general information: about computer

الخميس، 1 سبتمبر 2016

about computer

Computer components are divided into two major parts: hardware and software operating it. Divided steel gear of a computer into five classifications President: input devices, processing, and output devices, storage media, and communication devices. While computer software is divided into: operating systems, and Alttabiqat.hacob (in English: computer) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] or automated computer or the computer or the computer or the monotony or Almnzam [citation needed] or computer [6] or mind-mail [7] or organization [8] Jhazaketrona capable of receiving and processing data to valuable information stored in various storage media, and often be able to share these results and information with other compatible devices. You fastest computers in this day doing hundreds of billions of arithmetic and logical operations in a few seconds. Computers running special software called operating systems, it is without a scrap piece of computer, operating systems for computers and show how to perform the tasks as they often provide an environment for programmers to develop upon their applications. This definition shows common error among the people of that computers are only those that operate under the Windows environment, and Macintosh, and Linux.
Acer Aspire 8920 Gemstone.jpg
Multiple types of computers in terms of the way they work and their size as well as speed, Vooail electronic computers was a large room size and consumes a similar capacity to consume a few hundred personal Manalhawwasab day. [9] The recent years have seen a decline in the solid structure of industry costs to the extent that it has become with computers personal commodity spread dramatically. The expansion of the application of computers in various fields and devices at the present time, we made a smart time, electronic navigation broadly applied through the Global Positioning System and become organs accessible to everyone, and many businessmen are interested to apply in their businesses to reduce the workforce and reduce the cost of production. Society looks at the personal computer - and his mobile; laptop - that they symbolic of the information age; understanding what he thinks most people when talking about the computer. With this and more forms of computer use today are computers built a computer embedded in a small and simple is usually used to control other devices. For example, you can be found in machines ranging from fighter aircraft, and robotics, and digital cameras to toys, hardware Alhakom.
We can not say that the computer is the invention itself, because it was the product of a lot of scientific innovations and sports applications. Computers variety in fact, according to the imposing Church in machine Turng the computers have low-end ability to be able to accomplish for any other computer tasks, ranging from the PDA to the supercomputer, as long as time and memory capacity are not taken into account. Therefore, the asymmetric design of the computer it is possible to adjust for tasks ranging from processing corporate accounts and control of unmanned spacecraft. Because of the technical development of modern computers are more fatalistic more capable than those of previous generations which are described in part explained the phenomenon of Moore's Law.

Benefits Computer
The importance of the computer lies in simplifying a lot of hard work, or that you need a long time to complete the industrial and commercial such as business, government departments, universities and institutes, it means high-capacity in solving digital issues and accuracy in the preservation and retrieval of information, design documents, pictures and show them.

Computer history
There are examples of primitive devices account, which represents the early ancestors of the computer, including the abacus and the Antikythera Mechanism, a body mechanism ancient Greek was used to calculate the movements of the planets and the history since 87q.m. Almost. The end of the Middle Ages saw a European active in science, engineering and mathematics was Wilhelm Hicard the first of a number of European scientists established mechanical calculator. Without the abacus as a primitive computer because it looked like a calculator in the past. In 1801, Joseph Marie Jaquard has done to improve the existing forms Alnolah which are used consecutive set of perforated paper cards like a program to weave intricate shapes. The result was that loom Jaquard not be considered a real computers but it was an important step in the development of modern digital computers. Charles Babbage was the first thought of and designed a computer fully programmed and at the beginning of 1820, but due to a series of technical border at the time and financial limitations, in addition to the inability to solve the repair problem is good in its design, the device was not actually built in his life. A number of techniques that proved useful later in computing, such as perforated card and the LED tube by the end of the nineteenth century, and processing data automatically with large gradient using punch cards made using scheduling machines designed by Hermann Hollerittarej development of computer hardware is a continuous record of the trend emerged towards making computers faster cheaper and capable of storing more data. Before the existence of a multi-purpose computer was a human does most of his own calculations, that calculators have emerged to help in calculations. Calculators are still evolving, but the computer in which the additional advantage is that it is a multi-use, not only to calculate the numbers. We have over a large computer hardware developments since the forties, until it became the basis for many other uses is the account Kalotemth, communications, control and education.
The success of the powerful and comfortable computers began in the thirties and forties of the twentieth century, and added -baltdraj- the main features of modern computers, such as the use of digital electronics (largely invented by Claude Shannon in 1937) and the ability to programming more smoothly. The identification of a single point during this journey as "the first computer digital electronics," is very difficult.
Of the basic achievements, Computer Atanasoff-Berry 1937, a machine with a dedicated purpose of which was used computing valve seat (LED tube) binary numbers and memory refurbished. British secret computer Colossus (1944), which he had limited ability to programming, but gave a device that uses thousands of valves could be reliable and reprogrammed electronically. Harvard Mark I 1944 computer with a large electromechanical parking included and has a limited ability to programming.
US computer based on the decimal counting system (1946-ENIAC) was the first electronic computer is a general-purpose, but basically the structure is smooth, which means that basically require reprogramming reconnect. Z machines for Konrad Zuse, with Alalictromekaniki Z3) 1941) will be the first working machine offers automatic calculation of bilateral numbers and the ability to programming in a practical way and convenient feature.
The team who developed ENIAC realized the disadvantages of his machine and came to design more flexible and splendor, which became known as von Neumann architecture (or "stored program architecture"). Stored program architecture became by default the basis of all modern computers. A number of projects began to develop a computer program depends on the structure of the store in the mid-forties to the last of the twentieth century. The first computer than these were completed in Britain. First Hola, which is the best factor was the so-called mini-experimental machine (Small-Scale Experimental Machine), but EDSAC was perhaps the first copy process has been developed.
The computer designs Almkad tube LED has become in use throughout the fifties of the twentieth century, but with time have been replaced with computers Transistor where it is smaller, faster and cheaper and more reliable, all of that has allowed it to be produced on a commercial scale, in the sixties of the twentieth century. In the seventies of the twentieth century, helped choose the integrated circuit technology in the production of computers at a cost low enough that allow individuals to own a personal computer than currently known species ...

