general information: about Mathematics

الخميس، 1 سبتمبر 2016

about Mathematics


Mathematics [1] science themes abstract concepts and mathematical terminology indicating the quantum, and the number indicates the amount of numbered and the amount can be increased or decreased, and when we can measure the amount we call Asmalkm. So some scientists mathematics known as metrology. Mathematics is the language of science, as that science is completed only when the results turn into equations and transform constants to graphic lines.
Known as the study of mathematics measurement, calculation and engineering. This is in addition to the relatively modern concepts such as infrastructure, space or void, and change dimensions. In general, some may know as the study of abstract structures using logic and mathematical proofs and mathematical notation. More generally, the math may also be defined as the study of numbers and patterns.
The mathematics originated when a human measure he sees the phenomena of nature and based on instinct and property in man, namely his interest in measuring everything around him as well as his needs process is how there was a need to measure dividing the sustenance (food) among family members and the measurement of time and the seasons and crops and the division of territory and spoils military campaigns and accounting to be able to trade in addition to knowledge of navigation benchmarked against the Star in the travel and travel for trade and tourism for the construction of buildings, cities and measurements.
Thus, the sports structures studied by mathematicians often its origin back to the natural sciences, particularly physics, but the athletes are the definition and study other structures for sports purposes only, because these structures may provide a circular to other fields of mathematics, for example, or be a contributing factor in certain accounts and, finally, the athletes may be studying certain fields of mathematics for her enthusiasm, arguing that mathematics is an art and not a science applied.
And mathematics prominent role in material sciences (ie, physics and chemistry) and biology (biology), as well as its distinctive role in the human sciences as a whole.

Carl Friedrich Gauss, known as
 the prince of mathematicians. 

The book was the Babylonians more than 3,000 years practicing writing numbers and calculating the benefits, particularly in the business of Babylon. The numbers and calculations recorded over clay slabs By reed spire. Then placed in the oven to dry. They knew addition and multiplication, subtraction and division. They did not use the decimal system used currently difficult than increasing them where they follow sexagenarian system, which consists of 60 symbol to denote the numbers from 1-60. The ancient Egyptians developed this system in a land survey after every flood to estimate taxes. As they follow the system Alashryuhu count Balahad and dozens and hundreds. But they did not know zero. To this they were writing 600 put six symbols reflect each icon 100.

Mathematics in Science article

Physics stays note extrapolated basically depends on the control of natural phenomena and tested, and can in the extreme alone express laws mathematical language, so the math in the field of material science language more an expression of them approach the discovery, and there are many cases were mathematics where a method to detect and prove. Was the French astronomer Urbain Le Verrier discovered mathematical calculations place the planet Neptunobadh and mass before checking the actual presence monitoring was sporting Thought "Newton" and "Einstein" already to a large extent on the test, but the last guarantor of the test for the health of discoveries in materials science remains. The premise of converting the entire universe into a major mathematical equation remains a dream haunted the minds of philosophers and scientists like "Descartes", but this is the big goal remains a mere hypothesis without difficulties scientific, philosophical and enticements, the world can not use the curriculum Sports deductive in other sciences unless robbed fact, much of its content .
Sports language provides scientific laws more accurate, and the most prominent examples of the role of mathematics in material science: measuring wind speed, and measure the strength of earthquakes, measuring atmospheric pressure.

Mathematics in biology

The success of the experimental curriculum in biology prepared her for the use of mathematical language is very popular in the field of physico-chemical sciences. Some scientists have opposed this, calling for caution and not to involve mathematics in biology before this last pass adequately to the morgue of the analysis. Science, which has a sufficient amount of development is the one who can aspire to this sports degree.
He was aware of the first genetics of biology who follow the article in the science track athlete, it has applied laws, "Mendel" in the field of animal intent to consolidate some of the animals and isolate certain characteristics such as color, shape, and cod. He focused the world "Morgan" choices on the fly Aldrozovil very fact, to identify the genes in the chromosomes of the cell nucleus.
The biologists consider sports as a statistics survey and explain the distinct medical data. The measurement of the biological constants and graphic recordings constitute a very common language in the life sciences. Vtakotait brain, ECG, measuring the ratio of albumin, the measurement of blood sugar, and count the number of red and white blood cells, measuring the growth and weight are all signs on the entry of mathematics in biology.

Mathematics in the humanities

Humanities includes economics, sociology, history, psychology, ethics and others. Industrial societies rely on mathematical language for the development of the reality in which they live, the economy is based on the planning, which is a method to control the country's economy and basic math centered. As well as the meeting, which was based on a questionnaire and statistical tables and graphs to Halhvqr during the study or the proportion of the population to emigrate abroad or unemployment science. As for the date, Mathematics makes the process more objective history and accuracy by setting the time period for the incident and record their results at various levels. The use of digital language in many of the studies of psychology have a special measure individual differences and IQ. However, the math can not enter on ethics issues because it contains Kalaradh and conscience, freedom and responsibility and the right and the duty, they are moral matters that are not properly with the use of measurement or quantity.


Muslim Muhammad ibn Musa
 al-Khwarizmi world founder of algebra
The widespread availability of knowledge in the scientific age has led to specialization where there are currently at least hundreds of disciplines in mathematics, as it occupies the classification of the areas of math forty-six pages.

Foundations and the philosophy of mathematics

Pure Mathematics

In general, it can be divided into math they study the quantity, structure, space and change (which means Alhassaabiyat, algebra, geometry and analysis).
Mathematics may be divided into sections according to the basic theme of the study.


