general information: about volcano

الخميس، 1 سبتمبر 2016

about volcano

Volcanoes which is about the topography of land or sea graduated or emit molten hot material with fumes and gases associated with them from the depths of the earth's crust and occurs through the nozzles or cracks. And accumulate magma flow or by type to form various forms, including ground conical hills or high volcanic mountains such as those in Yellowstone National Park in North America.
Key parts of the volcano four, namely:
Volcanic Cone: a sloping sides composed of lava. A torrent of magma mineral material thrown from the crater of the volcano and were all or some of them in the molten state, and lava is magma Almnsalh on the surface and then hardened.
Nozzle: Low crater funnel-shaped or bowl on the surfaces of planets or other objects in the solar system. Most of the craters are composed on the Earth's surface by volcanic activity. Most of these craters are produced for the blasts that blow up pebbles and other debris resulting from volcanic eruptions. It is rare that the volume of such craters more than two kilometers from side to side. It consists of other volcanic craters when the ground is collapsing in the wake of the lava rebound from the top. Both low-occupied by the volcanic lake in Oregon in the United States and nozzle Kīlauea in Hawaii because of a collapse could be. It called craters bearish diameter of over one kilometer a huge crater called craters least downs tiny nozzles. Volcanic craters are more common on the moon, and other planets is the Earth. But most of the craters on these objects are splash craters formed by the impact of meteorites stones.
Smoked: a tube that connects the magma underground tank and nozzle, which ascend from the magma. And hurtling through volcanic material into the crater. Sometimes known neck volcano. In addition to the main chimney, it may be the volcano several stacks relate to secondary craters.
Alloafez gas: a cloud of vapors and gases and ash.

Albarakanahnfjarat volcanic material regolith core of various types and sizes are usually in the first period of volcanic eruptions. And derived rock debris from the rigid crust extracted from the walls of the neck as a result of payment of lava material gas emanating from the magma force and violence and is made up of rock debris from the materials vary in size, including rock masses, and shells and pebbles, sand and dust Albarakana.akhrj volcanoes while revolutions regolith solid materials molten (magma) and gases.
GAS: Graduated from volcanic activity during the water vapor gases, which emanates great quantities component of the huge pull mingle with the dust and other gases. And condense the vapor, causing the heavy rain falling in the vicinity of the volcano. Accompanied by explosions and rainfall of electric lights arise from the friction of volcanic ash particles to each other and as a result of weather disturbances, and except for the extreme heat and water vapor, sputtering volcano multiple gases mainly hydrogen, chlorine, sulfur, nitrogen and carbon compounds and oxygen compounds.
Lava: liquid blocks are disgorged by volcanoes, and has a temperature of between 800 ° C and 1200 ° C. The lava emerge from the crater, and bursting through the cracks and fractures in the aspects of the volcanic cone, these fractures created by the explosions and the pressure of magma blocks, stop nature of the lava, and their appearance on the chemical composition of the magma blocks which emits They are two types:
Lava light light-colored: This is characterized by bone viscosity, and thus slow flow like lava that emanated from the volcano Billy (in Almrtnik Islands in the Caribbean) in 1902 was dense sticky to the extent they have not overwhelmed the move, and took accumulates and rises composed tower above the crater a height of about 300 m, and soon after that to break and crash as a result of explosions caused by the release of gas.
Lava heavy dark color: a lava basaltic, and the advantage of being liquid and moving to a large degree, the flow in the form of streams on the slopes of the volcano, and when he emerges the lava through a great extension fractures, they are spread over vast areas consisting spacious plateaus, and like the Ethiopian highlands and the Deccan Plateau, India and Columbia Plateau North America.

Volcanic material
Solid volcanic material: the parts that make up the volcanic rocks, namely:
Volcanic ballistics: It freezes the magma and lava ejected to the surface.
Pumice rock: a foam Celikatih Taatkhalha gases.
Ash: the result of the fragmentation and scattering summit magma frozen in the neck of the volcano under pressure and the influence of steam, which harden quickly.
Volcanic material liquid magma and lava (lava): composed of liquid material from the burning lava flowing from the crater to the long distances and sometimes over the liquid lava is subject to several factors. Such as land slope, and the nature of the magma and lava (or sticky fluid) depends on the ratio of the viscosity ratio of silica, and on the strength of the volcano
Materials volcanic gas: the most important gases emitted from volcanoes:
Water vapor
sulfur dioxide