?How do computers work
It describes the structure of the computer in four main sections: While the technologies used in computers have changed dramatically since the advent of multi-purpose early forties of the twentieth century electronic computers, it is still mostly used Albornamajalmkhozn structure (called sometimes von Neumann architecture). Design was able to make the global computer fact part.
Intertec Superbrain.jpgThe unit of account and logic
Control unit
Input and output devices.
These parts are connected to each through the bundles of wires (called "vectors" BUS when the same package supports more than one data path) and are usually measured by timer or clock (although other events could drive the control circuit).
Intellectually, it is possible to see the computer memory as a list of cells, each cell has the title numbered and can store a few cell and a fixed amount of information. This information can either be an instruction (is) that tell the computer what to do, or to be a data information that is processed using computer commands that have been placed on the memory. Generally, any cell can be used to store either commands or data.
The unit of account and logic are considered the heart of the computer. It is able to carry two types of basic operations.
The first is the calculation, collection or subtract two numbers together. The calculations group may be very limited, in fact, some of the designs do not support the processes of multiplication and division directly (rather than direct support, users can support the processes of multiplication and division through programs based multi-processors for addition and subtraction and other figures).
The second section of the unit of account and logic operations are the introduction of double-digit comparison operations, the verification of this unit is equal or unequal numbers and determine which is the biggest figures. It is the logical process is called a task in programming.
The operating system that combines computer components with each other, where it reads commands and data from memory or from the input and output devices, to be Tidha by the processor. As well as decoding commands blade, feeding the unit of account and logic correct inputs according to the orders, which tells the unit of account and logic operation to be carried out on those inputs and re-send the results to memory or to the input and output devices.
Counter Counter is one of the key components in the control system, which follows up the current command address, usually increases the value of the address in each time you execute the command, unless the same is pointed out that the following command should be in another address (that allows the computer performs the same commands frequent way).
The start of the eighties of the twentieth century, became both the unit of account and logic and control unit (two societies are called central processing unit) (central processing unit) and the usual presence in the integrated circuit and one called microprocessor (Almaekerobrosissour).

Computer mechanism of action
The commands that the console and interpret the unit of account and logic to be implemented by a limited edition, and precisely defined and be very simple operations. Generally, they fall into one or more of the four sections: The work of any computer in the base mechanism that is quite clear. Typically, each processing cycle Processing Circle the computer fetches commands and data from its own memory. Orders are executed, the results are stored, then bring the next command. This procedure is repeated until the interview to stop Halt command.
The transfer of data from one place to another (An example of this is "tells" the CPU to "copy the contents of memory cell 5 and place the copy in cell 10")
Perform mathematical and logical operations on data (for example, "add the contents of cell 7 to the contents of the cell 13 placed in the cell output 20")
The case of test data ( "if the contents of cell 999 are 0, the following command will be located in the cell 30")
Changing the sequence of operations (the previous example alters the sequence of operations but commands such as "Next thing there is in the cell 100" are also standard).
The commands are represented by such data in the form of binary code (a system for counting the base figure 2). For example, the code for the type of operation "Copy" in a minute of the Intel x86 processor type is 10110000. The partial it served so that a specific computers supports what is known as machine language. The use of the machine language of a previous simplification make it easier for drivers present on the new machine: So in the markets where the availability of commercial programs are essential, the suppliers agree on one or a very small number of languages ​​machine outstanding.
The biggest computers (such as the server) differs from the previous species is important is that instead of having a central processing unit and one it is often no more than one unit. Often possess these computers unusual structures significantly and these different structures markedly from the basic structure of the program stored in some cases contain thousands of CPU, but such designs become useful only for specialized purposes.