Math is taught differently in universities around the world. In the continents of America, studying engineering and mathematics students Calculus (Calculus) for three semesters (a year and a half). During this period, students learn many important skills and experiences such as how to integrate and derive the equations that contain an anonymous one or more and how to hit and collect rays in a three-dimensional level. After passing this program successfully, students begin studying linear algebra (Linear Algebra). Students can take more math classes before graduation, and it depends on their field of study. [2] [3]
Do the math science?

A number of philosophers believe that it is possible to make a mistake mathematics experimentally, and therefore, they are not the knowledge if they looked at the Karl Popper's definition of science [5]. But in the thirties of the twentieth century, incompleteness theorems came to Gödel to convince many mathematicians that can not be reduced to mathematics in logic alone. Karl Popper, which pay to the conclusion that the greatest mathematical theories are, as in physics, biology, hypothesis and conclusion Astenbati.anzer also the definition of mathematics.
Description Carl Friedrich Gauss math as queen of the sciences.
First Division of the branches of mathematics
Branches of logic: from pure mathematics
Abstract reasoning.
Logical Boolean algebra or algebra stems from him
Propositional calculus.
First order logic of this section contains the rules and assets for the formulation of the theories of artificial intelligence, which in turn depends on the principles of Boolean algebra and logic issues.
Temporal logic.
Fuzzy logic.
Belief theory.
Alagafa logic.
Branches of Discrete Mathematics:
Formal Languages ​​and the theory of the mechanisms
Graph theory, a study of the structure of the retina systems and includes the study of networks and transit schemes and trees and spectra of the charts and so on.
Naive set theory.
Number theory.
Branches of algebra:
Jabr real numbers (algebra and the corresponding algorithm).
Abstract algebra (includes logical to calculate the numbers of various groups such as the real and complex numbers calculation rules, etc.)
Group theory.
Groups account (categories).
Sequences account.
Vector calculus.
linear algebra.
Matrices account.
Boolean algebra
Beyond the math: This includes, for example, on the theory Goodell and Research Hilbert and Bertrand Russell on the definition and classification structure of the entire sports.
Branches of engineering:
Euclidean geometry.
Spherical geometry.
Projective geometry.
Analytical geometry.
Algebraic geometry.
Differential geometry.
Topographic engineering.
Topographic engineering Point totals.
Terrain algebraic geometry.
Contract theory.
Branches of analysis:
Finite calculation (calculus).
Differential equations and integral equations.
Analysis of the real numbers.
Numerical Analysis.
Harmonic analysis.
Functional Analysis.
The theory of functions or analysis of vehicle functions.
Non-standard analysis.
Measurement theory.
Of Applied Mathematics
Game theory and its applications in Economics and Management Sciences and planning.
Aware of the possibilities and statistics.
Aware systems
Chaos theory and non-linear systems.
Automatic control theory.
The mechanism of Computer Science:
The theory of computing.
Analysis of Algorithms.
Artificial intelligence.
Automatic learning and includes a
Theories of learning communicative nerve or neuronal networks.
Evolutionary theories of learning: genetic and evolutionary programming algorithms.
Evidence automated theories.
Find sequential and parallel and win games.
Design logical circuits.
Information science or information science.
Knowledge of information systems management.
Software Sciences.
Optimisation known branches of this section programming to indicate that what is meant is to find the lowest equations solutions under analysis, for example, the analysis of Simplex.
Linear programming.
Full programming.
Animated programming.
Operations Research.
Mathematical nature of science: it includes the branches of natural science and theories, which depends primarily on the analysis in the formulation of sports and prove more than the measurement experiments and natural phenomena, including the
Quantum theory or quantum theory or knowledge of kinematics quantity.
Statistical mechanics or kinematics.
And also study the unknowns in the engineering and industrial design functions that depend on account of differential equations that describe the systems under design solutions.
Mechanics Hamilton.
Numerical Analysis.
Aware of the blades.

Theorems and important Alhdsaat

Pythagorean theorem - intercept theorem -mbrhnh Kashi -mbrhnh Fermat's last - Goldbach's Conjecture - intuitive initial twins - incompleteness theorem of Gödel - Poincaré conjecture - Cantor Qatar - Four color theorem - Zorn help the cause - Euler's identity - Church-Turing thesis
Riemann hypothesis - the hypothesis of continuity - P = NP - central limit theorem - the fundamental theorem in integration - fundamental theorem of algebra - basic theorem in the account - the fundamental theorem in projective geometry - classification theorems surfaces - Gauss-Bonnet theorem
Drawing mathematical shapes
Can draw a sports complex shapes tri-dimensional through a special program called Matlab (Matlab). You must type mathematical equation of the form in a special box until the software will draw it. This program allows the user to rotate the figure on one of the three axes to enable the user to see the shape in all respects. Also allows the user to change the color, size, shape decree to comply with the desire and needs of the user. [6] This program is also used in the formulation of bilateral formats Aloavad.icom biologists sometimes using this purview sometimes to draw RNA (DNA), which often have complex and overlapping forms.
Some of the flags of Mathematics
Of the most important ancient and modern mathematics developers, we find:
Isaac Newton
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Pierre-Simon Laplace
Henri Poincare
David Hilbert
Stefan Banach
Ibn al-Haytham
Michael Atiyah
Leonhard Euler
Kurt Gödel
John von Neumann
Bernhard Riemann
Rene Descartes
Georg Cantor
George Paul
Omar Khayyam
Emmy Noether
William James Sidis
Mathematical (in English: mathematical) recipe all matters relating to the science of mathematics and the symbol of formulas and problems. If mathematics is a specialist in mathematics, a field of study and his research on a range of symbols and formulas and mathematical Alo_kalualajraat called for affiliation to the athletes and to distinguish them from the things that are related to sport to sport as a practice based on the recruitment and training and operation of the human body.

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