The geographical distribution of volcanoes
Range that surrounds the coasts of the Pacific Ocean, which is sometimes known as Ring of Fire, it runs on the eastern shores of that ocean above the Andean highlands of Central America and Mexico, and over western North America Heights to the Aleutian Islands and on to the coast of East Asia to Japan and the Philippines Islands and then to the islands of Indonesia and Nioselnda.tanthr volcanoes in multiple aspects of the Earth's surface, which is followed in certain cases Mattm lines between the tectonic plates of the great and demonstrated:
There is a lot of volcanoes in the Pacific Ocean and some of them grew up in a huge great room and appeared towering above the water level. Including the volcanoes of the Hawaiian Islands, which is based bases in the ocean at a depth of about 5,000 m, and rises above the surface of the waters of more than 4,000 m and thus the overall height of the ocean floor up to peaks of about 9000 m.
Southern Europe, overlooking the Mediterranean Sea and the islands adjacent to it. The most famous of the active volcanoes Vesuvius near Naples, Italy, and Etna volcano on the island of Sicily and Astro Mboli (Beacon Mediterranean) in the Lipari Islands.
Western Asia Heights and most famous volcanoes Ararat and Alauzenz.
Eastern Africa and the scale of months Brkinh Kilimanjaro.

There Mien senior volcanoes: volcanic eruption of permanent very little on the ground, including a volcano of Stromboli, Lipari Islands, near the island of Sicily, known as the beacon of the Mediterranean basin. The intermittent volcanic eruptions or the relatively peaceful they are common on the surface of the earth, where Smothers volcanic activity period of time, then renewed again during another period, and Mnhaberkan Aetna in Sicily. There are extinct volcanoes, and where Ankhmd volcanic activity quite a long period of time, and become prone to carve erosion, who stepped down aspects of the volcanic cone; Examples of volcanic structures: Shiprock in Mexico, Devlzator (Devil's Tower), in the state of Wyoming in the United States of America. The estimated number of active volcanoes volcano about 600 spread over the earth's surface, and are mostly concentrated in the belts almost parallel slits areas and Alteixrat natural faults scattered along the newly formed mountain ranges.
The first: "Circle Ring of Fire", located in the Pacific Ocean.
II: starts from the Baluchistan region to Iran, Asia Minor, the Mediterranean, bringing the Azure Islands and Canary wraps to the western Andes in the United States. Here are some of the names of volcanoes in these areas:
Mexico: 10 of them Parícutin volcanoes which erupted for the first time in 1934.
South America: 2
New Zealand: 6.brkin
New Joanna: 30 volcanoes.
Philippines: 20 volcanoes.
Japan: 40 volcanoes.
Mediterranean axis area
From the west to the east, we find the following volcanoes in this region: -
Azores: 5 volcanoes.
Canary: 3 volcanoes.
Italy: 15 volcanoes such as Mount Vesuvius and Stromboli and Vulcano explosive.
Adriatic region: nine volcanoes such as Mount Pelee Pele.
Arab region and Asia Minor: 6 volcanoes, including Mount explosive Arabs in Syria.
Groove Africa
Hawaii: 5 volcanoes
Galapagos Islands: 3 volcanoes.
Iceland: 27 volcanoes.
Central Africa: 5 volcanoes.
East Africa: 19 volcanoes.
Alaska: 20 volcanoes of which volcano Katamaa, and shish-Din
Canada: 5 volcanoes, including Rangel
USA: 8 volcanoes including Rainer volcano is the topography of land or sea or graduated emits rights. And accumulate magma flow or by type to form various forms, including ground conical mountains - high volcanic famous.

Forms volcanoes
Volcanoes class: volcanoes class is ubiquitous type, which is formed in the center of the former types and Mkhrotadtha composed of rock debris material and lava flows, directed by the volcano eruption, while restless. And Alloafez be coming out of the volcano during eruptions successive layers on each other, and composed some of them from the rough material and another section of accurate materials, and between this and that interfere lava in a few strips of fish body. It is this kind of Layering arise in the installation of the cone This figure represents the Mayon volcano more volcanoes Philippines Islands active at a time Alhadhar.albrkin Plateau: volcanic plateau or "Diriyah" arise as a result of out lava and accumulation around the main nozzle and this looks low-rise for the large space occupied by the rules . And look peaks like Bhiab convex Thdba Hina hence called volcanoes plateau has these cones originated from the flow Mshorat intense lava heat and great liquidity, which has spread over large areas and is this volcanic plateau best representation in Hawaii Volcanoes volcano Monallowa Islands, which has a height of 4100 m and it seems like spacious dome descend steeper easy Hina.

