general information: about fish

الأربعاء، 31 أغسطس 2016

about fish

Fish supplier of important resources for human beings all over the world and more types is a key food for humans. And fish species that are more desirable than others is the carp and Smkakadd and herring and sardines and tuna. Professional fishermen and Ulkipavion hunt fish from wild fisheries (see fishing) or Bastzeralla in pools or in cages in the ocean (see aquaculture). And it is also caught by recreational fishing or sports lovers, or to keep them as pets by hobby fish lovers, or to view it in public pools. Fish has played an important role in culture through the ages, Vozvt of divinity and in religious symbols, and as employed in the arts, books and Aloflam.etwafr fish in most water bodies. It can almost be found in all aquatic environments, from high mountain streams (such as char and thickness gobies) to great depths and even Kndeghih of the deepest oceans (eg, eels swallower and fish Angler). As that some fish live in fresh water in lakes, rivers and other Alohuarobedha live in salt water in the seas and oceans. There are about 32,000 species of fish, thus the most versatile than any other group of vertebrates. [4] Fish (c. Fish; and one fish) .asamkh is any member of that group of organisms populist similarities, which includes all aquatic animals cranial with gills which Fqrlotrav with fingers. And it falls under this definition eel fish, eels, fish cartilaginous and bony current, as well as various groups of extinct fish related. Most fish are Ectotherm Objects ( "with cold blood"), allowing the heat of their bodies difference with changing ambient temperatures, although some large fish actively swim like white shark and tuna can keep the degree underground temperature higher than the ambient temperature. [2] [3] most species of fish have bones and some other species such as sharks have no real bones are even cartilage. Some of the fish are small length of 1 cm or less, others large and long in length up to 15 meters and weighs 15 tons, as in the shark and the whale.
The word "fish" or "fish" is a term that is defined negatively, and excludes him quartets legs (such as amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals) which descend from between the folds of the same advances. So it is a quasi-populist term and did not reflect a dynamic sound rating in the science of the regular neighborhoods. Other traditional terms such as Asamkiat pisces (or ichthyes) are typical Nmtihoo terms, but they are not classified in the science of evolution breeds. Some other types of animals that live in the sea, such as sea stars and jellyfish also called fish but not fish. Molluscs also objects with various coincidences such as shellfish and crustaceans such as shrimp, shrimp and crabs are not fish.
The oldest living organisms that can be classified as one of the fish is limp body chordates that first appeared during the Cambrian period. Although it lacked a true spine, they possessed ropes dorsal allowed them to be more flexible than their counterparts of invertebrates. Fish continued to develop during the initial period, and the varied and wide to cruel way. Many of the initial era fish developed external shields to protect them from predators. The first fish have decoding appeared in the Silurian age, and many of them later became (such as sharks) formidable predators freely instead of just being a prey to the objects of arthropods Division.