Input and output devices
I / O (short for Input / Output) is called in on devices that send information from the outside world and those that return results of calculations of the term. These results can either be directly visible to the user or that is sent to the other machine, which will be governed by the dedicated computer.
The first generation of computers was equipped with a very limited range of input devices. Such as perforated cards reader or similar things that used to enter commands and data in the computer's memory, as well as the use of some types of printers, which typically is a teletype rate to record the results. Over the years, other devices have been added. For personal computers, the keyboard and mouse are the two main methods as used to enter information directly into the computer, the screen is the main way to show the information to the user and despite the fact that printers and headsets are also widespread. There is a huge variety of other input devices for the introduction of other types of input. An example is the digital camera which is used for the introduction of visual information.
It possible to connect the huge and diverse range of electronic devices to the computer to operate as organs Akhraj.bhrt enter and provide a system to know on the computer and called the operator (computer) or Driver

Typically, programmers do not write orders directly into a computer programming language this language is very tedious and difficult process and tend to error significantly making programmers are unable to production significantly. Instead, the programmers describe the desired process in the programming language of "high-level" such as the Pascal language or C language or special Internet applications Mthelajafa which are translated automatically thereafter to machine language through a dedicated computer software languages ​​(interpreters and interpreter) is called in English Kombaylr compiler . Some programming languages ​​paint a map very close to the machine language such as assembly language, assembly language (programmable low-level) and on the other side, the programming languages ​​such as Albrooloj Prolog are based on abstract rules and separated from the details of the real operation of the machine (programming languages, high-level). The language chosen partially for the task depends on the nature of the job and skill possessed by coders and the availability of tools and typically needs of consumers (for example, projects for the US military uses often must be programmed in a language Ada). The software is simply a list of commands carried out by the computer, and range of these commands (FAQ) between a few simple commands that perform the task to the list of more complex commands, which may contain tables of data. Many computer programs contain millions of orders, many of these orders are executed repeatedly. The typical modern personal computer can execute around 3 billion is in the second. The computers did not gain extraordinary capabilities through the ability to execute complex commands. But rather it is the millions of rank orders by people who know Balambr.n.
The moral entity of the computer Computer software (parts intangible computer) is an alternative term for computer programs (computer programs): It is the most is a comprehensive and consists of all the important material associated with the program and that it needs to perform important tasks, for example, a video game not only on the software itself contains but also it contains data representing images, sounds and other materials required for the work of the virtual environment of the game. Computer application is a piece of computer software that provide for many users often in the retail market. Recent examples of perfectly applied are stationery office suite which is about the same programs shared recipes for performing common office tasks.
Going from very simple special abilities ordered the language of one machine to the huge capacity of applied programs means that many computer programs are very large and very complicated. One example is the Windows XP operating system, which consists of about 40 million lines of computer code in the C ++ programming language there are many projects that are larger goals, created the large teams of programmers. The management of these highly complex projects is the key to the possibility of implementing these projects: programming languages ​​and applications programming allows to divide the task into sub-tasks to become smaller and smaller in the capabilities of one programmer at a convenient time.
There are also some of the most sophisticated systems which are used in large computers and sensitive computers Kmkhaddmat Web and others, a derivative systems from UNIX system, such as RedHat (Red Hat) and Sun Solaris, has evolved suitable for office use, by providing graphical interfaces can sometimes outperform systems Microsoft Windows, providing effects superior to those found in Windows 7 as in Ubuntu, as was the use of UNIX systems in some special Palmobail systems, Taatmisahzh systems Baloabedih, where it can remain running until ten consecutive years or more without any interruption, it is also not affected by the so-called viruses [questionable], offering high performance even on a vulnerable device to some extent.
This Ir systems heavily used in the Arab world, so as to not to agree all the programs that run on Microsoft Windows with systems, but most of the office software is no substitute for it, as programs offer voice, video and office programs and surf the Internet, all free programs are often available with the system.
The software development process is still slow and unpredictable and tend to error: The Software Engineering Systems tried to have partially succeeded in making the process faster, more productive and improve the quality of the final product.

Libraries and operating systems

Shortly after the development of the computer, it was discovered that there are certain tasks be required in different programs; The old example of this was some of the basic mathematical functions account. In order to effectiveness, it has been collecting model versions of those functions and put them in the libraries be available to those in need. The common tasks somewhat Group, which relate to address the special data blocks "talking" to the various input and output devices, and therefore has been developing its libraries quickly.
The end of the sixties of the twentieth century, however widespread industrial use of the computer in a variety of purposes, it has become common to use it to accomplish many of the jobs in the institutions. Then shortly become available and there are special programs for the timing and implementation of the many tasks. The sum of all of the management "hard parts" and the timing of tasks became known as the operating system; from ancient examples of this kind of old operating system was OS / 360 private b IBM.
The next major development in operating systems was timesharing - the idea is based on the number of users able to use the machine at one time, by keeping all of their programs in memory and implement a program for each user for a short time so that it becomes as if each user each of them has its own computers.

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