general information: about philosophy

الخميس، 1 سبتمبر 2016

about philosophy


Philosophy is a word derived from the Greek word Philosophia, entered the Arabic language in the era of translation, which means love of wisdom or knowledge request or search for the truth.
In spite of this the original meaning, it remains very difficult to determine accurately the meaning of philosophy. But - in general - it suggests human activity is very old theory of the exercise or the process in one way or another is known in different societies and cultures mankind since ancient times. Even the question of what the philosophy "What philosophy"? The question philosophically viable for a long talk, and this is one of the fundamental aspects of philosophy in their tendency to question and scrutinize everything and search for what it is and its various manifestations and the most important laws. All of this; the basic material of philosophy and broad and complex material associated with all types of science and perhaps in all aspects of life, however, remains a unique philosophy for the rest of the sciences and disciplines. Philosophy is sometimes described as "thinking about thinking" that is, thinking about the nature of thinking and contemplation, as defined philosophy as an attempt to answer the basic questions posed by the existence and the universe. It was Pythagoras (572-497 BC) was the first sage of the ancients described himself as a philosopher, philosophers, researchers knew that they reflect on the truth of things, Making love of wisdom is to search for the truth, make Wisdom is knowledge-based meditation. Philosophy has seen several important developments, it is the Greeks who founded the rules of the basic philosophy of science is trying to build a holistic view of the fact that within the framework of a realistic look, to the Muslim philosophers who interacted with the Greek inheritance Da.n him with the experience and turning realism philosophy to ٱsmah philosophy, the philosophy of science and the experience of the Renaissance then existential philosophies and doctrines of humanity and Alhaddathomabad modernism and nihilism.

Modern Philosophy

According to the analytical tradition in North America and the United Kingdom, philosophy tends to be a purely technical focus on logic and conceptual analysis. So the threads interests include the theory of knowledge, ethics, the nature of language, and the nature of the mind. There are other cultures and trends believes that the study of philosophy, art and science, so the general theory and comprehensive guide of life. With this understanding, philosophy becomes interested in identifying the ideal way of life and not try to understand life. While the analytical philosophy is oriented practically nothing should be exercised, as regards other directions based on the knowledge that should his mastery and understanding well.

The meaning of philosophy

Philosophy word Greek compound of two parts, "Philo," meaning "love" and "Sophia", meaning "wisdom", ie it means - in the original Greek - "love of wisdom" and not possess. "The Greek philosopher Pythagoras first to use the term philosophy and select its meaning. the word philosophy in the modern era to refer to metacognition on the core issues in human life quest, including the life and death and reality and the meaning and truth. used the same word also to refer to what was produced by the great philosophers of the work.
The talk about the philosophy is not linked exclusively to the Greek civilization, because the philosophy is part of the civilization of each nation, so the question "What is philosophy?" Does not accept one answer. It was a philosophy initially restored Thales days searching for the origin of existence, and the manufacturer, the material that created them, or rather the essential elements that are of them. This discussion and a long long time until the days of xenon and sophists who popularized them that they used in the philosophy of deception and Alnglait in order to give priority to their views. But the period that began Oiamsaqrat, which he described as Cicero as "sent down philosophy from heaven to earth", in that it is about the philosophical thinking of thinking about the universe and effecting elements configured to search at the same rights, have changed many of its landmarks, transforming their discussions into nature the human essence, and faith in the Creator, and the search for him, and the use of rational evidence to prove. And use the Socratic philosophy in promoting virtue among the people, honesty and love, came Socrates, Plato dependent instruments: the mind and logic, as the bases of the foundations of sound thinking that goes according to the rules determine the validity or invalidity.