Classification of volcanoes
Scientists classify volcanoes into a living and dead, as if the live volcanoes are likely to arise in the future, and the dead will not arise is that never again. The volcano has been active neighborhood or a finger. When erupts be in a state of activity and when they do not have a finger arises.
Every day an earthquake happens, or erupt a volcano somewhere in the world, during the earthquakes shaking the ground and moving, and when volcanism explode rock red hot ash from the ground, many of the volcanoes found in various parts of the globe, and there are many of them bottom of the ocean above the bottom. Fortunately, most of the earthquakes and volcanic eruptions do not cause harm to people. The majority of very small earthquakes, we know these earthquakes Using highly sensitive micro scientists devices; because they can lower ground movements to measure, and there are volcanic eruptions occur permanently above the ocean floor, but it is far in the rear so as not to affect the people, however, we find that the news respect of an earthquake or a volcanic eruption top news headlines.
Upon the occurrence of a major earthquake or a volcanic eruption near the places where people live, where many of them suffer physical damage has them and find death under the rubble of buildings. In 1976, half a million people died in China upon the occurrence of a number of large earthquakes. In 1883 the volcano erupted in Indonesia called the Krakatoa killed more than thirty-six thousand people.
The ship Atmr Barr channel between Java and Sumatra, are described below theorist as reported by the captain:
{Explosions Almsamh came to the ears of voices and heavy guns, while off blocks of lava-charged gas into space like a huge fireworks display, and after five o'clock in the evening tossed deck Bechtel lane of diabase White arrived, some the size of the pumpkin size}.
Signed worst part of the volcanic eruption on August 27, where the ash reached the altitude of 80 kilometers, and the people living in the neighboring islands did not see any light of the sun for two days and Ncef.oosubh volcano now explodes on an ongoing basis, and then a huge explosion was powerful explosion people heard him on the face earth, and the bumping of the Red Sea, the rock warm ocean island, generated huge waves called ((Tsu Nami)) Aldzralamgeorh was flooded and flooded more than 36,000 people. At the end of the eruption Krakatau had completely disappeared beneath the waves, and the place appeared island consists of lava emitted from the surface of the earth. In 1963 and it generated a new island near Aaslandh.ouhdt Coast when paying a volcanic eruptions on the seafloor lava to the higher installed sea, and continued flow of lava for eight months and took the island Tkprany reached an area of ​​2.5 square kilometers and launched Allehaasm {Surtsa}. This new island is very important for scientists; and therefore not allowed except for the people few visited, they wanted to study what happened with great care, and was the first plant that appeared in the island is the wort sea rocket and herb lime leaf lung plant Sear.obed seeds of these plants is carried to the island by the sea, and the seagulls and geese also carried the seeds on their feet and feathers.
It was associated with a volcano in the human imagination throughout history as Mount conical, graduated from the peak of fire and smoke and lava, and although some volcanoes as well be, however, a lot of volcanic eruptions different from that completely, some of these explosions come out through the holes in the ground, you know the gaps and some It comes out through the long holes in the Earth's surface known cracks. There are some volcanoes Do not fire flames, many of which are called clouds of steam and gas known as vapors and smoke. Smoke consists of pieces of rock and ash infinitesimal.

