or hardiness, unlike the case with black in the African savanna often. [58]

Tiger representation in human culture

in tourism
Tigers emerged during ancient times in the arts, mythology, folklore and a lot of countries that Qtntha, such as ancient Greece, Persia, Egypt, Phoenicia, and Rome, as well as for some countries which became extinct thousands of years ago, such as England. The Tigers shipped since 186 BC to Rome to participate in the games that were held in the stands Kmassarah other types of exotic animals for the Romans, and the execution of criminals and slaves at the sight of people, and this was the Tigers come mostly from Africa and Asia Minor. Tigers domesticated were also common in India, the Levant and Mesopotamia, and in the imperial court of the Roman, as John I of England owned a number of tigers were kept in Monsters exhibition at the Tower of London during the thirteenth century; and nearly a year in 1235 gave the Emperor Frederick II, Emperor of the Holy Romanian Empire, the three members of the Tigers to the king of England, Henry III. [59] the use of the tiger today as an emblem of sports and countries almost trapped in Africa, despite the fact that a lot of products and countries around the world are using today as well as a slogan to her, and that the exploitation the newly commercialized tigers is, after the precious garment industry flourished in the international fashion capitals, the demand for fur tigers has increased and it was like this the emergence of a black market for trading skins of these animals in Asian countries in particular. Also take advantage of the Tigers through fishing and tourism, where some land owners in Africa, and where you live (LTTE), to provide an opportunity for foreign tourists to catch a tiger at home and retaining him as a souvenir in exchange for a sum of money, there are others they converted their farms to nature reserves for visiting tourists and watch the tigers condition wild Tabieih.kant tigers are known by humans since prehistoric times, it has been found skeletons of Tiger near the skeletons of a man in a crack Ooldovaa northern Tanzania, it is likely that these early humans were following the Tigers to where the hidden catch and Amoha him until they get the need of meat, or kill her also, and to eat their meat under any circumstances did not escape, since the expulsion of the tiger solo for hunting easier and less dangerous than the expulsion of black clique or tribe spotted hyenas.

In signs of a tiger Allenbalhaad more animals that are hard to see in the wild, despite its size, which makes it evident, due to the trout Fraih, who combine it with dry Baaith and because of his night and habits climbing trees where Fraih hide from the eyes. Is the Sabi Sands Game Reserve for the game in South Africa a better position to see tigers in the wild, where it is the usual cats on cars Ambassariuemcn see them on a daily basis at a very close range. In Asia Yala National Park in Sri Lanka it is the best place to see these animals, however, that even in this place is not guaranteed to meet any tiger because more than half of the park is closed to the public, allowing the Tigers to flourish and increase their numbers. On the other known sites Bnmorha, and Alebatto Park, which reopened recently, in Sri Lanka as well. Tigers spread widely in India, leading to a number of conflicts with humans, and national parks, which can be seen tigers in India, Recreation Madhya Pradesh and Uttarakhand.

Tigers-eating human [edit] used image Assad Depositary "passant" or "Tiger" as a slogan in the nobility, where often appear in groups of three. [60] lacks nobility Tigers to Alrqt carry mane on their necks, making them almost black coat similar, and often what is used interchangeably Monday. Black logos or tigers show this to England logo and many of its former colonies; today appears more like tigers spotted images on the slogans of a number of African countries such as Benin, Malawi, Somalia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, which put the image of a black tiger. [61]


Although the Tigers were predators to upright walking primates to humans sapiens, from the lines of southern ape and Homo habilis, [62] they avoid humans majority of cases, but it gets to the other sometimes targeted. Most wild prey sound tigers prefer to humans, but the Tigers aging, sick or infected, or those that suffer from a shortage of prey stock, begin by targeting the human and seen Ktradh, some would get used to them on this matter, which turns it into a major threat. Among the most famous cases of tigers predators human, two cases occurred both in India, the first was the "tiger Rodribraiag" which killed more than probably 125 people, and the second is the "tiger Banar," which killed more than 400 people after being shot by a hunter shot him an incident incident capable of catching natural prey. [63] [64] killed both of these Alnmaren the British Jim Corbett hand of the hunter. [65] considered the tigers eating human bold compared with normal cats and even other human-eating, where they enter human settlements in search of prey are frequently than do black and tigers eating humans. [66] described the Indian writer and hunter, Kenneth Anderson, who has experience with the tigers human predators, these animals as more dangerous than tigers when he said:
Tigers remain less likely than that of human predation of black tigers turn because of its potential to stay through the bush subsisting on small-scale only, without large prey, on the contrary of their relatives. However, the Tigers may be attracted to human villages due to livestock and domestic animals, particularly dogs, have resorted then to human predation that required such circumstances it was not any other food source is available. [67]

In mythology and human civilization

Osiris, the god of Egyptian mythology wearing a fur tiger shows; therefore these animals were considered the emblem of God, where he was the high priest dressed in fur distinctive them indicating their service as a feature of his temples. Tiger also highlights some of the Jewish Bible stories, where a story stating that Adam and Eve when they bailed out of paradise were wearing tiger skin was signed at a later date, however, Nimrod Ben-Canaan, they used to call wild animals to him when danger, fired by the title of "Taming the Tigers." Tiger described in the Old Testament as a carnivorous risk can not be trusted him. [68] [69] seen humans to tigers in different ways across the vast habitat, they are sometimes considered a symbol of elegance, nobility and power, and sometimes evil symbol of sin. Valenmor is the slogan of warriors and kings in several civilizations, because, as demonstrated by the strength and courage and wits against the game superiority in size and enemies stronger than the structure, and the most prominent examples of countries that still consider the tiger as an important symbol, Benin, where is the fur of these animals logo or the leader of the tribe mark. The humans do with tigers in the kingdom of Dahomey (now Benin) is very strong; the Kings were saying that they are united with a tiger in one body; therefore, the people who were calling themselves sometimes the title of the "Sons of the Tiger." It is believed that when the people of Igbo person when they die, it is born again in the form of an elephant or a tiger was valid under any circumstances in his life.
Depicting legends of Chinese novels positive side of the tiger instead of the brave warrior side, which appears in the majority of the mythology of other cultures, it has found traces bearing the image of the animal as a slogan to her, where it seems he stands on three lists extender for one list, as animals nobility appear on the armor European kings and knights of the Middle Ages, and some countries today. Tiger name remained linked to the war and even the contemporary stage, where he was given as the name of two German tanks: Leopard 1 and Leopard 2, the type of Spanish tanks: Leopard 2 IE. Is the ancient Greek philosopher only Aristotle among scientists, researchers, veterans who had not seen the Tigers a positive outlook as did the others, as it was not seen as a courageous and powerful animals impose respect. In one of his books puts Tiger with other animals suggest stupidity and cowardice, a rabbit, a mouse, hyena, and ass.
Tiger was the source of the names of other animals mottled similar Brqt him, Vallegor, for example, called the Portuguese explorers to Brazil American Tiger name in the beginning, the name of Shark Nimri also fired on one of the types of loans because of his skin mottled, tulips Nimri on the type of tulips. In the Arabic language, and some called the male tiger name of his children, and the tiger on the girl sometimes.

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