general information: about gray wolf

الخميس، 1 سبتمبر 2016

about gray wolf

Gray Wolf
صورة معبرة عن ذئب رمادي

The gray wolf (scientific name: Canis lupus), which is also known by various names such as the wolf thickets, wolf bald eagles, wolf gray, or just "wolf" in most languages ​​of the world, is the largest wild members of the platoon Alkalpaat. [2] show fossils (fossils ) that gray wolves lived on Earth for nearly 300,000 years, ie at the end closest to the modern era, [3] thus, it is considered one of the surviving animals from the incident of mass extinction that occurred at the end of the last ice age. DNA genetic Alnooyoalanhrav series of studies have shown, that the gray wolf shares a common and already domesticated dogs (Canis lupus familiaris). Although it has been wondering about the credibility of some aspects of this scientific conclusion, but the majority of the available evidence confirms the truth of what has been reached. [4] The scientists identified a number of subspecies gray wolf over the years, but the actual number it is still a matter of debate. Is a key wolves predators or columnar in ecosystems inhabited, and although they do not adapt to the presence of humans in areas inhabited, unlike other Alkalpaat less specialized ones, [4] they are able to live in a number of different environmental related housing, such as: the temperate forests, deserts, mountains, tundra, taiga, herbal land, and urban Bedalmnatq. [5]
The Grey Wolves wide ancient spread across Eurasia and North America, but today they are inhabiting a small part of the former habitat due to the destruction inhabit sites primarily attributable to human crawling to areas that wolves take them home, and the resulting friction between them and the human , which eventually lead to the eradication of the local population of them. However, despite this, the global population, or genre as a whole, is considered endangered according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature. [6] are gray wolves today protected in some areas, hunted for entertainment in some other areas, or oppress and kill unabated in certain places due to be considered a threat to domesticated livestock and domestic animals.
Wolves appear in the culture and mythology of the peoples who coexisted them and over time, the appearance of positive and negative alike, according to their respective people individually outlook.


Physical specifications
And weights of wolves dramatically sizes vary across their habitat, but that both increases whenever they Alnoaah live further north, as "Bergman base" states. Ranges rising wolf between 0.6 to 0.95 meters (24 to 37 inches) Overall, the weight shows the difference more clearly, the European Valziab weighing rate of up to 38.5 kg (85 lbs), and the wolves of North America up to 36 kilos (79 lbs), while Arab and Indian wolves Faisal weighing rate to 25 kilos (55 lbs). [7] has been documenting the existence of some unique individuals of these animals, which arrived weighing 77 kilos (170 lbs) in Alaska, Canada, [8] and the Soviet Union previously. [9 ] killed heaviest wolf was found days in the new world on July 12, 1939, in the "river seventy-mile" area (in English: seventy mile River) east central Alaska, has weight reached 79 kg (170 lbs), [7] the heaviest coyote has been documenting its existence in the ancient world was missing after the end of world war II, was killed in a "Kobelyaki" area (in Ukrainian: Кобеляки) in Aquilim "Poltava oblast" (in Ukrainian: Полтавська область), Ukraine, Soviet, and reached his weight to 86 kg (190 lbs). [10 ] gray wolves animals dimorphism sexually, where females weigh from any Noaah or population 20% lower than the male weight, [11] as Khthoma and foreheads have a more narrow; and lists of furry shorter and softer, less massive and shoulders. [7] ranges along the gray wolves from the nose to the tip of the tail, which is the length of a quarter of the total length of the body, between 1.3 meters to two meters (4.3 to 6.6 feet). [12] fit the palms of wolves to move over different types of land, especially above the snow, they also have a tape woven lightly between each a finger to help her navigate snowmobile relatively easier prey. The gray wolves animals fingers, which helps, in addition to the large size of Ocfha, the distribution of weight on the surface of endothelial snow when navigating. The front palms larger than the background, and the fifth toe is called Balzmah. [14] helps hair coarse palms and claws Sierra wolf to stick to surfaces slippery, and included a private non-frozen blankets foot lower when driving blood vessels on so cool surfaces. [15] He also owns wolves glands detachment of odors between her fingers to help them leave the chemical markers left behind while walking, making it move in a massive scale in conjunction with the leave messages for other members of the herd from their locations. [15] in contrast to dogs, removed,, the wolves has less than sweat glands on Ocfha number . This feature also appear when removed, Qatnh eastern Canada, which recently emerged that her advance from the wolves. [16] considered the wolves in Israel and southern Lebanon, distinct from others because of the fact that Esbaaha medium-sized online with each other, a feature that was thought to be especially African wild dogs. [ 17] covers the body wolves Tgena coat consists of two layers: the first consists of coarse hair insulator prevents water leaks and the entry of dirt, and the second is a layer of insulating hair water and heat. Wolves put the last layer in the form of a big tuft of fur in late spring or early summer, and the wolf rubbed his body with rocks or branches to get rid of those outstanding tufts which caused him Gaka with the start of the high temperatures. It is often the inner layer of fur is gray color, regardless of the color of the outer layer. Wolves Ohabat distinctive summer and winter, it changes one of them and other solved rather than in the spring and fall. Females tend to retain the winter Pferaiha longer than males in Alrabie.takhtlv wolves for dogs more clearly, it is anatomically, Wolves enjoyed less on circular vision of her relatives domesticated mightily (enjoy the dogs with the ability to move her eyes in Mahgrha an angle of 53 degrees, and the Wolves including at least 45 degrees), and the brain wolves larger and therefore has a capacity greater capacity. [22] characterized by wolves from other Alkalpaat, particularly domesticated dogs, the size of Ocfha largest, her eyes Elsafrawan, statements longer, and her teeth larger. Wolves also possesses a gland known as "caudal gland upper" or "gland radiation" which does not exist in most other Alkalpaat. [23] [24] generated by the gray wolf fur darker from the fur of her parents, and Bakzhyat blue color changes to become a golden hitter to yellow or orange when age becomes between 8 and 16 weeks. [20] helps snout is long and strong wolf to distinguish among other Kalpaat, particularly coyotes and jackals gold, which owns Khthoma narrower and more Astdaca, and that when the wolves does not appear in the front section of bone Alonvioa bump average, on the contrary jackals. As part of the Ring color on the front section of the sprocket upper first appears simple, while this ring be a broad and more prominent when the jackals. [21] color fur gray wolves varies dramatically, it ranges from gray to brown-hitter for Gray, through all spectrums Andalkalpaat prominent colors, white, red, brown, and black. These colors tend to mingle in many populations which makes belonging to individuals show more than one color often, that it is not unlikely emergence of all members of one of the populations in one color, often black or white. Live the overwhelming majority of dark wolves in North America, it is rare to find any wolves in this way outside the last continent, with the exception of Italy, where the proportion of dark wolves in that country between 20 and 25% of the total population. [18] Genetic tests showed that the dark color of the fur Spbhtefrh emerged initially when domesticated dogs and later moved to the wolves by hybridization with dogs that have become brutal. [19] usually misses multicolor any clear pattern coat is being lackluster on the lower section of the animal. Sometimes, it symbolizes the color of wolf fur to the environment inhabited by Gmehrth; all white wolves, for example, be more familiar with the permanent snow cover areas. Advanced wolf fur dyed in age, gray, leading some to argue that pays Wolves "Chip". Some scientists believe that the color called wolves help her camouflage, but this may not be true in whole, as the others from the scientists say that the fur blended colors designed to confirm the intention of the wolf when taken nod as when interacting with another wolf. [7] gray wolves depends on its ability probabilistic rather than speed when hunting, as the narrow issuance and appearing strong and lists facilitate the movement efficiently. The wolves are able to traverse vast distances through the fading speeds of 10 kilometers per hour (6 miles per hour), and knows that the speed up to the limits of 65 kilometers per hour (40 mph) during the hunt for their prey. [13] have also been documented case has the one female gray wolf jumping a 7 meters (23 feet) when they were chasing their prey. [10]

