general information: about plants

الخميس، 1 سبتمبر 2016

about plants

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Plants (scientific name: Plantae) are a major group of organisms, from the examples of trees, flowers, grasses, shrubs, grasses and ferns also.
The plants are divided into: seed plants, for avascular plants, ferns and Hbhet ferns.
Published in 2011 study estimated the number of plant species on Earth about 8.7 million species, of which 6.5 million species on land and 2.2 million species in the sea. [3] Until 2004 the number of plant species that have been marked and identified 287 655 plant species, of which 258 650 Flowering and 15,000 for avascular. The most important feature of the plants they are self-feeding, and thus provide food for themselves and for herbivorous animals and also humans, making them the most important elements of the food chain in nature. You plants convert the sun's energy into chemical energy in the form of carbohydrates through photosynthesis within the makers Alakhaddorah in plant cells.
Plants cover most of the Earth's surface, and can live in all environments, it also provides us with oxygen when they make their own food, which is food for other creatures, and put water vapor, which works to improve the atmosphere.


صورة معبرة عن نبات
Department of Aristotle beings live among all plants and animals. The plant kingdom is currently one of the six monarchies in the modern system. Aristotle recognized the plants as useless movement. In Carolus Eniussmat system of this group in the Kingdom of the plant (Latin: Vegetabilia) then (Latin: Plantae), while the animals occupied the scope of another kingdom called her Linnaeus animal kingdom, but from that time appeared the heterogeneity of the plant kingdom and containment on the sets not connected to real plants, so It was quickly separated fungus and groups of algae from the plant kingdom to be placed in an independent kingdom. Although it is still considered as fungi and algae with many botanical properties.
Within the modern survey when the name "plant" is called dynamic rating and single they are usually considered to be one among the three groups, one of the largest to the smallest:
Land plants which are known Pallaimpreiat (Latin: Embryophyta).
Green plants (also known as (Latin: Viridiplantae) or (Latin: Chlorobionta)). This includes Alaampreiat (land plants) with green algae. This group is often referred to him by plants and is what this article is for substantive.
Archaeplastida (Latin: Primoplantae) (also known as Plantae sensu lato or Plastida or Archaeplastida) includes green plants, in addition to the Seaweeds Ahamraalohaniat (Latin: glaucophyte) It encompasses the entire eukaryotes containing Sanaat green.
Other species that can carry out photosynthesis Bastnaa also considered plants even if they can be classified in the plant kingdom by kinship strains. There are an estimated 375,000 plant species and continues to identify and explore new types continues.

Function plants

Function types are vital types define the characteristics and environmental features. For example, possible to type that refers to a particular environmental condition including the emergence of a particular disease or the presence of contamination or competition between species or climate change.
Function types possible to be among a group of sensitive species in the area and can sometimes behave alarm behavior early is vital to the system. . Lindenmaver et al suggested determinants of seven types of function, namely:
Types of shows and their presence in a particular area of ​​the existence of other types and indicates the absence of full absence of other types.
Basic types [English] or s intended so that the added or absence from a given ecosystem leads to radical changes, and mainly through the abundance or profusion and at least one type.
Types of shows and their presence on the activity of certain human pollution of water or air, and is called a function of the types of pollution.
Prevalent types [English], a species that figure constitutes old age from biomass, or the number of its personnel in the larger region.
Types indicate the environmental special circumstances such as soil or rock mother type.
Species considered sensitive to any environmental change they act as an early warning refers to environmental changes such as global warming.
Types are considered administrative and indicators are reflecting the impact of the system disorder and the effectiveness of mitigating the impact of the efforts of this disorder.
Water pollution (from rivers, lakes, oceans, groundwater).
It gets water contamination when pollutants are directly or indirectly put in the water body without treatment to him to remove the harm caused by the operations. Water pollution affects plants and living organisms that depend on this water. And often reflected the damage to society as a whole neighborhood, not just on individuals.
Magnetometers level of tree leaves can be strong evidence in quality control and air quality in the streets and roads. A new study showed that the deployed along the roads leaves showed the largest magnetic 10 times than others. This magnetism comes from tiny particles resulting from pollution such as iron oxides from diesel vehicles.
The absence or presence of specific plant species or other forms of vegetative species living in a particular ecosystem could give an important indication about the health of the environment. There are multiple types of plant control or function types, including algae, the bark of trees, growth rings in trees, leaves, breakfast, and algae. Algae respond dramatically to climate change in forests, including the forest, building and climate. Lack of algae in the forest can refer to environmental pressures such as the high level of phosphorus oxide or nitrogen oxide. Biomass of algae in tropical systems are an important for the organic pollution, such as nitrogen and phosphorus indicators. There are organisms produced through genetic engineering as possible to help in the significance of toxicity in the environment level. An example of this herbal species grow in different colors in the event of contamination of the soil.

Borne pollution
There are tree types and Hgerih bear certain circumstances, such as pollution - Malus - Gingko - Koelreuteria paniculata - Liriodendron - Tilia cordata - red oak.
The shrub species Such: Cotoneaster, Juniper, Privet, Spirea, and Viburnum

Indicate the saline soil
Plants function on saline soil:
Atriplex halimus. Tamarix articulata Aizoan canariensis

Grow in the sand
Plants that grow in the sand:
Haloxilon persicum Ghada
Retama retam broom
Calligonus sp.

