general information: about submarine

الخميس، 1 سبتمبر 2016

about submarine


Submarine ship specialized to dive under the water's surface can also float and can navigate under the surface of the water was used for the first time on a large scale during World War military Aloolylograd, used widely in the Marine Corps Great as Russia and the United States, France and the United Kingdom of States. Submarine warfare is usually used for the purposes of scientific research. The subsequent use of submarines to load nuclear weapons. There submarines used for tourist purposes, according to 1996 statistics there are more than 50 private submarine used purely for the purposes of tourism. Recently a new generation of submarines remote automatic control and that do not require sailors to lead and using this type advanced submarine to search in very deep water to search for oil or when the depth of the source of danger to the safety of the sailors has been the use of automated diver to find the wreckage of the ship manufacturing the famous Titanic.

brief history
It believed to be the first submarine was designed in 1620 by the Dutch iPhone Drebl where he designed a small submarine with 12 Mjaddava sank in the River Thames at a depth of 5.3 to 5.4 meters and goes 15 hours.
In 1776 the American David Bushnell built a small submarine made of oak oval shaped her arm are running a screw drive and he called the turtle was used during the American Civil War.
The Muslims were the first to launch TORBED from a submarine under the water in the Ottoman submarine Abdul Hamid is the first submarine in the world launches a torpedo directly beneath the water's surface, and its name was first "Under the Sea" and introduced into its fleet the war, and this was the first time that the Ottomans used the submarine.
Was manufactured in 1711 during the reign of Sultan Ahmed III, he was supervised by the chief architect of the Ottoman industry factory ships "Ibrahim Effendi."
The modern submarine has surfaced when possible, Processing boat electric motor American John Philip Holland designed and adding a device designed by the Swedish Thorstein Nordenfelt to Holland device is working on throwing torpedo inside the ship submarine became an effective weapon was this submarine Holland named was revealed in Aliesbet port, NJ . In 1897 and went above the water machine working with gasoline and sink when operating electric motors fed by batteries in the totals have been replaced later by machine diesel due to the ability of flammable gasoline.
During World War I, the Germans managed to manufacture submarines are called boats that Bo was one of them the length of 87.3 meters and its width of 8 meters.
In 1929 the French submarine Surkov building was 120 meters in length and 9.8 meters displayed and there were at the front of the submarine Medfaan caliber 203 mm.
Germans have invented a device known as Henwrkl allowed air into the submarine during its existence under the surface of the water has led to an increase in the submarine significant increase speed.
With the passage of time has become a submarine nuclear-powered where it was in 1954, the submarine Nautilus emergence has reached the size of 103.3 meters tall and 8.6 meters wide and can dive to a depth of 229.3 meters. 1958 was the submarine Nautilus, the first submarine to reach the North Pole has been discovered in which Northwest sea lane.

The idea of ​​the submarine and its evolution
The idea of ​​the modern submarines rely on the law of Archimedes buoyancy. Modern Vaguasat containing containers from which to control the intensity of submarine and then control the depth of the water. Forms containers vary from a submarine to another.

Diving underwater and rise to the surface

When the intended landing submarine underwater valves are opened the top and bottom of the container in the submarine Ki solve water and air the place standing, the average density of the body of the submarine down to a certain depth below the water surface.
But when you take them to the surface are so open valves subscripts submarine pumping compressed air from the top of the submarine be emptied of water decreases the average density of the body rises to the surface.
But when you control the depth of the submarine and relegated to the bottom or rise it is through the side slides in the front and rear of the submarine tower.
When controlling the direction of left or right, it is done by hydroplanes "flippers" located at the rear of the submarine through the designs of the vertical and lateral fins located at the rear of the submarine.

All ships and submarines as well as the aqueous Hadf higher than the weight. Or in other words they weigh less than the weight of water that Tzaha if they all indulged in the water. In order for the submarine dive underwater we must work to increase the weight. There are tanks in the submarine can be filled with water or empty the water would drop them Balhoaoualamadgot Vtassad on the surface of the water.
Usually submarine reservoirs front and rear dive or climb above the surface of the water used by filling it with water reservoirs or Mlihma air. (Note: This is what you do fish where there have airbags gizzard in the abdomen is filled with water and emptied). During transmission of the submarine under the water reservoirs are filled with water. A type of submarines contain those reservoirs parallel body to the submarine under the outer wall of the right and left. As for adjusting the rear is used precisely for this purpose smaller tanks, and these are usually found near the center of gravity submarine, or be external and isolated submarine body length in order to avoid the coup.
And it ranges from the water pressure on the walls of the submarine between 4 MPa (40 atm) for the submarine made of steel, and 10 MPa (100 atm) Russian submarine type K-278 Komsomolet and the walls are made of an alloy of steel containing titanium. While external pressure on the walls of the submarine to climb up and down in the water is changing, the air pressure remains inside it does not change.

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