 "What is philosophy?" Aristotle's question answered by saying that he is linked to what the human nature that made him want to know. On this Vhaditna no longer necessary. It is outdated before it starts, will have an immediate response, it was based on the grounds that the term Orstoan what philosophy were not the only answer to the question. At best, that is only one answer among several answers. The person can - with the help of the Aristotelian definition of philosophy - that explains the thinking of both Aristotle and Plato and subsequent philosophy of Aristotle, however, the person will notice easily that philosophy and the way in which I realized what it may Ngerta in two millennia later Aristotle many changes. At the same time, one should not ignore the fact that philosophy since Aristotle even Nietzsche remained - on the basis of these and other changes - are the same, because the transitions are exact symmetry keep inside, "What is the same" (...) It is true that the method by which we get a diverse and profound knowledge, but also beneficial for how the emergence of philosophy in the course of history, but we are on this road will not be able to access the real answer any legitimate question: "what is philosophy?" Today, given the available knowledge and what is accumulated from the questions and issues on the table in many areas to the progress of the human intellect in various fields, is no longer the role of philosopher only "love of wisdom" or request and search for them in the same mental tools at the same climate of sheer ignorance of the cosmic ocean, as was the case previously, the philosopher is now tied much of the curriculum and Alqguananalmntqah and the information gained from scientific theories and technological applications that do not leave room for doubt as to its legitimacy. In such circumstances, and in front of those data definition of philosophy is no longer compatible with the role that could be played by contemporary philosopher, which is very different from the role of his predecessor from previous eras.

Philosophical topics

Philosophy evolved threads through successive historical periods and is not the result of the day, according to the chronology has evolved as follows:
Origin of the universe and its essence.
Creator (manufacturer) and the question of his existence and his relationship creature.
Recipes creator (manufacturer) and why man was found?
The mind and the foundations of sound thinking.
Free will and presence.
Find the purpose of life and how to live healthy.
And then philosophy has become more complex and interconnected thematically and specifically after the emergence of Christianity two centuries or more. Philosophers ponder the concepts Kalugod or entity, or morality or good, knowledge, truth and beauty. Historically the most philosophies based either on religious beliefs, or scientific. Add to this that the philosophers may ask critical questions about the nature of these concepts.
Several major business begins in philosophy by asking about the meaning of philosophy. Often classified according to the classification questions philosophers follows:
What truth? How or why distinguish indicate that it is right or wrong, and how we think? What is the reason?
Is knowledge possible? How do you know what we know?
Is there a difference between what is true and what action is morally wrong action (between the values, or between organizations)? If so; what is that difference? Any valid business, and which are wrong? Is there absolute values, or relative? General or specific conditions, how should we live? What is the definition of right and wrong?
what is the truth? What are the things that can be described as real? What is the nature of those things? Do you find some things independently of our understanding? What is the nature of space and time? What is the nature of thought and beliefs?
What is beauty? How aesthetic criterion differs over time? What art? Does beauty really exist ?
In ancient Greek philosophy, these five questions, called the arrangement mentioned analytical questions or logical species, epistemological questions, ethical, metaphysical and aesthetic.
However, these questions do not constitute the only threads to investigate philosophical.
The use of this category can be considered the first of Aristotle was also considered politics, physics, earth science, biology, and astronomy as branches to the process of philosophical inquiry.
The Greeks developed, through the influence of Socrates and his method, analytical philosophical culture, to be divided into its components subject to understand it better.
In contrast, some other cultures did not resort to such a reflection on these topics, or emphasize the same themes. While we find that the Hindu philosophy has some similarities with Western philosophy, we do not find there the word philosophy in an interview for the Japanese language, or when Chinese Ooalchorah until the nineteenth century, in spite of philosophical traditions institution for a long time in the civilizations Chin.vkd the Chinese philosophers, in particular, using different varieties of definitions and Altsanev.o these definitions were not based on common features, but metaphorical Cat usually refers to several subjects at the same time. It was not the border between distinct varieties in Western philosophy, in any case, and since the nineteenth century, at least, the Western philosophical works to address and analyze the link questions with each other rather than addressing specialized topics specific entities. Truth .... What is it? And where to find it?
Indeed General as the word is a federation parts of an integrated whole, has strained the philosophers themselves to find the meaning that we close this word it since the philosophers of Greece through the Arab and Chinese philosophers to the modern philosophies that tried very hard to find the truth in all forms of existence, we find that some of them failed to search for them in while some came out a different logic for cushions, for example, the Greek philosopher Plato remained throughout his life looking for the truth and in the end came out the logic says that God created the world and then forgotten and this in itself alone more degrees of failure. The important question here, where we can find the truth? In the book "Palaces philosophy" philosopher "Durant" There is a question how he says Najib asked Pilate deceptive? Do we follow our mind adventurer? Or the brutal rule of the senses? The question is what is the truth? May be the result of a combination of major introductions that collects inside the human mind while truth itself does not exist within the mind, because the minds of men different if they are similar disappeared standard of right and wrong and also not found in the senses because all the senses of human beings in similar Everybody sees the tree - for example - on the bench and everyone feels the heat and cold of varying degrees If senses troubled more or less standard, then this truth and lies. So we do not trust the senses as a criterion of truth because it is fixed and eternal law.
It should be noted that the word (philosophy) used in the multiple meanings throughout history, and has expanded its meaning in some stages to accommodate the mental sciences as a whole, while the contraction of this meaning in other phases So it was used for some, as in the Islamic heritage with respect to the first philosophy, that are looking for the overall issues of existence which are not linked to particular subject area.
You can make a philosophical survey on any subject, because the philosophy of dealing with everything there is in the universe and all that has to link knowledge. That in order to achieve the purposes of the study, the habit had been to divide philosophy into five branches, each branch organized a search on a number of outstanding issues. These branches are: Philosophy addressed through extended ages - starting with make it possible to our times - many issues, which absorbed fully human knowledge, and boarded them some knowledge and science since the Renaissance in Europe, and the most prominent issues that unroll them philosophical inquiry:

(Metaphysics (metaphysics

Science examines the reality and presence in its essential nature, as taught what things. It divides science researchers from metaphysics to two areas: ontology, cosmology. I knew being taught assets; the cosmology studying the natural universe as a whole. The cosmology means that branch of science which studies the universe and the history and future of the system. It addresses the science behind the nature of the type of questions: What is reality? What is the difference between the visible and the reality? What general principles and concepts under which to interpret our experiences and understanding? Do we have free will, or that our march of the reasons we do not have a choice? Philosophers have created a number of theories in the science of metaphysics: the physical, and idealism, and the mechanism and teleology. The physical stresses that article alone that have a real presence, and that the feelings and thoughts and other mental phenomena, but are the result of the activity of the material. It was decided that the ideal of any material thing but it is an idea or form of the idea, -ubmguetdaha the mental phenomena are solely the task and corresponding to the truth. The mechanism contends that all of the events-but are the result of a purely mechanism forces, not very certain, but does not it make sense to say that the universe itself out of it very certain. The finality is, in contrast, recognizes that the universe and everything in it is characterized by the presence of occurrence for the very Maanh-.


It examines the principles and methods of mental trial; it explores the modalities of the distinction between the trial and the trial orthodoxy puny. The example used in the so-called trial evidence or reasoning. The proof is in the number of arguments called the introductions, and this combined with other pretext called the results that are supposed to be based on introductions or give rise to. Strong evidence is supportive of the results, as opposed to the weak evidence.

theory of knowledge

Epistemology: its objective to determine the nature and basis of knowledge and scope, also explores the different ways leading to knowledge and truth and the essence of the relations between knowledge and faith. The theory of knowledge put the likes of the following questions: What signs of true knowledge in order to distinguish them from false knowledge? What the truth, how can they know right from wrong? Are there different types of knowledge? Does each one of them the arguments and properties? On this theory of knowledge taught in the following issues:
The source of knowledge.
The value of knowledge.
The nature of knowledge.
Frontiers of knowledge.