Reproduction and life cycle [edit] corresponds to the number of teeth at each of gray wolves and domesticated dogs. Upper Valvk Includes six cutters, Naben, eight Tuahn, and four teeth, and has a lower jaw the same number of incisors and canines and premolar, but for teeth Faihoa six of them. [25] The four premolar and upper molars lower core slicer tools. For long tusks wolf also of great importance, since the animal used for constipation Boutridth and subject. The wolf's teeth weapons and tools Home, [7] and the wolf is able to bite with up to 10,000 kPa (1,500 psi), and this constitutes twice the strength of biting Mstons dog up to the same size. [26] The gray wolf's teeth suitable for fractured bones are bigger than teeth Other types Alkalpaat remaining today, it is not specialized so as hyenas. [27] Studies have shown that saliva gray wolf reduces the proportion of bacterial infections in the wounds, accelerates tissue regeneration process. [28] last pregnancy between 60 and 63 days. Small wolf in Arabic, dragged or hearing or Jermoz called. [34] breed puppies are blind, deaf, relying entirely on her mother, with a weight of one of them 0.5 kilograms (pounds one). [29] [35] estimated the number of puppies in the belly of 5 6 usually, that the two reports from the former Soviet Union notifies that put females stomachs containing 17 puppies. [10] sits young inside the den where I was born for two months, often burrow is located on high ground a little bit close to the water source, consisting of a room located at the end of the tunnel Tanorda or located on the side of a hill, and extends for a distance of a few meters. [15] pups begin to independence little by little during the time that you spend under the ground, and then begin to explore the outer zone surrounding Paljhr, and toured a mile away from it when it reaches about 5 weeks Age. The wolves growth rate slower than that of the private Bagayoot wild dogs Asian. [36] pups begin Balaguetaat on Almottagao meat, after they have spent two weeks of feeding Alyhalib her mother, which contains less fat and more protein and arginine ratio, the percentage that it contains milk domesticated dogs. [11] by this time be milk teeth have emerged fully-weaned puppies and what to reach 10 weeks. Mother left alone with their young during the first weeks of her life, but most of the members of the herd contribute to the eventual breeding puppies in one way or another. [29] The movement of the young to the site called "the location of a meeting" after the two-month-old, where to stay safely can while most adults for hunting individuals go, and it remains to her wolf adult or two to keep it. A few weeks later allowed to join because of that for the rest of the herd in the fishing that was able to do so, and you get the first places at any sacrifice, irrespective of their social rank in the herd. Allow individuals amounting to young leads Baltqatl among themselves for concessions at the quarry, as a subsisting best parts most feed and juicer than others, to generate orders of social minor them, which allows them a workout on the performance of gestures of dominance and submission you'll need to stay in the herd in the future. [ 29] puppies remain just watch ardent during the hunting that is about 8 months, a period that link them to the appropriate size, which allows it to participate fishing Bfalah.ttzauj wolves usually in the period between January and April-notes that whenever the population away in her home toward the north, as happened in the late mating period. [29] generates the belly of one of the puppies are often in a herd of wolves, but in no dominant male mates with more than one female. During mating season, the Wolves courted to each dramatically pending on the date the dominant female menstrual cycle, and increases the proportion of tension in the herd then, as every wolf deep piety instinct reproduction him and feel the urge to mate. You may have a couple dominant during this period that Amanaa any another pair of reproduction, which may result in heavy fighting in some cases. [30] notes that marriage, "incestuous" rarely get the wolves communities, although one study indicating that there is genetic problems when Ziabassaskachuan in Canada, [31] and the Royal Peninsula of Michigan in the United States, [32] as a result of this matter, which seems common in these parts. Once the female begins dominant capricious course, that once you get in a year and lasts between 5 to 14 days, [33] even Takhtla and her partner for a long time away from the rest of the herd. Male knows that the female partner undergoing agitation when noted the high proportion of pheromones in Bolhaan by smell, and swelling of her vagina. The female is receptive in the first few days of its capricious, and during this period put the lining of her womb; but what can start ovulate again, even mate with the male.


Up puppies to the stage of sexual maturity after two or three years from its birth, and in this period, forcing many of them to abandon the break motherly and the search for a pair of its own and the region. [29] [37] often live wolves that reach adulthood between 6 to 10 years in the wild, but in captivity it could reach its service life of the weakness of the said period. [38] is a total life expectancy when gray wolves is low overall, due to the high mortality among ratio, Valjra often spend when food stocks rate of decline, as they fall victim to other predators such as bears, tigers, wolves or other. The main reasons for the deaths of wolves amounting to fishing, hunting Acraei, car crashes, and injuries catch it while fishing. And although the amount of the wolves had killed at the hands of other larger predators, but the most prominent enemies of the non-humans are herds of wolves and other competition.
It includes diseases that have been documented transported by wolves: brucellosis, tularemia, leptospirosis, foot and mouth disease, anthrax. Gray wolves are essential carrier of rabies in Russia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, India, [39] despite the fact that wolves do not take root in this disease, but it is possible that other types of Tltqth. With the disease become infected wolves exceptionally aggressive and can bite and infect a number of people injured in a single attack. Was transmitted infections by the wolf to humans through a deadly bite is always before the discovery of vaccine for it. Today, can heal wounds caused by the wolf hooked easily, but those caused by a severe attack can lead to death instantly, as if snapping may eat nearby areas of the head, then it spreads the disease is an extremely fast treatment can not be matched. Attacks wolves Almkalph concentrated in the winter and spring, and with the reduction of the proportion of the disease in Europe and North America, it has reports of attacks by wolves infected has decreased, but some of them are still a year is located in the Middle East. [40] also carry wolves virus dogs Taji, which abound infection, especially in the winter season. [41]
Carrying wolves in Russia for more than 50 species of parasites harmful, including worms Acharatih annular Mahajm, cysticercosis, and Trichinella spiralis. [39] In the period between 1993 and 1994, were examined 148 cadaver to the wolves near the city of Fairbanks, Alaska, to find out what If you were infected with the larvae of the last parasites, it appeared to be a wolf 54, representing 36% of them, was injured. As it appeared that the prevalence of Trichinella spiralis depends on the animal's progress for a tooth. [42] also carry wolves dangerous diseases for livestock domesticated, as it in no transfer of any of the disease to the female of cattle, the probability of miscarriage of between 3 and 13 times more than the proportion of the female is infected. [43]
Although the wolves carry a number of serious diseases, the huge populations of which are not considered threatened in any pandemic as the rest of the social Alkalpaat. Because usually the wolves leave the infected herd, which prevents anyone else pick up the infection. [39]

the behavior

Social structure
Wolves appear in literature and the media as a visual hierarchy of animals significantly, where there's a couple "main" at the top of the herd, followed by a group of individuals subject to "high", then "scapegoats," a herd of wolves lurking on the base. These assumptions are based on research conducted on herds of wolves in captivity, consisting of members is related to each other, and therefore can not be extrapolated with a score for wild wolves. [56] says biologist specialist studying the wolves, "Lucien David Mack": "The launch of the word principal or control of the wolf is not more convenient than launch a human being blessed with children or a female deer graze small, every father of any kind is dominant for children, so this word does not add any new information, "and that the social structure of wolves in captivity study are" ... an attempt to draw inferences about human family dynamics by studying families living in a refugee camp. "[51] this label can be considered valid only in certain cases, such as when entering a wolf herd accept Disqualified from his herd them, or at the death of the couple Almtanaslin, which leaves their positions open to foreign individuals, or when all the siblings herd motherly leave. in these cases, the herd loses the nuclear family form, and then the wolves behave as they do in Alosr.taah wolves overall in a group called the herd, but it can be found on the individual wolves wilderness sometimes, but herds remain more common. [44] [45] wolves individual often piercing individuals age has been expelled from the herd, or young looking for their own area. [46] tend herds of wolves in the northern Hemisphere to be less Trasa and standardized herds of African wild dogs and spotted hyenas, [47] but they remain more stable than the herds of coyotes. [48] usually consists herd of male and dominant female partner and Sgaarhama, making the herd is a "Nwatih family." [44 ] [45] herd size change over time, either increase or decrease, according to certain factors, including the quality of housing and the degree filled the needs of wolves, personal individuals belonging to him, and inventory prey. Includes herd usually between wolves and 20 wolf, often consists herd typical of 8 members. [49] documented the existence of a huge herd on an exceptional basis, the number of its members reached 36 wolves in Alaska in 1967. [50] is a gray wolf mono animals mating, meaning that the individual ones only one partner for life, but it has been a few exceptional cases where wolves intermarried with more than one partner documented. [51] the remaining wolves with her parents until they reach two years of age in the habit.

Territorial behavior
The wolves teach the limits of breeding territory by odors and howl. Howl is the primary means to keep the herds of wolves from each other and keep a safe distance between them, it determines the central Haouz site, and thus can herd competitor that knows how close it Haouz. Howling this creates a buffer zone between the different herds, which leads to avoid regional conflicts. [63] The individual wolves, they are the opposite of the herd, it does not respond to the alarm of Balawae, but sneak into Hoz wolves Almqamh.alziab regional or zonal animals, in the sense that the flock of which controls its own Hoz protect it from other herds of wolves. Studies have shown that Hoz normal herd space rate of up to 200 square kilometers (80 square miles). [57] moving herds of wolves are constantly in search of prey, covering approximately 9% of the region a day, or about 25 kilometers per day (15 miles per day). Of Central Haouz area of ​​the flock, in which individuals spend 50% of the time, nearly 35 square kilometers. [58] abound prey in the bordering Haouz areas, but the Wolves avoid fishing in those places, but under any circumstances were desperate, in anticipation of the possibility of a confrontation with the herd the last competitor, which may result in a severe fight could lead fatal injuries. [59] rarely accept a herd of wolves resident entering any wolf stranger among them, have been one of the studies on mortality showed when these animals in Minnesota Park and Denali National, Alaska, that between 14 and 65 percent of deaths from wolves caused by the attacks of other wolves, [60] also emerged that 91% of the wolves was slain was found 3.2 kilometers (2.0 miles) from the borders of the herd adjacent area. [61] also shows that the majority of Srat individuals that were dominant, and justify this animal is that the latter are more determined to confront herds competition. For the rare cases where a wolf herd accept a stranger, this individual's always going to be a young animal aged between one and three years, while the vast majority are from individuals that kill animals seriously. [62]