Explosions Albarakanahe

Volcanic eruptions occur when the flow of red hot rock from deep underground, and poured on the bottom of the ocean or on the surface, where the rock comes out very hot to the degree of liquidity, and the so-called rock dissolved. If the molten rock flowing under the earth's surface it is called magma, and that was flowing out of the volcano is called lava lava {}, and when cooled lava into a rock solid black {also} is called lava. Magma contains many of the gases that cause explosions which when volcanoes revolution, scientists, volcanic eruptions and is divided into different types, three of which are key:
1. Hawaiian: in the blast Hawaiian magma be thin textures liquid where it can be mixed with the gas that seeps easily; so it does not occur violent explosions.
2. Alstromboli: in the blast Alstromboli be magma with less strength sheet of magma in the blast Hawaiian, this means that the mixed gases can not easily leave her, and that there will be violent explosions. He graduated lava fountain in the form of a yellow fire Dkhmh.otqzv gap large blocks of rock, and those blocks are falling around the gap and take the form Mkhroutia.
3. Alblaney: in the blast Alblaney be magma thick textures, it would be difficult to escape the gases accumulate Alord.oaada under pressure to push the rock to the top, and eventually explode violently gases outside of the rock, and lead to the explosion, a column of gas formation strength over height ( 2) kilometers. When it explodes gas and smashed its skull magma into small pieces and thrown with high gas column, and when the magma cooled cut this turn into a white stone called pumice.
Volcanic rocks: There are two types of volcanic rock are: 1. Albarokhlastica: or (broken). 2. Albarokhlastica: or (non-crushed). The word comes from two words Barokhlacetka Alagriqitin Peru (meaning fire) and the word Clacetk (broken) viz. Albarokhlasticah rock is formed when lava take in the cold. Lava and take different forms when cooled, where lava from Aa rough surface type after it cooled, while a lava from Berhoho smooth surface type is similar to the ropes, and both names came from Hawaii. When cooled lava under water they form lava and sadistic.
Albarokhlasticah rocks ejected rocks outside the volcano formed during eruptions, and in some cases these rocks be a moment of hitting the Earth warm to the point that they cohere with each constitute Cka solid.
Cones and crater: We have seen that rock and ash-breakers by violent explosions Akunan cones steep, and sometimes break down these cones, leaving a crater called (Caldera), and this happens in the case of the explosion Alblaney. Exhausted and blast all the magma beneath the volcano strength very quickly. Which leaves a hole under the top of the cone, and in the case of continuing eruption of the volcano crater collapse inward, and in this manner disappeared volcano (Krakatoa). The diameter of some Alcaldiratt few Iklmtrut.obedha be large, for example, Qatar Alkadira reported in New Mexico, USA, 23 km.
Vesuvius erupts: put a book of ancient Romans first detailed manuscript of a volcanic explosion, he watched the younger Pliny the eruption of Vesuvius in southern Italy in the west (79 m) and Matt greatest uncle Pliny during the explosion. Volcano erupted suddenly Vesuvius in August (79 m), and within hours was Pompey City and Stabai Mguetatin White khufoof, and at the start of the eruption Pliny was a resident in the city of Messina with his mother and uncle, and away this city from the volcano about (30 kilometers) that is, they outside the scope of the damage, Pliny says in a letter he wrote to a friend: {at noon on August 24 drew the attention of my mother and my uncle to a large black cloud. He ordered to prepare a boat to him (so he can get closer to Vesuvius). While it interesting to leave handed him a message from Rkitina that was her home and the reality on the foot of Vesuvius and is begging them to be quick to bail them out, and have knowingly disregarded scientific journey and making relief trip, ordered warships take off immediately. Everyone was leaving the danger zone, which sailed it is courage. When ships from Pompey Beach approaching ash was falling heavily, followed by shrapnel pumice stones Almtvhmh.aktz beach debris to the point of forced them to turn their direction towards Stabai. Once they arrived so were the earthquakes shaking the building, they filled the arena in which they were standing where the ashes quickly, came back to the beach two links on their heads pillows to protect them from falling debris, where they wanted to explore the possibility of escape by sea Frooh rough danger, and put a sheet on the floor of my uncle to rest, and were soon what came ominous smell of sulfur near the fire, I got up and my uncle leaned on two Khademah then perhaps suddenly collapsed because the dense fumes blocked his windpipe} .oosr Pliny the body of his uncle after Ummen.kadd stayed Pompey city khufoof covered for several centuries. In 1748 people began digging for the detection of destroyed buildings. Today you can walk among the ruins of Pompeii most parts of the city.
Volcanic activity:
Small volcanic outlets:
Leaking gas from the ground in some places all the time, not Vqtotina explosion of the volcano, and out of these gases through holes called small Almnavmalbarakanah, and there are these ports in areas adjacent volcanoes, scientists are studying emerging from these ports gases to know what is going on beneath the volcano, and are hoping that they are able to use the information they receive to predict the date of the next outburst.
Contain the following gases from volcanic ports, water and carbon dioxide and many salts of different metals accumulate these salts about the ports Vthelon ground, Valkiprit Alunha yellow, and chloride in white, including other colors of copper with nickel in green and cobalt with a lead-colored pink _ozark, and manganese with zinc-colored pink. The sulfur makes for a smelly outlets like the smell of rotten eggs.