Related to the biography and the human personality and values, they are considering the nature of right and wrong, and distinguish between good and evil. Morality Justice explores the characteristics of a just society, as well as the rights and duties towards himself and towards others and to the community. Raises ethics questions such as the following: What's the right thing in the right to work? The face in the wrong action? What good and evil? What own life values? Problems may arise in the field of ethics, because we often find it difficult to understand what needs to be done. In many cases incompatible duties, or seem to us mysterious as well as the fact that people often disagree about whether the work of the business or the principle of principles, right or wrong morally.

Beauty philosophy

Aesthetics: looking at creativity, as well as the principles underlying the art and beauty, it also examines the thoughts, feelings and attitudes when they see and hear and we read something nice would be to something beautiful, artistic Kalother, such as painting or symphony or a poem, or a sunset or other natural phenomena. Moreover, the aesthetics explore the experience gained from practicing some different activities such as drawing different forms of representation and film and theater.

Philosophy of Religion

Science concerned with the study and analysis of the nature of religious knowledge and what it involves beliefs, the type of evidence-based need that knowledge and try to analyze the experiences of faith and the search for its sources and manifestations and condition.

Philosophy of Science

Philosophy concerned with understanding and interpretation of the phenomenon of deepening understanding of science and look at the optimal organization of the curriculum, and to know its characteristics and its components, and try to solve problems that are beyond the jurisdiction of the circles of scholars.
There are other issues addressed by the philosophy, such as: philosophy of law, philosophy and history, and philosophy of education, and others.

Motives and objectives, roads

The word "philosophy" is derived mainly from the ancient Greek (may be translated as "love of wisdom". Or profession in for questioning, learning, and education). Usually it philosophers eager to see the world, humanity, existence, values, understanding and perception, the nature of things. Philosophy can be distinguished from other areas in ways Astqsalha multiple reality. Too often, philosophers directed their questions as problems or gas, in order to give clear examples doubts about topics they find confusing or wonderful or exciting. Often these questions revolve around the hidden assumptions behind the beliefs, or about the ways in which people think. Typically philosophers frame problems in a logical manner, where used historically syllogism traditional logic. Since Frege and Contact is used increasingly in the formal system of philosophy, such as calculus Misnad, and then works to find a solution that is based on the critical reading and Aaltvkir.
As Socrates [1], the philosophers searching for answers through discussion, they were responding to the arguments of others, or their personal reflection warned. And deals with their discussion often the relative benefits of these methods. For example, you may wonder about the possibility of the existence of "solutions" philosophical definitive objective, or explore some of the views rich with useful information about the truth. On the other hand, they may wonder whether these solutions give clarity or insight greatest within the logic of language, or rather a personal benefit as a treatment. In addition, he wants philosophers justification for the answers to their questions.
Philosophical Language is a key tool in analytical practice, any discussion about the philosophical way connects directly to the debate about the relationship between philosophy and language. The post-philosophy, the "philosophy of philosophy", which examines the nature of philosophical problems, put a philosophical solutions, the correct way to move from one issue to another. This debate is also connected to the debate on the language and interpretation. This debate is not less tied to philosophy as a whole, nature and talk philosophy has always had a fundamental role within the philosophical consultations. For example, the presence of forbidden fields in physics was a long discussion points: (see the post-philosophy). Philosophy is also trying to approach and examine the relationships between components, as in the structural and regressive. The nature of science is generally within the scan conditions (see philosophy of science), and Science appointed, (bio-philosophy).

Uses non-academic

It launches the word philosophy is often popularly, to denote any form of assimilated knowledge. It may also refer to the perspective of someone on life (as in "philosophy of life"), or the basic principles behind something, or the way accomplish something (as in "my philosophy about driving on the fast") roads. This is also commonly known as the cosmic vision called. Called word (philosophical) also responded Pacific verb (philosophical) on the tragedy which could mean refrain from emotional reactions for the benefit of separation educated about the tragic event. This usage arose from an example of Socrates, who quietly discussed the nature of the soul with his followers before drinking a dose of poison by the rule of Mafa Athens body. The Stoics on the impact of Socrates in the search for freedom through their emotions, so the modern use of the term stoic to refer to the stability Alhadi.kma that the individuals or as they are called man on the street Astkhadd word "philosophy" in the expression of the mysterious or the vehicle, which is difficult for him absorb concepts . To become a word expressing negative feeling towards our individual subject or about a particular position.