Dispersal of the herd
Almtanaslin remain due to the couple in the herd motherly temporary period of her life very Kziab. During this period, playing a number of important roles in the life of the herd, such as assistance in hunting, discipline, and raising young, [64] and ensures the couple dominant do their children these tasks by curbing the instinct of procreation then and prevent them from mating with any other individual, so the puppies outbursts irrepressible energy and by other things, and this applies even if the other wolves in the herd is linked to key individuals, since what applies to them applies to children. Libido pay a lot of wolves "subject" to leave his flock in search of a partner. Called to leave the newly adult wolves herd "erratic", it is located at any time of the year, and usually does so by individuals who have reached sexual maturity earlier in the mating afore season. [46] looking wolves dispersed from their own region and a partner, or for herd else, this process is extremely dangerous, as it could lead to the killing of the wolf hobo, [53] and in no succeeded last found a partner of the race and the other was associated with it, they form the nucleus of a new herd, Valziab dispersed does not constitute a new herd, but with an individual herd is different from the herd where she was born. [30] once the wolves Mushardan meet each other and starts to move together, so determined to take their search for a special Hoz before the next mating season usually. [29]

Education aromatherapy
Wolves glands producing odors all over her body, including at the base of the tail, between the fingers, and in her eyes, her genitalia, and skin. [65] marked by pheromones emitted by these glands every wolf from the other. The dominant wolf rubbing his body on the body of another wolf is subject to be determined as of the same herd. May wolves scratch the earth with their sharp talons to learn Pfiromunadtha rather than sprinkled with urine. [66] The Wolves, like other Alkalpaat, teach anything that seizes upon-of Haouz to stalk, smell. [65] and wolves breeding is one of the most education, and male of them do so more than females. The urine most used means when these animals in the education of the haunted, and sprinkle a couple dominant Bolhma after they have taken the one rear their arms, while the rest of the herd urinated through the squat, and sprinkle urine on the borders of Haouz and places of food storage and stalk previously Astadha herd. Urine determines social rank of the owner as well, but it is not the only means used by the wolves, Valtgot is a common way as is, which is regarded as a visible warning to predators and other wolves. [65] helps stool signs also wolves when navigating, prevent them from crossing the same area most often, also allow each wolf separately from the knowledge of members of the herd site under any circumstances had been separated for some time. The most important function performed by the Education either urine or feces, is to inform the herds of wolves competition that this uninhabited area and that it crossed with caution.

DietsGray wolves feed mainly on medium-sized or large Alhaferjat, it remains an opportunistic animals, and will feed on any meat source available, [67] including the animals is Alhafrah, [68] carrion and garbage. [67] is not to eat the children of sex a rarity among the wolves, as few cases have been documented in periods where less food stocks, [69] or a tunnel herd members, [70] or when wolves killed one of the competition during the conflict Mnatqa.louhz that some wolves in Alaska and western Canada feed Alyosmak salmon when migrating inland waters. [71] [72] rarely survived by wolves on humans, despite the fact that some of these cases have already occurred. [40] [73] [74] [75] and wolves ignore often any prey is familiar do not see anything like it throughout their life, usually whenever there is a contradiction between what used to wolves on his vision with the posed before object, the greater the reluctance to approach him and exploration, and this is the reason that prevents the animals from human attack often, as the majority of wolves see the humans in her life, or you see a couple of times only. And turn this principle upside down in no new prey acted boldly and showed packaged on the front or showed lack of fear. The wolves approach the new prey, even though there was no shortage of the usual prey stock, under any circumstances the recent friction by a number of times, as it works to tame itself and adapt to these objects. [76] show herds of wolves, which increases the number of its members for two , cooperated strategically slightly when hunting large prey, compared with Zmrat black. [67] usually trying wolves to hide itself when approaching their prey, and is awaiting often until the last start grazing and care about even denounce them. [10] under any circumstances stood prey in its territory and confronted wolves, the herd approaching them and trying to scare, have been abandoned under any circumstances continue this position and did not escape, that the time you waiting wolves could range from several hours to days. [67] when the prey begins ran to escape with her life, begins with a herd of wolves chasing, and wolves usually not chasing their prey for long distances, as they stop after catching up to a distance of between 10 and 180 kilometers (between 10 and 200 yards), although it has been documented one case in which one of the wolves Moza repellent for a distance of 36 kilometers (22 miles). [10 ] female gray wolf is considered better than males in the hunt for prey, the last is the most adapted to overthrow Btradh ground after ahold of it. It shows that herds of wolves United Fiallolayat constituent Boktherha females feed on fast enemy Kalwabat stalk dramatically, while it was noted that those specialized Basttiyadalbison consists mostly of males. [77] Although the wolves portrayed as choose the slow animals, diseased, or impotent, [37] the evidence for doing so is relatively weak, and instead, it appears that these predators targeted the animal easier to catch for her, and that includes the aforementioned list and in addition to small animals and pregnant females. [78] Although the wolves often hunt large prey in group, but there are some cases where a single wolf was able to kill an animal huge without the help of his flock, and one of these cases, do one of the wolves killing 11 Moza alone over a period of Elzimn.thaol wolves overall, the massive prey movement cripple by biting and tearing her hip and Ajanaa , making a large hemorrhage and loss of poise cause. It can bite and one that caused a wound a length of between 10 and 15 centimeters (4 to 6 inches), so the wolves will be able to subdue the strongest deer with three bites on the perineum after a chase of up to 150 kilometers (160 yards). What weaken prey and no longer able to resist, even stuck wolves Bjanbhe and drop it to the ground, [10] and sometimes when stuck wolves Boutradh medium-sized, such as sheep signifier, they resort bitten her neck, which pierces the air Qsptha or jugular vein. [80] The when the hunt wolves and other Kalpaat, like dogs, domesticated, coyotes, or other wolves, they kill by its bite in the back, neck, or head. [81] [82] when attacking wolf animal equal to or less than the weight, Kalhmlan or goats, it holds out of her neck, her chest, her head, or her thigh, and carried to a secluded place. [10] [75] when the collapse of prey in front Saadea, offers wolves tearing the abdomen and start racing Balaguetaat immediately, even though the animal was to be spent later. [10] In some often, do not keep the wolves pressure concentrated attack on the prey, but they sit waiting until you die the last result of the heavy bleeding caused by them. [83] attacking wolves female Alhaferjat pregnant sometimes kill them for Aguetaat on fetuses, and leave the mother without her. [84 ] couple Almtanaslan usually performs the most difficult stages of the fishing process. Observed wolves sometimes It does murder surplus of prey, and considers this phenomenon familiar when you wolves killing livestock domesticated, [85] In the wild, this is happening in the late winter or spring Usually, when hampered by snow thick escape their prey. [85] [86] differ the results of studies dealing with the impact of wolves on the population prey dramatically, as some shows that wolves reduce the number of their prey, and even exterminate some species of which are sometimes in a certain area, while others report that prey on wolves replace other factors that cause of death when prey in the free areas of wolves. [69] [86] is not the presence of wolves is necessary for the existence and survival of many other types of wildlife. [90] the wolves promote social position in the herd during scavenging. The couple Almtanaslan two scavenges first overall, where Iocla best prey sections of a heart, liver, and lungs. The wolves middle-ranked prevent those with the lowest ranked of eating before the couple dominant ends. [28] feed wolves on the intended prey, but they do not affect the content any way they prey herbivorous, well, they eat the muscles of their lists, and leave the bones skin to be finished of meat. [67] any way bothered wolves which prey, as if the predator another steal prey animal tries, they then focus on Mkhozonaldhun instead of the internal organs, so [87 until you get the maximum amount of power any way forced to abandon the prey.] [88] one wolf can be fed on between 3.2 and 3.5 kilograms (between 7 and 8 pounds) of meat in one sitting, although it is capable of subsisting on between 13 and 15 kilograms (between 29 and 33 pounds) when they are hungry dramatically. One wolf needs to 1,500 kilograms (3,307 pounds) of meat per year to be able to stay, [10] despite the fact that these animals are able to continue for long periods without food, it has a Alutaiqaeratih showed that the wolf managed to continue for 17 days without any food. [ 7] research has shown that wolf survival without food throughout the two weeks will not weaken his muscle. [10] drink wolves large amount of water after the end of the subsisting and that in order to prevent being infected with acute kidney failure, [7] and stomach wolves able to contain 7.5 liters of water . [10] complement her diet of wolves in some plant species. Analyses of feces of the animals showed that 75% of the samples that were taken from Yellowstone National Park shows that the diet of wolves in the summer enters plant sources and mainly grasses grassy. [89] In some parts of the former Soviet Union, there were reports Bagtaat wolves Red watermelon seedlings on farms [78].
Relationship with other predators
We know that large populations of wolves limit the number of small and medium-sized cats. Preparing Aloohak, for example, goes down in the areas where they coexist with gray wolves because of recent devouring her, the numbers of Eurasian lynx in Slovakia fell during World War II, having entered the large numbers of wolves to their habitat. As well as in Russia, where the number of Aloohak fall in areas with high density of wolves. [95] In the Rocky Mountains and the neighboring mountainous areas of North America, wolves appear very hostile towards the Black Mountains, and often kill cubs condition, she had the opportunity. The herds of wolves sometimes take over the sacrifices of black mountains adult, which increases the catch rate in response. Been documented a number of cases in which both types has the murder of the other type, [82] and says specialist researcher studying the black mountains, "Kerry Murphy" from the management of parks of American wildlife, the cuff tend to favor mountain lion in no murderer wolf alone, since it is able to use teeth and claws in the fighting, as opposed to the wolf, which depends only on the teeth. [92] officials in Yellowstone National Park stating that disputes between the Black mountains and the wolves are not rare, there were several incidents in the park has a black Bafattk Bziab and vice versa; researchers also discovered in Montana wolves kill black mountains regularly in the area. [96] as well as the case for the Tigers in Tibet, where it was found that wolves reduce their numbers all the time, [97] but this is not true for the Port, it has emerged that in the areas common to the wolves, such as the Russian Far East, both types fed on the same types of prey almost, which will result in stiff competition. Have been documented cases of friction between the tigers and wolves several times in "Sekith-Alin" mountain range (in Russian: Сихотэ-Алинь), which was home to a few wolves until the beginning of the twentieth century, and some experts believe that the number of wolves in the region have risen since the people settling the region and the extermination of many of the tigers at the end of the nineteenth century and early twentieth century. And supports the locals this is, as they say they do not remember having any wolves in the region before the thirties of the twentieth century, in the period that saw a sharp decline in the number of tigers. [98] decreases tigers of the number of wolves in areas shared with them to the point of extinction locally or reduced to the point of not making it an influential factor in that ecosystem. Appeared that the wolves are able to escape the exclusion of tigers it only when the last excised by Alepeshroo decrease their numbers. [99] The wolves today are rare in the areas where they live tigers, which are found only in pockets isolated ones, showing a move alone or in small groups . Studies have shown that the interaction between the two species are Bogelbh about sacrifices, where the tiger expel wolves and seize their prey, and the final game Ptqmam tiger after he has dealt with his need. There are 4 documents stating the murder of Port of wolves, but none of them provides for the Afterasha them. [98] resorted conservatives on the Russian environment is usually the tiger in the killing of wolves to convince hunters in the Far East to assume these cats, because they kill Alhaferjat desired by anglers, pace lighter than those of wolves, as well as it controls the final numbers. [100] wolves share habitat in Eurasia and North America with brown bears, and both types are often ignorant of the other rather than fight. When it happens that fight brown bear with a herd of wolves, the reason is due mostly to protect the prey or to defend their young. Turn brown bears to scare the wolves huge size in order to distance it from the carcass, and known for its dug burrows wolves when they are very hungry, usually dominated by bears on wolves when the dispute over the prey, but they rarely win when the latter protects and her neighbor, where they sit puppies. On the other hand, it is known for the wolves to kill her Diasm brown bears, and scare the bear cub and mother exorcised so. Leander death of any of the parties when get skirmish what, size of the massive magnitude Bear and the strength of the Wolves collectively constitute a sufficient deterrent when both types. [82] also face off wolves in North America with the American black bears; however, these confrontations are considered rarer than those you get with brown bears, to different housing type favored by both types. Most encounters with black bears are located in the northern part of the continent, has not been any case of them in the south of the document. The wolves killing of black bears sometimes without that feed on them, on the contrary of brown bears, the black ones often lose when facing wolves to control the sacrifice of what. [82] is rare for wolves to face off polar bears, although documented two cases the two wolves kill the latter Diasm. [94] wolves typically dominate the other types of Alkalpaat which coexist and them. In North America, do not accept the wolves and the presence of coyotes in the breeding territory; Having been re-introduced to Yellowstone National Park in 1995, caused the Wolves down the proportion of population of coyotes in the park by about 50% by Afterasha and rival food sources. [91] According to some reports that wolves dug burrows coyotes to hold Bjraiha and destroy it, and wolves usually do not feed the coyotes that kill him, although the possibility for this. There are no reports of killing Giwtat wolves, [82] However, it is known for its assembly against them and Mnaoshcha condition was more a number of them. [91] observed that the wolves sometimes allow Giwt approach the prey and scavenging on them, before chasing him and eliminate it. Says specialist researcher studying the behavior of coyotes "Robert Crabtree" of the Yellowstone Center for Environmental Research (in English: Yellowstone Ecological Research Center), that this behavior can be linked to the instinct of wolves to protect the breeding territory of the other predators, although removed, does not constitute a danger to it, it came on his tongue: "Maybe you want to teach her puppies professional secrecy ... Maybe you kill removed, so Taatmrs to fight the other wolves in Alahakh stages of her life." [92] these confrontations are almost identical to those that have been documented in Greece between gray wolves and jackals gold. [93] kill wolves red foxes sometimes when approaching their prey, as well as they feed on raccoon dogs in North Asia and Europe. [82]
Face off wolves and hyenas sometimes planned in the Middle East and Central and South Asia when it disputes the cadaver what. And despite the fact that the hyena is dominated by the lone wolf, the herds of wolves known for its expulsion of hyenas and grab caught. [101] were found on the remains of wolves gray at the age of thousands of years in burrows hyenas caves, but does not know whether these hyenas have caught the wolves or Qmmt Giftha only. The fossils show that the competition between these hyenas and wolves were not fierce competition, as the hyenas would have preferred subsisting on animals Qatnh low land like wild horses, while the Wolves relied on their strength in static mountain slopes Kaloaol roe deer and animals. As it appeared that the relationship between the numbers of wolves and hyenas negative relationship, as the first numbers rose in Eurasia at lower numbers of hyenas caves. [102]