After Albrkinochehr volcanic disasters
In the formation of the Earth's surface: the foregoing, we can discern the effects of volcanoes in the formation of the Earth's surface are spacious majestic mountains and plateaus arise. When subsided arise in the cavities of their pores Lakes Meh Moh and geographic Zaljhat Almtirh.athar
In human activity: it strange that human habitation is not known until the next volcanoes be safe from dangers, as we find living near them, and even on the slopes, too. Fberkan Vesuvius is surrounded by villages and towns and covered with fruit orchards and vineyards, all of which are spread on the sides until near the top. Agriculture is also based on the slopes of a volcano (twelve) in Sicily to a height of 1200 m in the fertile soil composed of black basalt that spilled over the area during historical times.
These volcanoes unforgiving as arise from time to time destroying the village or the other can rest along the main road on the lower slopes of the volcano and twelve at the end of the flowing lava flows a perpetual evidence suggesting the permanent danger zone. The famous island of Java Berakinh rebellious and active volcanoes outweigh the fact all the volcanoes of the world in the amount of rashes and Alloafez that flowed from them since 1500, however, we find the island full of the population, they are the densest world agricultural destinations population for an area with a population of about 75 million people because as we have said to fertility volcanic soil, has been established by the Bureau of Volcanology and function predict volcanic eruptions and warn the population by volcanic eruptions, which reduces the risk of falling.

Positive effects of the volcano
The emergence of well-known hot springs baths.
It helps volcanic ash on the fertility of the land.
Sometimes it's some of the islands in the sea.
Take advantage of the many rocks and stones types of construction.
To be the source of some of the economic value of minerals.

The importance of volcanoes
There is in the world currently has about 516 active volcanoes; That is, these volcanoes are still emit flammable materials permanently or intermittently. The number of ancient extinct volcanoes for the tens of thousands; where there is volcanic rock in most regions of the earth, and the significance of the volcanoes in the following:
See the installation of the internal section of the Earth's crust and the outer part of the Earth's atmosphere; because the lava issued from this level, a depth of about 450 kilometers.
Indicate the pressure sites in the earth's crust; the volcanic sites in line with the pressure sites in the cortex where there are significant cracks and deep.
To be the source of some of the economic value of minerals.
It helps volcanic ash on soil fertility.
You can use temperature to generate electricity
I got the biggest eruption in history in Tambora Tambora in Indonesia Sambawa island on April 5 to 7, 1815 in terms of volume outputs volcanic estimated ejected about 80 square kilometers and energy resulting from it by about 8.4 * 10 (26) erg. And formed a crater 11 kilometers in diameter and was killed because of his revolution 90,000 people.

Misc volcanic
Tamu Massif (in English: Tamu Massif) is a volcano discovered on September 5, 2013. Scientists believe that the world's largest and perhaps in the solar system, the largest of the volcano Mauna Loa sixty times with an area of ​​120 thousand square miles, about the size of Aahnao Mexico.
The longest distance made lava was 70 km resulting from Lucky Laki volcano southeast of Iceland in 1873.
The greatest volcanic eruption occurred in August 27, 1883 in the island of Krakatau, located between Sumatra and Java and spent on 163 villages and killed about 40,000 people and lava flowed to the height of 55 km and rushed volcanic dust to cut the 5330 km within ten days.
Larger crater is a crater Toba Toba in Sumatra, an area of ​​1775 square kilometers.
It is said that the name ((Volcano)) is due to God ((Vulcan)), the god of fire and blacksmithing when the Romans where they think the mountain, which oversees the Bay of Naples in Italy is only the chimney of a large furnace shall burn this god.
Volcanoes of the unique natural phenomena that drew the attention of human since ancient times considered and they play a great role in the geological processes that affect the history of the evolution of the earth's crust and pose. This is because most of the earth's crust parts affected by impulsivity and underwent operations in its composition to the contribution of impulsivity operations. According to the study of volcanoes in the identification of earthquakes and volcanoes study branch of geology centers, which became known as freestanding Volcanology Volcanology. The volcanoes associated metals and ores are very important in economic terms.

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