Philosophical cultures

Many members of the communities asking philosophical questions, and they built their business based on previous work or philosophical cultures of the peoples. The term "philosophy" in the American academic context EU may refer misleadingly to the philosophical culture in Western European civilization, or what is also called "Western Philosophy", especially when placed in an interview with the "Oriental philosophy", which includes philosophical cultures are widely deployed in Asia. It must be emphasized here that the philosophical East and Middle Eastern cultures heavily influenced Western philosophers. The Russian and Jewish cultures, cultures and philosophical Latin American and Islamic was once a clear impact on the overall history of philosophy.

Philosophical cultures

Many members of the communities asking philosophical questions, and they built their business based on previous work or philosophical cultures of the peoples. The term "philosophy" in the American academic context EU may refer misleadingly to the philosophical culture in Western European civilization, or what is also called "Western Philosophy", especially when placed in an interview with the "Oriental philosophy", which includes philosophical cultures are widely deployed in Asia. It must be emphasized here that the philosophical East and Middle Eastern cultures heavily influenced Western philosophers. The Russian and Jewish cultures, cultures and philosophical Latin American and Islamic was once a clear impact on the overall history of philosophy. Easy academic philosophy Western contemporary split into two cultures, since the use of the expression "Western Philosophy" discovered during the last century often biases toward one of the world's philosophy components. Analytic philosophy now offers a close look is based on the language of philosophical questions analysis. This is the purpose of this philosophy that baring any jamming my perception latent undercurrent. This view dominates the English-American philosophy, but its roots extended to the European continent, the tradition of analytic philosophy began with Frege at the turn of the twentieth century, and Dash after him, Bertrand Russell, LG. Which. Muruludwij Figuenstein. The continental philosophy is a term that distinguishes the different schools prevailing in the continent of Europe, but also is used in many humanities departments in English-speaking, which may examine the language, reviews metaphysical, political theory, perspectivalism, or different attributes or arts Ooalthagavh. One of the most important concerns of the recent continental philosophical schools are trying to reconcile academic philosophy issues that show is philosophical. The differences between cultures are often based on historical philosophers a question in these cultures, or by assertions of some of the ideas, methods, or write the language. The subject matter and dialogues each can be studied using different ways derived from the other, and there were ways important common and exchanges between all cultures. Philosophical other cultures, such as African, are rare in studies where he has not received adequate attention by Western academics. Because of the broad emphasis on the spread of Western philosophy as a reference point.

Western Philosophy

Other Western philosophers of contemporary influential: Donald Davidson, Daniel Dennett, Jerry Fodor, Juergen Habermas, Saul Kripke, Thomas Kuhn, Nigel Thomas, Martha Nussbaum, Richard Rorty, Hilary Putnam, John Rawls, and John Searle. Western philosophy is sometimes divided into different branches of the study, based on the type of questions Salutation. The most common varieties: metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, and science of beauty. Other areas include: logic, philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, and political philosophy. For more information, see the philosophy Grbah.bdot Western philosophical culture when the Greeks and continued to the present time. Pioneers in the West philosophers: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Vij Vitaganstein, Martin Heidegger, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Jean-Paul Sartre, Simon de Beauvoir, Albert Camus and Quinn.

Eastern philosophy

But in all cases there are important differences - eg: The existence ancient Indian philosophy emphasized traditional or ancient texts instructed schools, rather than the views of individual philosophers, most of which were written or unknown names that were simply not sent or registered. For more information about the Eastern philosophies, see the philosophy Cherqah.andrj under the term (Eastern philosophy) wide cultures originated in, or were scattered within, North Africa, India and ancient China. Major philosophers in this philosophy: Averroes, Ibn Khaldun, Ibn Sina, Al-Farabi and Mukhtar bin door. Indian philosophy was perhaps the most compared to Western philosophy. For example, Hindu philosophy of Nyaya School of ancient Hindu philosophy was explored logic as some modern analytic philosophers; in the same way Madrshkarava was deliberately to analyze the issues in one way or experimental.