body language

Undergo active - through active submission, the wolf lowers his whole body because his ears back and absorbed his lips. Sometimes this is accompanied by licking the snout, or panting quickly and cut the rear section of the body. As well as the animal lowers its tail in whole or in part or in full Irkhih between Qaimteh, raises Khtmh about individual dominant. The wolf arched his back to his brother Mtzlla dominant, the more arched back bigger and cut the tail, the more this indicates a greater degree of submission.
Undergo dull - dull character takes undergo more intense than active submission, where the wolf roll over on his back and reveals his neck and the lower part of his body to the individual dominant, and directs the contours around his body. Accompanying this situation usually some of the whining.
Anger - stands wolf angry and Fraah ears, and lips twist or lift the back, showing its teeth and Qguatah. Also it has arched his back, Jasper, or roar.
Fear - the frightened wolf tries to smaller and less striking and exciting to doubt himself appears; Then shall his ears back even touching his head, and loosen his tail between his legs as he does the wolf taxable. Balonin may also take or barking barks dimmed shows his fear, or arched back.
Defense - wolf defender ears due back until touching the head.
Hostile - hostile wolf snarls and stands Fraah, was perched on the ground in preparation for the attack.
Doubt - the wolf appears as a suspect something when his ears due to back and narrows his eyes. When the animal feels threatened erect tail parallel to the floor.
Satisfaction - hanging tail wolf underwhelmed naturally toward the ground, and then sit on his stomach or lying on his side. The wolf was also shaking his tail, and whenever the latter was more relaxation whenever wolf more comfortable.
Tension - stands tail wolf tense, was perched on the ground in preparation to flee.
Happiness - the wolf shook its tail Gndma be happy to do as domesticated dogs, and tongue out of his mouth as well as the command.
Fishing - be tense when the wolf hunt, so the tail stands horizontally.
Fun - raising the wolf who wants a fun-tail high and the tremor, and jumps from one place to another, or bend to the ground by lowering the front section of his body back and lift, shaking occasionally. This behavior is similar to playing behavior when domesticated dogs.