Show Asindianah forest degradation
Function Asindianah plants on forest degradation:
Poterium spinosum Albulan
Citrus villosus Gereida
Calycotome villosa Jerban

Alienated from lime
Obtrusive plants of lime:
Castanea sativa

Show waterlogging
Function plants to waterlogging:
Reed Phragmites communis
Fraxinus syriaca elm Syrian
Eucalyptus camuldulensis eucalyptus

Gas plants:
Ailanthus glandulosa
Bushes: Prosopis julliflora shrubs: Prosopis stevaniana
Solanum elaeagnifolium

Features plants
Are living creatures with a real nucleus
Many cells of their bodies
In the process of photosynthesis because it contains makers Akhaddorah (chloroplasts) contain chlorophyll.
Walls of their cells cellular composite material of cellulose
Useless movement often (virtual movement)
Live in different environments on land and fresh water and salty.

Plant growth

Most of the solids in the plant is taken from the atmosphere. Through a process known as photosynthesis plants use the energy in sunlight to convert carbon dioxide from the atmosphere into simple sugars. These sugars then used in the construction and the formation of the main structural component of the plant. Plants rely mainly on soil and water for the support, but also get the nitrogen, phosphorus, and other nutrients. For the majority of plants, in order to grow successfully requires oxygen in the air (to breathe in the dark) and oxygen around the roots. However, a small number of vascular plants specialized, such as coastal Aloakat also known mangrove, which grows in water clay soil, which may be a barrier for the roots to get oxygen soil, so it developed the plant roots grow above the water's surface known as Penumatophores absorb oxygen through Odaysat (Lenticels)

Factors affecting the growth

The genotype of a plant affects the growth, for example, there are certain varieties of wheat grow rapidly, maturing within 110 days, while the other, in the same environmental conditions, grow slowly and mature in 155 days.
Growth is also influenced by environmental factors, such as temperature and water availability, and on the available light, and nutrients in the soil. Any change in the availability of these external conditions will be reflected in the growth of plants.
Vital factors (living organisms) also affect plant growth. Compete with other plants for space and water, food and light. It may cause congestion environment that does not grow any plants from natural growth. Many plants rely on insects and birds for pollination process called these plants b Insectivorous or Carnivorous that develops members and methods for nitrogen where they grow in the soil of a few of nitrogen, such as the evolution of some of the leaves to a pitcher in the Pitcher plant (Nepenthes). The presence of grazing animals affect the plant. Soil fertility actively bacteria and fungus affected. Bacteria, fungi, viruses, insects and nematodes can parasitize plants. Some plant roots require an association with fungi to maintain normal activity.

The length of the life cycle

Statistics such as algae plants may be short-lived as individuals, but their populations are commonly seasonal. Other plants can be organized according to their seasonal growth pattern:
Yearbook: growth and reproduction in one season.
Bilateral strabismus: live for two growing seasons; usually breed in the second year.
Perennial Plants: live many agricultural seasons; reproduction continues after maturity.
Plants varies very growth rate. Some algae grow less than 0.001 mm / h, while most trees grow at a rate of 0.025-0.250 mm / h. Some climbing species, such as (in English: Kudzu), which does not need to produce thick supportive tissue, may grow up to 12.5 mm / hr. Yeah

plants parts
Plant consists of parts or members may vary from one type to another and from one growth phase to another and to another environment, the main parts are:
the leg
Flowers and a whole inflorescences

the benefits

Plants many benefits they lunch for humans and animals, which contain carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, fat, fiber, acids and some have a protein, as a source of livelihood for farmers whose profession is the profession of agriculture, which is also a major source of medicines, perfumes, industrial and professional and many areas. And which is obtained by the timber and paper, paints, oils and tissue.
Plants also represent generally renewed Ooksugin source in the ground, where you convert carbon dioxide and evidenced and put gas Alooksugin we breathe. The plants on the other hand the green mangroves, and their cover protects the earth from Altsahromn soil erosion and environmental presence is very necessary to maintain many of the animals from extinction.
On the other side were the trees are still in many parts of the world one of the most important sources of building materials, where the adoption of the stumps and timber houses and ships, and a source of energy by burning wood for fuel, which is in itself one of the most important natural ingredients that are including oil, gas and coal millions of years ago and which is now used as a major source of energy and for various industrial products.
For all types of plants, trees and herbs own both nutritionally or therapeutic or industrial areas benefit from the fruit or flowers or seeds, or the characteristics of the various parts.

Plant sensitivity

It declares the chemical and Juergen Eldt of the Jülich Research Center in Germany that the tree secretes substances vital resistance when infected larvae Gardh prey. This is what happens to the oak tree, nor Enqsr situation on this, but that the neighboring oak trees and are coming in from the infected tree direction of the wind, the trees that secrete the kind of resistance enzymes, and see it on the side from which the wind. The other side of the tree, do not secrete enzymes. Says Eldt "as if it were the way to" speak to the trees, "which are" by chemicals. "
Salutation of those means among the trees secretion of substances called Mnottrbin, and methyl salicylate and Gasmonak acid, etc., which represents "the words" each with its own meaning. And increasingly, for example, Gasmonak Jasmonic acid acid in the air when you hit some trees harmful insects.
He adds American biologist, "Ralph Backhaus" from the University of Arizona that is produced by the infected tree of enzymes in the infected place them in an attempt to resist insect, fly to nearby trees smell begins are also in the production of antibiotic prophylaxis evil insects.
It is noted biologist Ted Torling the University of Zurich, Switzerland, that there are other cases used by corn tree "to advocate" insects such as the Hornet or wasp Cotesia, to come and gobble larvae hit them for salvation. It is noticeable that Cotiisaa Hornet has a great affinity for devouring corn Bhjr harmful larvae, which speeds up the tree to the disaster as soon as the tree is issued enzymes turbine resistance or perhaps "enzymes Salutation."

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