Fish Date
I do not know precisely when invertebrates moved to vertebrates, because this transition has been since time immemorial exceed four hundred and fifty million years ago, in Alslora minimum age, and is well known that fish is the first vertebrates that appeared on the surface of the earth, all of which were in the first place belongs to a group of armored fish.
Even Alslora top times were fish species do not increase in length to ten centimeters, then began to appear after that types of armored fish the finest and larger has been possible to find the remains of the external skeletons of these fish are rarely found on the structures of the Interior, and can fish considered a round Contemporary mouth descendants of those ancient armored fish.
And you can not precisely determine the origin of armored fish, but there is a possibility refers to the platoon could be one out of these fish, the two Jeraptolita one of the row Alheidrvaniat that belong to Algeoffmaoaat Division, such as the Hydra and Maran and others, and the second platoon are Altreubita "or trilobites , a scaly animals belong to the arthropods Division.
And that this possibility is likely that both Jerabolita and Altreubita arrived to the greatest stages of their development in the era Alslora. Other species may be branched from the two faction, but it is likely that the arthropods were the origin of the emergence of fish, astronomer living organism that lives in water in the form of a fish, you should be certain conditions are met it in order to suit the aquatic environment, in order to ensure the speed of movement in aqueous medium heavy, and the nature of Algeoffmaoaat does not support the possibility of the existence of these conditions, but it proved that arthropods since the Cambrian era, the first ancient eras were moving and crawl on the sea floor, it is likely so they lived on more than one image, as do some types of crab so far in Indian Ocean.
In order for an organism to live a proper manner, it should provide the body to help it to sense their environment do. This has resulted in the need for the growth of the sense organs, which are the bodies of membership can be affected by gravity and photovoltaic, thermal and so on.
Episode first transition between vertebrates, invertebrates has to be that it was a being much like an animal stock, did not have the internal structure of the object, but it came under the spinal cord nervous to a central, a string of flexible cells called nerve cord, and this primitive object that looks like the stock first originated cartilaginous fish, which later developed into bony fish, and formed paragraphs about the nerve cord to protect it from the dangers caused by rapid movement, which was necessitated by the life of these fish in the water, then the inflation front part of the nervous got her pregnant to be the brain. And it originated the gills later advanced from the front of the gastrointestinal tract in primitive Alsuham, who was working as a device to breathe absorbs dissolved oxygen in the water and turns it into the blood.
Because of the great sudden evolution experienced by invertebrates during the era Alslora likely to Altreubita or trilobites it had to expand the area of ​​their life, and to increase the speed of movement, so that they can ensure survival in the struggle with other marine organisms, and it seems that some of them managed to adapt with the new circumstances.
And require the speed of movement of water in a special form of the body, achieves the least amount of resistance, and also require a device that helps to rush into the water, the fish was the form of an inevitable result of the conditions of the environment in which she lived the first fish. Thus invertebrates evolved into a well-known Braosha edged fish body that relate directly related to the body without the neck. The back also began to cascade down the gradient at the center, even up to the pointed end of the tail, and required the presence of a list on the end of the body to help the speed of movement, it is inevitable that are similar to the caudal fin, also supported appendages finfish thoracic strong rays of short help fish on fast swimming.
During the Devonian-Undecided age of about three hundred and fifty million Aam- since occurred in the earth's crust has undergone tremendous changes, resulted in that living things that existed then evolved; even fit in with the new conditions of life, and when successive globe periods of heavy rain, and periods of drought and heat, was on the fish to evolve even fit in with the surrounding circumstances, was that evolved to the lung fish can build their own added in a mud live, and the hole introduces him to the atmosphere, and they remain in their nests, even traverse the drought, then resume her life in water when it rains. This was the fish belong to pulmonary fish row hardened wings and which originated amphibians, Kaldvda and salamanders.
There were several types of women with cystic gills, two rows of them who lived through the eras Alslora and Devonian, two Alonasbeida and had been living on the bottom, and have a solid bony armor covering its part at the front of the head.
A distinctive qualities in body composition to believe that the thickness of lampreys and fish mucous - two of useless Alvkok- fish are strain direct the remainder of this extinct organisms, which began small in no more than a few centimeters, and then flourished in eras Devonian minimum carbon era, where he found the fossils heads of armored fish with a length of more than six meters, it is likely the ancestors of the shark, which found him fossils scattered in a variety of eras Alslora upper and lower Devonian, which indicates that the sharks came after the gills of a fish seine.
It is believed that the original fish, a fish bone, was an extension of the development of a branch of the shark in the early Alslora era, and the oldest known of these fish species are preliminary Alhvxiat that existed during the Devonian Period, reaching the height of its growth during the Carboniferous period, and remained until the end Jurassic period and there are still a few species belong to this initial Alhvxiat live to this day. However, the ranks that most of the bony fish are remaining so far did not appear in the middle periods, and its development was rapid and is mostly in Eocene age At the beginning of the modern eras.
And you know the three times late in the ancient eras era of fish, namely the Silurian and Devonian and Carboniferous period, but real or bony fish have not attained the height of her life except in the Carboniferous period was not the types can be compared with fish that are now only in the age of reptiles, which came after that show, as the factions did not show prevailing for now, but in the age of reptiles, which came after that, as the dominant factions did not show for now, but in the age of mammals, is the latest of these geological ages.
There are bony fish species now number more than in any other Division of vertebrates people, and where multiple shapes, sizes and colors as different from each other in often a big difference in the internal structure, and live in all aquatic environments.

General characteristics of fish
The fish also feature fins supported by the thorns of radial cartilage or bone; and fins be individual or Zojih.lsamk scales and fins and gill (gills) breathes out. Called Aforajh crust that covers the fish skin with money. Like other vertebrates, fish have the structure or a central spine. The body cavity that contains the vital organs in the front of the belly of the fish is located, but the back, which is located behind the body cavity consists mostly of muscles and basic function is to push the fish in the water and called the tail or the tail. Often covered body Bhrashv fish. And coats the fish skins also a layer of mucous material complement what the husks of protective functions; they are surrounded by fungi and bacteria that may be attached to the body of the fish and their crippling slipped and fall without being hit by injury, but if the fish lost part of Hrashvha, the microbes may be up to the Naked Empty Article mucous thus exposing the fish to many diseases.