Howl and other sounds.
Up sharpness howling wolf, which lasts from 0.5 to 11 seconds, to between 150 and 780 Hz. [18] helps Howl members of the herd to communicate with each other more effectively in Ktevhalohjar areas and vast distances, as well as it helps in the collection of all individuals in a specific location. Define the limits of wolves breeding territory also Balawae, as shown by the experiments carried out by the scientists and guards reserves and national parks, which offer a howl inside a special area in one of the herds, they were contained them all members of the herd as they herd another competitor entered the Hozhm. Urges Wolves to come up with this act when it has something to protect, for example, a recent murder Ktradh. The large herds of wolves to attract attention to themselves more often than small herds rule of thumb. Respond neighboring herds to the howling of each, which will benefit the occurrence of trouble for the smaller two of the flock, so these animals howl which is the utmost care. [104] also howl of wolves own social reasons, and some scholars say that this strengthens social bonds and friendships intimate with each other -tmama as does the popular singing in humans. [104] issued wolves through groupings such a number of different intensity acoustic tones, making it difficult to know how many involved animals in Howl, leads this thus frequency herd competitor to approach or attack other wolves, Thus, since the attack could be catastrophic in any way mistaken herd estimate the number of individual competitors. Can be heard howling wolf 16 kilometers (10 miles), but that depends on how bad or good weather. Studies have shown that the herds of wolves usually howl during the twilight hours, in the run-out amounting to catch individuals followed her return, Kmalk show that the unit howl rises during the mating season and stage of breeding subsequent puppies. [105] begin puppies Balawae quickly go out of its burrow, and tend to the participation of individuals in this amount of activity in the next two months. The purpose behind this indiscriminate howling is to promote communication between young people and the rest of the individuals, and do not hurt the Wolves in the initial life stage of this. [104] Howling becomes less random when the pups begin to learn how to distinguish between the calls of members of the herd and the herds competition. Wolves Middle East and South Asia, wolves are considered unusual, since they do not bark often, but produce sounds similar to the sounds of domesticated dogs, made up of short clips from a sharp bark. [7] [55]
The highlight of teeth, with the release of growl or Rghae, the most common expressions of visual warning and used by the wolves. Featuring Rghae wolf Bamgah and can reach the degree of severity to between 250 and 1500 Hz, [18] and often resorted to the animal to scare rivals, but it is not necessarily used in self-defense. Snarl, wolves also dominant on the rest of the wolves under when trying to dominate them. Barking wolves when they are tense, or when it threatens the rest of the herd there is a hazard, but they do it very discreetly, and bark loudly or frequently as they do domesticated dogs, and instead make a sound low degree of severity, ranging between 320 and 904 Hz to attract the attention of the rest of the herd. [18] also issued wolves "barks Awaiaa" and that by adding a simple howling in the last bark, they do this for the same reasons to be paid by the barking. Barking puppies and issued "Alawaia bark" more frequently than adult wolves, so that is aggregated on the attention, care, or food. Vote wolves from less common is the "voice of the crowd", ie when members gather the herd together and issue high-pitched wailing peppered like barking sound, while they were licking each other and shook Khthom tails. Often meant behind this sound show to undergo the wolf dominant. [106] Wolves also issued Annina up Maximum intensity to 3500 Hz, [18] and that's when subject to another wolf appears, and tan puppies Similarly, when you want to get reassurance from her parents or other wolves.

The gray wolf belongs to the genus "dog" (Latin: Canis), which comprises between 7 and 10 types of Alkalpaat. These animals are one of six species dubbed "wolf," The other is: the wolf Red (Canis rufus), the Indian wolf (Canis indica), a wolf Himalayan (Canis himalayaensis), the eastern wolf (Canis lycaon), and the wolf Abyssinian (Canis simensis ), despite the fact that controversy still exists about whether some of these animals should be considered or kept as Noaah of the gray wolf, or being a separate species. Some genetic research recently showed that the populations of the Indian wolf in the Indian sub-continent may constitute a new kind, as was the case for the wolves Himalayas, which were previously placed on it is just a crowd of Alnoaah Tibetan (Canis lupus laniger), which extended their home across South Asia Mountains. [ 107]
The gray wolf holds a number of names in the Arabic language, including: Sarhan, Alasas, Alosama, Kba, cranberries, Alamless, atlas, Oof, Aws, [108] Alohos, dusty, pleurisy, Aljula, Aldolan, Da'lj, Aldobl, Aldaalh, Sasa , Asl, Alasaas, Epiphany, Alqtrb, inverter, Alnhishl, Aloras, Malaz, Ale, Asameeda, and others. [108] as well as locally called the wolf in the Arab countries inhabited by the name "wolf" or "Deeb." The gray wolf a species that described the world Alehiwanasueda "Carl Linnaeus" in his book of the eighteenth century, "the natural order" (Latin: Systema Naturae), and still yet classified the same form and holds a scientific name. [109] derives bilateral label to the wolves "Canis lupus" from the Latin words "Kanis - Canis meaning" dog, "and" Lopes - lupus "meaning" wolf ". [110]
Rating is gray wolf subspecies extremely difficult, although the scientists have established a list Balnoaat remaining extinct, but this category is still a subject of controversy, [111] and is likely to be modified again and again over the coming years.

Modern theories says that gray wolves appeared initially Eurasia during the early modern period Pleistocene. It has been shown from the study of the dialectic of DNA that Asian wolves lineage dates back to 800,000 years old, on the contrary wolves Europe and North America, which dates back to only about 150,000 years old ratios. [112] believed that the first wolves were similar to wolves Qatnh desert now, such as those in the Middle East, South Asia, and after that the fossils showed in Europe dating from about half a million years a great resemblance to the remaining Asian Balnoaat. [55] is likely that the wolves have migrated from the old world to North America via the Bering bridge, who arrived in Russia, Alaska during the last ice age, about 400,000 since years, but it did not become widespread in the continent only since 12,000 a year, ie in the period in which the megafauna of North America began with extinction. Some experts believe that the assets of wolves Eurasian, are the cause of their relative ability to cope with the human to crawl to the American homeland, and that compared with the American black bears, black mountains, coyotes, which has been under pressure by predators largest ones that disappeared today, 73 ] These animals used to the presence of objects dominated by developed its behavior on this basis during the thousands of years, the wolves have come from another continent and have not developed this behavior to the absence of that enormous number of larger predators larger competitors, as in the new world, so it remained low numbers even disappeared the last, and returned to face the same problem today with man. Coexisted wolves after their migration to North America with another type of Alkalpaat is Dire Wolf (Canis dirus). And although the latter was the largest in size and more fuller and exceeded the strength of bite those of wolves gray, but his teeth were less specialized in the bones cracking. [27] spread terrible from southern Canada Wolves down to South America until 8000 the year when ruled by climatic fluctuations as Believes. Experts say that by this time become gray wolves are Alkalpaat controlling interests in the continent.

The scientists describe about 50 Noaah of an old gray wolf, now and in spite of the lack of consensus on the actual number of subspecies, but it could be argued that there are between 13 and 15 Noaah independent. Scientists take a number of things into consideration when they are currently Highlight Noaah any other, including: DNA, anatomical characteristics, proliferation, and the level of migration of various populations from one region to another. In 2005, it was described 37 Noaah include dengue and dog domesticated, in addition to three other morphologic characteristics that distinguish them from the rest subspecies. [113] Wolves appear significantly different form across different parts of the habitat vast. For example, the wolves of North America similar in size wolves of Europe, but it has a larger and more rounded heads, and Khtmha introduce a more breakthrough angle, and lists shorter and more durability. In contrast, European wolves has fallen on deaf longer located at the top of her head section, more rounded and warheads, and furs rougher less luxury. [114] [115] You wolves Qatnh different areas to breed with each other despite the physical differences, the London Zoo has succeeded for example in the marriage of a European wolf to lupus Indian, which resulted in a puppy resembles his father dramatically. [116] behavioral differences to the wolves appear different habitat Similarly, Vziab the Middle East and South Asia tend to be less love for the meeting of the wolves of Europe and North America, [55] as howl much less. [7] also, the American wolves less well adapted to live in urban Fayalmnatq or human existence, in contrast to the European, then inhabiting southern Europe live in places with human density higher than you can afford the American wolves afford. [117] the following table contains all the classified subspecies of the gray wolf, as well as three distinctive subspecies

Hybridization with other species
Breed wolves with removed, to produce hybrids is sterile as is, and this raises controversial about whether it can be considered, each independent sort itself the question. [140] knows the product of the wolf and the coyote as the "wolf Agayouti" or "Agayib", which is usually compromise between size and the size of his parents, no larger than Giwt pure and smaller than a wolf. One research showed in Maine, Giwta that 22 of the 100 have been captured, descended from the assets of a lupine, and one of them bears characteristics similar to the characteristics of the Wolves by 89%. One theory assumes that removed, the Eastern huge in Canada is only hybrids between small western removed, and the Wolves, who met them and intermarried with them for decades, as well as, some scientists say that the red wolf is not a separate type but it is a last between gray wolves and removed, hybrid. Modern this assumption genetic research has supported, it was found that red wolves are not characterized genetically gray wolves and removed, but by a simple, has also appeared, by calculating the genetic distance between the three species, the red wolves and compromise come between gray wolves and removed, and they resemble hybrids last Qatnh southern Quebec and Minnesota. Found through analysis of the DNA of the mitochondria, the red wolf populations remaining, mostly hails originally removed,. [136] can reproduce the wolves and domesticated dogs, to produce a hybrid is sterile. It is said that hybrids dogs and wolves are enjoying good health in the majority of cases, where it affected a smaller number by far of genetic diseases than the number affected by the domesticated dog breeds, and the reason behind this to the workers, "the power of genetics." [137] According dogs National lupine Union (English: National Wolfdog Alliance), that the 40 US states prohibit the ownership, breeding, or import any dog ​​Lupine, while other states put some regulations on the subject. [138] apply the same question to most European countries and a lot of municipalities and counties States United, which either make own animal issue of violation of the law, or restrict the freedom of his upbringing. [139] Although the wolves kill dogs in the wild, but it has been documented occurrence of some cases of intermarriage between wolves and dogs and brutality by genetic tests, which showed that some populations carry genes moved to the ancestor of dogs. Some scientists believe that this natural hybridization is an imminent threat Bgmehrat pure wolves isolated, especially since there are some of the endangered herds which, although mixed population of any hybrid, it would have ceased to exist in some other way. We usually get the natural hybridization between wolves and dogs near human settlements, where wolves less intensity and brings the number of dogs. However, the concrete evidence, Kal_khasais morphological and prominent DNA analyzes of mitochondria, states that say the spread of hybridization between dogs and wolves is wrong to say, as they show the scarcity get any mating between the two species in the wild. [11] is sometimes said that the presence of Zmotain when wild wolves is the best proof to be contaminated with genetically by dogs, a piggy fifth vestigial appears in lists rear dogs and Elzimah, and disappears when the four-toed pure wolves. [14] noted that hybrids of wild wolves in the former Soviet Union, had made up the largest herds of cattle wolves pure, also enjoyed a greater capacity to endure when they chased their prey. [9] genetic research at the University of California in Los Angeles showed that the wolves with Alohab black carry this color as a result of a mutation arose in the first instance when the newly domesticated dogs and later moved to the wolves by hybridization with dogs that have become brutal. [19]