History of Philosophy

Usually baptizes Westerners to divide the philosophical history between east and west, eastern philosophy is the philosophy that produced the Far East countries, especially India, China and Japan, the philosophies of a religious nature of spirituality rather than rational, while swearing the history of Western philosophy to ancient philosophy (Greek), then the philosophy of the ages Central and modern philosophy. Productions of Muslim philosophers considered mostly from the western view tanker for the philosophy of Greek and non-real production, and this view has continued as a result of the weakness inherent studies of writings philosophical Arab Muslim that the Arab world has recently witnessed a philosophical renaissance of its mission to rebuild the Renaissance on the basis of the Arab heritage and try his criticism, the most prominent of these attempts for the Maghreb: criticism of the Arab mind to Mohammed Abed al-Jabri and repair of reason in Islamic philosophy Abu expresses Marzouki's Abu expresses Marzouki, most notably for the Arab Mashreq: Heritage and renewal for Hassan Hanafi project (Introduction to wonder-heritage and renewal-of doctrine to the revolution-from transport to the creativity of the text-to-reality of religion and the revolution in Egypt - .. and other writings), and the project's Hermenyutiqi Nasr Hamed Abu Zeid, and fixed and variable for Adonis, and attempts to good decorating and Marwa Hussein and others.

Applied Philosophy

With that philosophy often classified as a theory, a branch, the philosophy does not execute some practical applications. The most obvious applications appear in the field of ethics: applied ethics in particular and in political philosophy.

Political philosophies importantly return to the philosophers: Confucius, Kotilaa, Sun Tzu, John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Karl Marx, John Stuart Mill, Mahatma Gandhi, Robert Nozick, John Rawls and studies indicate that most of these philosophies formed to justify their actions and tendencies of various governments in the Ages different. Philosophy of education deserve special mention, too, of the Progressive Education is also led by John Dewey had a profound impact on educational practices in the United States in the twentieth century. Other important applications can be found in the philosophy of knowledge, one that may help to organize his ideas of knowledge, guide, and a belief justification. Overall, the "different philosophies," such as the philosophy of law, can provide workers in various fields, a deeper understanding of the pillars of the fields of competence theoretical and practical.

Branches of philosophy
Tvlvesah philosophy
Ideal Philosophy
Physical philosophy
Philosophy of education
Philosophy of History
The philosophy of language
Philosophy of Law
Philosophy of mathematics
Philosophy Analysis
Philosophy veto
The philosophy of interpretation
Knowledge of philosophy
Philosophy of mind
Philosophy Philosophy (post-philosophy)
Philosophy of physics
Philosophy of mathematics
Philosophy of biology
Political philosophy
Philosophy of Psychology
Philosophy of Religion
Philosophy of Science
Philosophy of social sciences
Philosophy Literature
Months philosophers [edit]
Ibn Sina
Ibn Tufail
Mulla Sadra
Ibn Baja
Ibn Rushd
Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi
Ibn Khaldun
Baruch Spinoza
Gottfried Leibniz
John Beye oven
David Hume
Immanuel Kant
Edmund Husserl
Martin Heidegger
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Jean-Paul Sartre
Morris Merlo-پonta
John Astin
Georg Gdamir
Paul Ricoeur
Michel Foucault
Jacques Derrida
John Searle
Hillary پotnam
John Rawls
Donald Davidson
Jack Bofires
Stanley Cavell
Hanna Arendt
Carl پoپr
Karl Marx
Paul Verband
Bertrand Russell
Muhammad Iqbal
Javadi Amoli
Hassanzadeh Amoli
Mario Brnillola
Malik bin Nabi

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