Fish colors
Fish colors from light gray vary, bright red, brown, which is similar to a greener, to dark colors that singled out the bottom fish, bony fish and is usually characterized by the beauty of their colors and their multiplicity, while the colors converge in cartilaginous fish.
Fish is gaining colors of pigments Rasph or hanging in the branches of ribs or special cells; and contain the ribbed yellow pigment cells, while branching dye orange, red, brown and black contain. Another branched cells, which are piled reflective crystals of light from a substance called "guanine", a production of Synovial indigestible materials, and carried by the blood to the cells that abound on the belly of the fish is attributed to white and silver color.
And different amounts of pigment and crystals from fish to other .. If abounded containing cells on the pigment, and the colors were bright and clear; if abounded crystalline cells, has become the colors pale; and when the spread of colored liquids inside cells complete fish color is becoming increasingly apparent, and if accumulated various cells dyes each over some of them produce multiple colors, and guanine can also analyze the light spectrum.
Fish and can often be similar to their environment, for fear the enemy or Tbaght prey .. you shall take some seaweed colors, and take other forms of coral and colors, as grouper take colors resemble the prevailing colors.
Nor is the light spread and included an aquifers more than four hundred meters, and produces from this that pelagic fish are bright color, while homogeneous colors whenever clearer and depth to become faint in the depths as well as fade fish colors that inhabit the caves and water caves dark, but regains its colors when exposed light
There are other factors, as well as light, often affecting the fish colors. It revealed the relationship between the fish-eye and color when covered with the lower part of the eye color of the fish become vibrant, and did not cover the top cause any change in the color of the fish, which indicates that the bottom part of the retina affect the animal's color. It was also noted that the plaice can acquire bottom colors after prolong seen because the fish-eye movement of images visuals to the optic nerve and then to the brain and then to the sympathetic nerve that connects all the colored cells and thus the fish take the color of the environment in which you live like a fish reefs.
Heat impact on fish colors, they are causing the spread of colored fluid inside cells; the fish health condition that affects largely on their color.
Fish colors in particular as change at a time when mating. It seems pompous male in a suit and a brighter color, so that he can lure and attract the female, and this is due to the change in color to the activity of the gonads. Fish and common traits are: multiply laying eggs in the water, their bodies covered with husks and breathe through gills

Classification of fish
Animal Kingdom
Chordates Division
Under-Division vertebrates
Above a row Agnatha Agantha
Row tinny head Cephalaspidomorphi
Petromyzontiformes rank
Family Aljlekiat Petromyzontidae
Above a row Alvkiat Gnathostomata
Row cartilaginous Chondrichthyes
Under a full head Holocephali row
Chimaeriformes rank
Chimaeridae family
Under row tinny gills Elasmobranchii
Rank forms Chimera Carcharhiniformes
Scyliorhinidae family
Carcharhinidae family
Rank forms of loans mackerel Lamniformes
Alopiidae family
Cetorhinidae family
The family of the white shark or sharks Macarril Lamnidae
Hexanchiformes rank
Shark bovine family Hexanchidae
Rank forms of dogfish Squaliformes
Family dogfish Squalidae
Shark family lying Dalatiidae
Rank forms of shark stellar Squatiniformes
Shark stellar Squatinidae family
Rank forms Rai Rajiformes
Family Rai electric Torpedinidae
Rajidae family
Radial fins row Actinopterygii
Above the rank of bony cartilaginous Chondrostei
Rank forms Sturgeon Acipenseriformes
Sturgeon Acipenseridae family
Under Neopterygii rank
Fish Department complete ossification Teleostei
Anguilliformes rank
Eel long mouth Nemichthyidae family
Clupeiformes rank
Family Aloncoggiot Engraulidae
Alrinkeat family Clupeidae
Rank forms Alhbottiyat Cypriniformes
Alhbottiyat family Cyprinidae
Rank forms of smelt Osmeriformes
Family Alhviat Osmeridae
Rank forms of salmonids Salmoniformes
Family salmonids Salmonidae
Rank forms Almusharttiyat Aulopiformes
Synodontidae family
Paralepididae family
Family Almusharttiyat Alepisauridae
Rank forms of fish enlightening Myctophiformes
Fish enlightening family Myctophidae
Rank forms Aalghemriaat Lampridiformes
Family Aalghemriaat Lamprididae
Trachipteridae family
Ophidiiformes rank
Bythitidae family
Gadiformes rank
Merlucciidae family
Alkadiat family Gadidae
Batrachoidiformes rank
Batrachoididae family
Beloniformes rank
Scomberesocidae family
Rank forms of semiconductor Alhbottiyat Cyprinodontiformes
Semiconductor Alhbottiyat Cyprinodontidae family
Gasterosteiformes rank
Aulorhynchidae family
Gasterosteidae family
Syngnathidae family
Scorpaeniformes rank
Scorpaenidae family
Anoplopomatidae family
Hexagrammidae family
Zaniolepididae family
Rhamphocottidae family
Cottidae family
Agonidae family
Psychrolutidae family
Cyclopteridae family
Liparidae family
Fish-like chicks Perciformes
Moronidae family
Carangidae family
Bramidae family
Sciaenidae family
Embiotocidae family
Bathymasteridae family
Zoarcidae family
Stichaeidae family
Cryptacanthodidae family
Pholidae family
Anarhichadidae family
Ptilichthyidae family
Scytalinidae family
Trichodontidae family
Ammodytidae family
Icosteidae family
Gobiesocidae family
Gobiesocidae family
Sphyraenidae family
Trichiuridae family
Alasagmriaat family Scombridae
Stromateidae family
Pleuronectiformes rank
Bothidae family
Pleuronectidae family
Cynoglossidae family
Rank jaws Tetraodontiform quad forms
Sunfish family Molidae

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