Related to dogs
It raises the question related to the gray wolf dogs controversy among scientists for many years, despite the fact that most of them see the wolf as a direct progenitor of all breeds of domesticated dogs. It considered the resolution of this issue is very difficult, as a platoon nascent Alkalpaatveselh Because breeding different species with each other easily, but the molecular kinship studies now show that domesticated dogs and wolves are close together closely, and based on this, all the scientists took classify the dog as Noaah of the gray wolf, bears the scientific name "Canis lupus familiaris". Also, tests in Germany have shown, the poodles and wolves, the young hybrid breed is sterile and face no difficulty in communicating with each other or with her parents, even those born after generations, as well as the result for the parents, where intermarried with each other automatically, without any limitation and it did not have difficulty in communicating through sounds and body language. These results are inconsistent with those that emerged from marrying poodles Bagayoot and jackals, as it shows that the fertility of hybrids each took less than a generation after generation, and take communication difficult for them little by little, and increased the proportion of genetic diseases after three generations of inbreeding. Based on this, the scientists concluded that gray wolves and dogs a kind one. [141] DNA tests have shown that domesticated dogs and gray wolves closely related, they both possess 39 chromosomes, representing 19,000 genes, spread over 2.4 billion kilo base. [142] in the in 2005, a study was conducted to determine the extent of genetic similarities when members of the domesticated breeds and between those of different breeds, and between the gray wolf subspecies, by measuring the frequency of multiple single nucleotide forms specific to each of them. The results showed that domesticated dogs of the same breed were strongly similar to each other, it turns out that the strain used in the study, one of the dogs Boxer, was dramatically close to strains other domesticated, although there is some disparity between the strain and the other, for example, appeared Boxer that less close to the dogs Almlmut Alaskan from the rest of the breeds. Also it appeared that at least one of the domesticated breeds closely resemble other Balkalpaat, such as the Eurasian wolf and coyote. Based on this analysis, we can say that the morphological differences between the wolf and Eurasian domesticated dog is twice the difference between a domesticated dog breeds, four times the differences that exist between members of certain domesticated breed. [142]

As long as there was a controversy exists among scientists on the issue of the complexity of domesticated dogs from wolves, and even now is still the date of this bifurcation, how he and place it, Undecided emphatically. Fossils found that dogs split from wolves 15,000 years ago appears, however, that this could have happened since the previous period on this much history. Most archaeologists say that dogs from wolves branched out in the period between 15,000 and 35,000 years old, and that the domestication happened due to changes in the pattern of human life, because in that period of human starting to stabilize and stop nomadic lifestyle. All scientists agree that domestication occurred in Eurasia, and that the dogs North America entered with one of the human migration is likely to waves, since only 12,000 a year, and therefore it is assumed that the dogs spread very quickly throughout the world. [143] is still the question of which Noaah of wolves hails them Slaltha pets moot, some says that this Alnoaah are Alnoaah Tibetan, since the upper section of the lower jaw tends to back as in domesticated dogs, unlike the rest of the subspecies gray wolf, while others say that the most likely Alnoaah are Indian Alnoaah because small size and nature of most meekness. [144] some experts say that subspecies Middle South Aloostoasaa are most likely to be the ancestors of dogs, as they produce sounds similar to the last voices, as they are smaller and more meekness of the northern subspecies. [55]

Physical and behavioral differences
Dogs may not show some form of instinctive or social behavior shown by wolves due to the lack of any chance have to do so in the civil surroundings, as well as when he turns into savage or semi-live the brutality of life, it remains show certain differences from wild ancestors. In a comparison conducted on wolves and poodles study, the specialist world studying wolves "Eric Seemann" and his aides logged 362 different behavior is doing the latter, 64% of them carried out by poodles slightly different or without any difference at all, while not showing any behavior that is similar to the proportion of the remaining 13%. Was found from this study that 23% of the behaviors of lupine exists in dogs, but in a modified remarkable way, when you come up with any of them, poodles showed a lack of focus on a specific and random goal and the ineffectiveness of their selection "to prey", just as is the case when the result of the wolves Agah or frivolous. Also, it appeared that a lot of facial expressions and physical expressions by the wolves, was simplified dramatically when poodles or not prominent at all, was the asanas hostile and defensive little has to a large extent, because of being less fearful and hostile, and more tolerant of the object that is approaching a lot of them. In contrast to the wolves adult, that avoid physical contact with each other when you sleep, the poodles continued to lie near each other when she was 8 months old or over it a little bit, even on hot days, when there is no need for stackable for maintain body temperature. [146] adult dogs are considered more receptive to strangers than adult wolves, which become reluctant to provide Ojanbma age. Well, the fighting techniques vary between dogs and wolves, the former often focuses on the attack on the head, neck, and shoulders, while attacking the second throughout the body and cause more damage, and repel many attacks countermeasures. [147] Although the dogs and wolves document related to each other, but they show a number of physical and behavioral differences. Some scientists say the non-validity that the dogs are descended from wolves theory, based on the differences between the animals, [4], while others say that the absence of certain characteristics or habits in dogs, such as vomiting food for the result or living in a herd with a rigid structure, it is not evidence of theoretical error, but it is a "dissolution" of those properties because of marriages non-selective or irresponsible strains of different dogs, and a lot of dogs, particularly those that turn into brutality, have shown these characteristics, while the remainder is prominent at the other. [141] [145]
Owns dogs, similar in size to the size of wolves, a skull and a brain smaller by about 20 and 10%, respectively, small teeth, compared with other types of Alkalpaat. [16] The Tuahn and teeth dogs monolith is the largest of the wolves, and the patterns taper less complicated, and Bubble drum ear is much smaller. [148] require domesticated dogs fewer calories than the wolves so that they can survive, including the brain slimmer, largely due to the fact that dependence on food residue humans since ancient times, led to the reduction of brain size and strength of the muscles of the jaw needed for hunting. Believed to be the reason behind the relaxation of the ears of dogs is the atrophy of the jaw muscles. [16] The palms of dogs in the half size of the palms of wolves, their wake and tend to curl upward, and this feature is not present when the wolves. [7]

The current situation and the former
Gray wolves are classified as endangered degree minimum from 1982 until 1994 by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. However, a number of countries to protect them and to change the methods of land use, and the exodus from the countryside to the cities, has led to increased numbers again. [149] In addition, resulted in re-entry and re-distribution in Western Europe and the western United States projects, to increase the number of populations of wolves in those areas of the world. [149] As a result of all this, the world Federation returned for conservation of nature classified the wolf in 1996 threatened degree minimum type, the type is not threatened at all. [149] differ on the conservation status of wolves in different regions and countries inhabited, they are fully protected in some states, hunted for the purpose of entertainment in other countries, or subjected to persecution and genocide in certain places due to be considered a threat to livestock and animals Almenzlah.kant gray wolves larger mammals prevalent on the surface of the former planet, a man, where inhabited areas north latitude 15 ° and 12 ° north in America Achammalahoohoracia respectively. [149] in spite of this widespread, the wolves today inhabit a very small portion of this former home, because of the encroachment of humans on their habitat and the resulting destruction of their housing units and the friction between them and the human eventually lead to the eradication locally. [149] this clearly shows dedicated to the development and exploitation areas in Europe, Asia, Mexico, and the United States, where it is the poisoning of wolves and persecution deliberately. [149]
Many of the populations of local wolves are considered endangered, although not threaten genre as a whole. [150], and risks faced by these animals lack of genetic diversity and narrow little by little, because of the scattered populations and distinguish them, as the population explosion has led to the expansion of the scope of human settlement, which which in turn led to creating isolated pockets of wolves suffer from internal reproduction. Studies have shown that the birth rate when the wolves are directly linked to genetic diversity, [151] and that populations isolated dramatically affected by the introduction of new alleles to them if they were of a wolf and an additional one up. [150] believed that one of the populations isolated from wolves on the property island in the Lakes Region Great in the United States suffer from the complications of a lack of genetic diversity, in 1991 show that the number of members decreased from 50 to 12 wolves, and research has shown that this decline in numbers coincided with a shortage Alolzimat different zygote. [152]
They know about wolves as animals experiencing difficulty coping with change, often referred to as a sort indicator; any kind draws boundaries ecoregion or indicating a particular environmental condition, such as the spread of disease, and the presence of contamination or competition between species, or a change happening in the climate . It appears that the wolves are not able to cope with the physical and urbanization also been removed, as can be seen that the areas that has seen a population explosion, saw a decline in the number of wolves. [16]

The representation of the gray wolf in human culture

In folklore, religion, and mythology
Wolves emerged as a placement of fear and hatred in European folklore during the era of the rule of the church, even though it was a stand out at that time also as symbols and slogans on the top of many noble families. Most people give names of note for these animals more likely, for example, the Scandinavian name "Ulf - Ulf", Albanian "Oodgko - Ujku", German and Yiddish, "Wolfe / ڤwolv - Wolf / Volf", the English "Wolf - Wolf", the Hebrew "Ziaڤ - זאב מצוי ", Hungarian," Farkas - Farkas ", Serbian" ڤok - Vuk ", Ukrainian" ڤoڤk - Вовк ", Roman" to Oپol - Lupul ", the French" Lou - Loup ", and the Bulgarian" ڤalko - Вълк ". Prominent and Wolves are also in the proverbs, many Chinese proverbs deal with wolves to indicate bad faith with a sly goal of a person, it is said, "his heart as the heart of the Wolf" (Chinese: 狼子野心), which implied the impossibility of reforming the persons of the wicked by nature, as well as the means by saying "his heart as the heart of a wolf and lungs Krita dog "(Chinese: 狼心狗肺) refer to someone ungrateful the treachery people who had helped them previously, and in these parables semi Arab similarly dominant in the Levant, especially" remember the Wolf and prepare penis ", and in this reference to the presence of a person non grata cause disturbing, if one wants to get rid of him. In the language Kazakh 20, for example, popularly it deals with wolves, while in the Russian language 253, for example. [9] symbolizes the Bible to wolf 13 times, often in the form of metaphors indicate the greed and destruction, and provides the New Testament that Jesus was killed wolves to symbolize the dangers that were being conducted they will face if they follow him, where he said: "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. but he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, who is not the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees, the wolf catches and scatters the sheep." [160] wolf in the Holy Quran has also mentioned three times in the Surah Yusuf, when the father of the Prophet Joseph for his children, said he is afraid his son to be eaten by the wolf that went with them, Aftminoh that this will not happen, and when they went with their brother's power in the pit and returned, saying to their father that a wolf eat it , where he came: Ra bracket.png they said: O our father, what you do not autumn of Joseph to him and I mentors Aya-11.png Send him with us tomorrow to enjoy himself and play him and I privates Aya-12.png said, I am sad to go and I'm afraid to eat the wolf and you him heedless Aya-13.png they eat the wolf and we League Verily if the losers Aya-14.png when he went by and unanimously to make him in his absence the pit, and inspired him to Tenbinhm about them that they do not feel Aya-15.png the father came dinner crying Aya-16. png said O our father Verily we went racing and left Joseph, when our stuff Voklh wolf and what you believe us if we are honest Aya-17.png La bracket.png. [161] was for humans looks different variety of wolves through the ages, in some parts of the world these animals were respected and revered, while she raises fear and revulsion in other places. Considered wolves revered animals in mythology Altaic own Baturk the Mongols, and the priests animists of those people believe that they are descended directly from wolves, and addressed the Turkish mythology number of stories in which the Wolves played a major role, including the myth that a wolf gray led the Turks to their homeland named "Argnkon ", where he flourished and invaded all their neighboring peoples. [153] [154] as well, providing the Romanian mythology that lupus was the reason for the survival of the founders of Rome," Romulus and Remus "was alive, it was the uncle of the two children," Amulius "had ordered his servant to kill them, but the latter reportedly leaving two young children on Dvavenhr Tiber, Vhmlhma river after it burst into another bank where they found them lupus, known as the "Oپa - Lupa" in Latin, when the holy God of war, "March", and Tbnthma. Wolves also appear in Finnish mythology as a symbol of the destruction and devastation, so much so that the name of the wolf in the Finnish "Susi - susi" means "something that has no value." In Norse mythology show three basic wolves: "Fenrir" Giant eldest son to "In order" and "Onkerboda", who was killed by the son of Odin "Vidar", [155] and Alziban "Giri and Freaky," large animals Gods "Odin" sincere and that it was said as a "good omen." [156] was Qumalaino in Japan believe they have found in the world through similar union object werewolf and goddess. [157] Perhaps the most notable people that were a manifestation of the wolves are native American peoples, Vqom "Altnaina" for example, were considered wolves brothers to them, they say, each wolf "brother", [158] as well as folk "Albauna" farmers and fishermen who tied the wolf corn and bison; where was the "birth" and "death" star wolf, ie Sirius, represents a reflection of the round-robin wolf along the Milky way, known have Darb wolf. [159] Arabs are like the strong man werewolf as demonstrated his strength, as were many stories of writers Arabs where the mention of the wolf, such as the stories of Ibn al in the Panchatantra, and said wolf rated by some scientists, such as bigeye in the animal book still others called his children even today the name "Deep" and "Diba."

Wolves devouring human
Usually wolves appear as a cemetery in the presence of humans, but the way they interact with people often rely on past experience with the latter rather than instinct. [73] [162] when they are wolves space adequate housing, sufficient numbers of prey, and when humans catch from time to time, they tend to avoid friction with them to the extent that they give up their prey when they feel Bdno man of them. [76] However, in spite of that, many of the cases where wolves have attacked people or acted aggressively towards them, as when closer the people Bastvzazha, or when Aotaiadha them, or when infected with rabies, mixing between humans and other beings, taught hunting as a result, Tahjnha with the dogs, and when the seasonal shortage of prey stock, [40] [163] the attack unprovoked by wolves is Fender dogged the fact. The majority of the attacks of wolves on humans historically occurred during the period between June and July, targeting children and women, [40] [74] [164] These are located attacks in places and during times of degrees, suggesting that predation human is not common when wolves and does not represent act naturally to her, it is a behavior develops an individual or a particular herd wolf and get used to it, do not go away, but to kill the animal. [165] when comparing wolves to other mammals known to man was killed, it turns out that carrying out this act a little, indicating that despite being dangerous animals, they are predators still at least a threat and a possibility that prey on humans. [40] [165] the attacks wolves phenomenon sporadically spread across Europe during the last of the twentieth century covenants, the historical documents showed that in the period from 1580 and 1830, 3069 people were killed by wolves in France alone, it was 1,857 people, of whom have been killed by wolves is infected with rabies. [166] Among the most prominent stories about deadly wolves, cut monster Givaudan, despite the fact that the animal accused Bdilaoh in these events It is still unknown if it was already a wolf or whoever another like him. [40] currently serve many of the documents the occurrence of the events included devouring wolves to humans in Asia, and these events are stating its three Indian states for the occurrence of a number of attacks, documented by biologists veteran, by the wolves is dogged in recent decades. [40] [75] in Hazaribagh city of Bihar state, for example, 100 children were injured and killed 122 of them in the period between 1980 to 1986. [75] in Russia also benefit many documents the occurrence of a number of attacks, particularly before the Bolshevik Revolution, and after World war II; in the period between 1840 and 1861.273 signed an attack by wolves is dogged in different parts of Russia, led to the deaths of 169 children and seven adults, 167 ] as was the case in the period between 1944 and 1950, when the killing of 22 children and adolescents between the ages of 3 and 17 years old, in the entity of the Kirov oblast Federal. [168] the North Viomrica, the attacks of wolves to human ratio are lower than those of Europe and Asia. There was a media campaign spread in many parts of the United States, aims to rally support for the issue sponsored by the state, namely the development of the award at the head of every wolf, this campaign led to the creation of an economic incentive to make people exaggerating the dangers that may be exposed by those animals; this has consequently led to the emergence of false claims or exaggerated for attacks carried out by the wolves. [7] However, he also mentioned some of the reports of attacks in North America, due to human encroachment on an ongoing basis to housing these animals. The world of a retired biology "Mark Mcnaa" collects 80 document stating the occurrence of encounters between people and wolves in Olascowkenda, where the wolves approaching humans or attack them, and found that 39 hostile state was signed by wolves sound does not suffer from any health problem, and that 29. another case was about the approaching wolves from humans without showing any fear and without acting aggressively. [169]

Predation of livestock and domestic animals
It can vary greatly over the wolves prey on livestock depending on the geographical area inhabited; it ranges from being small, being influential on the local economy. Make up the loss of cattle in favor of wolves in North America, a small percentage of the total losses. In the United States, it noted that the wolves for livestock killed is not the magnitude of the recent deaths of reasons caused by human action or other predators. [173] and although the predation of wolves for livestock is not a big problem for the sector of agriculture and animal husbandry in North America, it is considered disastrous for some educators who take care of their livestock in high-density areas of the wolves. [174] can be seen from the statistics conducted by the state of Montana to know the number of victims of the wolves from livestock starting in 1987, to 1,200 sheep and a cow killed since then until now, and this is a big number at all, since 8300 head of beef and 13,000 head of sheep that died of natural causes in the Greater Yellowstone area, in the period of history until today. Experts at the International Wolf Center says (in English: International Wolf Center), located in the state of Minnesota: tend unit devouring wolves for cattle to increase in the months of September and October, a period in which the female begins to teach her puppies fishing. Usually attacking wolves cattle grazing, and is not a storming of land fenced and barns uncommon. [9] considered the sheep are more common in Europe, victims of wolves, and in India it solves the goats instead of them, and in Mongolia horses, and in the northern beef America and turkeys domesticated. [11] often ignore the wolves the size or age of a medium-sized like sheep and goats prey. [170] former US President "Theodore Roosevelt" says the wolves southern plains small Cat rarely attack cows or bulls mature, and they prefer small animals or diseased ones, in contrast to this, the wolves Alrukiachammalah huge mountains were able to lethality oxen amount of their own. [171] wounds inflicted by wolves livestock include: fractures of the skull, a chapter of the spine, for I will utterly bowels, and apart tremendous Fayalham. Wolves also resorted to killing sheep by biting in her throat removed, just as you do, and can distinguish the game from the coyotes game, Wolf, that the recent tearing tissue infrastructure and the background even more. Are often committed wolves killed a surplus in the locations where the imprisoned human cattle, [170] has made one of these animals, which will be called "wolf Aquila" (in English: Aquila Wolf), in Arizona, killing 65 sheep during one night, 40 upside else in the other night. [83] in some cases, some people survive the livestock from such a massacre, but they have been great to smear, which justify the sometimes resorting to euthanasia. [83] may appear livestock exposed to a confrontation with the wolves some problems with behavioral, it has been suggested that some of them were rushing, breaking the barbed wire once hearing the howling of wolves, or refuse to go out to pasture, causing shedding a lot of weight, [9] and the so cattle may become more hostile toward educators from humans and dogs shepherds. [43] is difficult to document the killing of wolves for one cattle in most cases, as they feed on the entire animal's condition, its size is comparable to or less than the calf size. [83] in some cases, the cattle are not affected negatively once the attack wolves them; but enough psychological stress experienced by when knowledge of being monitored by the wolves even gets her hated, where pre-empt some of them, gaining weight with difficulty, and retracts the quality of the meat. [43] the rights to develop many less lethal or non-lethal methods at all, during the last decade, to protect livestock from wolves , and these methods: the use of rubber bullets and guard animals, [172] as well as it has been shown that the audio recording of the howling of the wolves was effective in away in at least one case [28].

In addition, the observation filmmaker "C Dacr", who then bred herd of captive wolves, where he found out that the latter are extremely reluctant to subsisting on the type of meat did not see it or see a wolf last fed him, which explains the scarcity Afterasha for cattle, but under any circumstances were desperate and suffering from hunger strongly. [176]
Dogs are a major source of food for wolves in some areas. In Croatia, for example, reported that dogs hunted and killed more than sheep, as well as in Russia, where it appears that wolves limit the population savage dogs all the time. In the state of Wisconsin in the United States, the government has paid greater compensation to the owners of the dogs was slain, which you pay to the owners of livestock. [11] According to some documents that pairs of wolves are prey on dogs by the one to drag the dog to the dense bushes where he lies to him the other wolf, [9] In some cases, wolves showed no fear uncharacteristic of humans and buildings when attacking dogs, which eventually led to the hit severely beaten, or killed. [178] shepherds used especially to protect their livestock from wolves in the fields dogs, that the basic function of dogs are to scare the wolves only and not fight, [179] One of the most massive strains used by shepherds often: the Anatolian shepherd dogs and the dogs and the Rams Gerha.echtlv fact the aforementioned entirely in Eurasia. In Greece, for example, the death toll reached the wolves from livestock in the period between April 1989 and June of 1991.21000 straight from the sheep goats, cows and 2729. In 1998, the proceeds amounted to 5894 head of sheep and goats and 880 head of cattle and a few horses. [93] A study on livestock ratio to fall victim to predators in Tibet, that the wolves are more predators Aguetaata on domesticated animals, since 60% of the cattle lose Sponsors for the herds of wolves, tigers, followed by snow by 38%, then Aloohak Eurasian 2%. Show that the goat is the most prey domesticated predators commonly, where the proportion killed by wolves which equals 32%, followed by sheep by 30%, Alqtas by 15%, then the horses by 13%, although the latter is more prevalent in Tibet livestock to Besides goats. [177] According to some documents from Kazakhstan in 1987, that the wolves decimated by more than 150,000 head of cattle in that year, and another 200,000 in the next year. [9]

Hunting wolves
Although the hunting of wolves issue a pro in many countries, but it raises controversy in other countries, where opponents believe that something evil is unnecessary and based on misconceptions, while supporters believe it is necessary to maintain the stability of the numbers of other prey that attract hunters, and that as a scourge of control could hurt human condition, their numbers increased from what it is. [184] hunted wolves for a number of reasons, including recreation, for their fur, to protect livestock, and to protect human beings in some rare cases. The hunting of wolves in previous eras is a process that requires the mobilization of a lot of men and money to complete it, as it would have required the deployment of several meters from the window and the presence of customized vehicles for the last stretch, as well as a large huts dedicated to the storage and drying fur. The danger posed by wolves on both human and livestock is what justified the recruitment of entire villages to eliminate them culpable, although the damage was caused to the local economy. [73] Some people, like the people of the Apache, hunt wolves as a rite of rite of passage when boys of them. [180] often hunted wolves in dense bushes, and considers the vast majority of the fishermen of the most difficult prey accessible, due to dodgy acute senses nature, [181] and is said to be caught in a similar black mountains to hunt in difficulty, and they are more cautious than in accepted Asamalmitrok, or enter into a booby erected. However, despite this, the wolves do not defend itself as effective as bears or black prosecution mountains. [171] Some wolves showing wits and cunning major, where avoid families over a long period of time, he had one of the wolves, named "three fingers County Harding "(in English: Three Toes of Harding County) to avoid people who Ahakoh in South Dakota for 13 years before they caught and killed in the end. [83] there was another wolf also known as the" Kheraq Digger "(in English: Rags the digger), lives near the town of Meeker, Colo., which was devastated markings to teach place booby deliberately, where he was exhumed polytheism and without any hesitation, without release him. [182] in the recreational fishing, Vtguens wolves in the late fall and early winter, usually, in period during which their fur have more quality than ever before, and because the snow makes tracking process raised more easily. [181] the other of killing wolves for the purpose of obtaining meat sometimes, which is said to be cruel and like the taste of chicken-flavored. [183]


Wolves domestic and working animals

Intended to re-introduce wolves, resettled in an area where they are located previously. Nor scientists and researchers to re-submit any herd former homeland under any circumstances, but this place was still contains vast tracts of wilderness intangible, a certain proportion of different prey adequate for the survival of a crowd of wolves. Controversy still exists in North America, and often takes a sharp character, on the issue of re-introduction of wolves planned in some places, or in those that have been introduced to it. In areas where culminated re-entry process with success, such as the Great Yellowstone area and Idaho, still Opponents say prey on wolves for livestock and its death surplus, and Zbebha for a number of economic problems for them, [185] as well as the opponents say that dwell other regions upcoming launch of wolves there. This was the input processes the fruit of more than two decades of research and debate, it has been dealing with the issue of concern to the local farm owners from losing their livestock, when the "Advocates for Wildlife" (in English: Defenders of Wildlife) to establish a compensation fund for the granting of any affected farms sum adequately compensated for the loss of one of his animals, which transfers the financial burden of the agricultural and livestock sector to the supporters of the wolves themselves. [186] in March of 1998, was launched another campaign to reintroduce wolves to the "forest Apache Stigrevz" national in Arizona, and today has a population of wolves Mexican in that state and in New Mexico about 50 wolves. This campaign aims to create a self-sustaining population of Mexican wolves are up

In urban areas

Were kept wolves, domestic or working animals sometimes, but this has not been without difficulty, since the wolves animals require early mixing is greater than the dogs, [16] and do not lose a bit of instinct predation has. [188] Although the wolves are training and learning, but Tractability has to be less than those of dogs, but any way been providing appropriate motivation to them. [189]
Roll into wolves sometimes in areas where there are frequently people, as has been documented a number of cases in which wolves have where this act in all of Europe, Middle East, Asia, and in some cities in North America so. [90] inhabiting wolves streets of Brasov city in Romania, in addition to landfill waste and one of the commercial centers, as well as it has done some wolves in Italy digging Ouajjarha 40 km (25 miles) from Rome. [5] in Russia, the wolves roam the streets of the Kirov city until the end of World war II, [190] and can still be seen in large numbers in Duahamosco. [191] in North America, according to some reports that the wolves come to some of the suburbs of major cities in each of Minnesota, Montana, and Wisconsin. [90]

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